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Messages - JediDresden2

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DFRPG / Re: Stats for Frankenstein's Monster
« on: September 22, 2021, 05:13:10 PM »
OK.  I decided to take a stab at it.  What do you think?

The Monster from Frankenstein
High Concept:   Modern Prometheus (or A Second Adam)
Trouble:           My Creator Turned From Me In Disgust   
Background:   Misunderstood Monster
Rising Conflict:   Fear of Fire
First Story:   Strong as an Ox
Guest Star:   Built like a tank
Guest Star II:   Quick Learner

Fantastic:   Endurance, Fists            
Superb:   Might, Scholarship            
Great:   Stealth, Lore            
Good:   Intimidation, Alertness, Athletics      
Fair:     Investigation, Empathy, Conviction      
Average:   Burglary, Discipline, Weapons, Survival, Craftsmanship

Stunt and Powers:
Living Dead
Supernatural Strength
Inhuman Speed
Hulking Size
The Catch is: Fire
Supernatural Toughness
Inhuman Recovery

No pain no Gain (Endurance)
Lethal Weapon (Fists)

DFRPG / Re: Stats for Frankenstein's Monster
« on: September 20, 2021, 09:49:09 PM »
Just Spitballing here, but I was thinking something like :

HC: A Modern Prometheus
Trouble:  I Don't Know My Own Strength, or Fear of Fire
Other Aspects: Strong an an ox, Doesn't understand Humans, Misunderstood Monster, Built like a Tank.
Maybe something like Quick Learner (he picked up languages and was reading Paradise Lost in a short time), Driven by revenge, All Alone in the World.

As far as skills:
Might and Endurance ought to be high.  Fists, Survival, Intimidation, Athletics also should be up there.   Maybe Scholarship or Lore for his quick learning.  Alertness should be up there as well.

Some sort of Grappling stunt.  He strangles his victims.
No Pain No Gain
Lethal Weapons
Street Fighter

Living Dead
Strength, Toughness, Recovery powers of some sort
Hulking Size

Again just my first ideas.

DFRPG / Re: Stats for Frankenstein's Monster
« on: September 12, 2021, 04:32:58 PM »
Thanks Sancta,

It would be great if you could throw something together.  I always like your creations.

DFRPG / Re: Evothaum?
« on: September 10, 2021, 06:17:37 PM »
Ok.  So it really just gives you more ways to describe the theme of your spells and do some stuff that might not be able to be done with just regular evocation. 

Makes sense.  Thanks for the help.

DFRPG / Re: Stats for Frankenstein's Monster
« on: September 10, 2021, 03:45:19 PM »
Thanks.  I was leaning toward Fire, but was not sure if that would be to common.

DFRPG / Re: Evothaum?
« on: September 10, 2021, 03:42:26 PM »
Ok.  That helps.  Thanks.

So for example, one of my players has this from the Sponsored Magic list in the resources.


Description: Drawing on the power of the god Odin, you can cast spells that fit his essential nature: war and battle, victory and death, wisdom and prophecy, trickery, cunning, and the hunt. These magics are under Odin’s sway and making use of them will inevitably gain his notice.

Sponsor: Odin, first among the Norse gods, far away in his hall of Valhalla. Valhalla is in the Nevernever in the realm of Asgard.

Agenda: Odin is and has always been preparing for Ragnarok. Those he selects are aggressive warrior types worthy of Valhalla. Though he does not necessarily need mindless warmachines, whoever is selected is invariably willing to take a stand against “the enemy” in the last battle.

Evocation: Evocations cast with Odin’s Seiðr encourage or make use of lightning, trickery, battle, pain, fury, and knowledge. Their aesthetics generally involve runes.

Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with Odin’s Seiðr make use of the same themes as Evocations cast with it. They may also be used for divination through the method of casting runestones.

Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Odin's Seiðr may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.

Extra Benefits: When Odin’s Seiðr is used against a giant, any Toughness Powers that that giant has are treated as though they were one step weaker. Norse giants are not the only giants; big humanoid fey like ogres count too, and there might be other categories of giant out there.

So when he wants to he could cast anything themed with with lightning, trickery, battle, pain, fury, knowledge, and divination, much more quickly and powerfully than normal.  Correct?

DFRPG / Evothaum?
« on: September 09, 2021, 05:07:21 PM »
Ok.  I have several people in the game I am running that now have Sponsored Magic.  I really do not understand the mechanics of Evothaum, or the benefits.  Please help!

My understanding is that it let you cast more powerful and complex spells (Thaumaturgy) at a faster speed (Evocation) as long as you are acting in your sponsor's area of magic.  I can see this would be a big benefit, but the cost would be enormous to cast a spell at the speed of Evocation - unless you take stress and consequences or go into sponsor debt.  Am I missing something?

Unless you stick to simple Thaumaturgy spell that you can control and power in a round, but then why have Evothaum?

I really feel I am missing something.

DFRPG / Stats for Frankenstein's Monster
« on: September 09, 2021, 04:13:55 PM »
My search-fu is lacking today. 

Does anyone know if someone has stated up the monster from Shelley's book?  If so please sent me a link, because I cannot find it in the forums.

If not can the community here help me stat it out?  In my game Dr Frankenstein has perfected his experiments and is still alive making an army of new Monsters, but the original Monster is still alive and working to thwart his efforts.  Yes Dr Frankenstein is the bad guy and the Monster is the hero of the story.

I am thinking Supernatural Strength and Toughness, probably some Recovery powers and the Living Dead power, anything else?  Oh and I need a Catch as well - I was thinking fire or cold (in the book he is afraid of fire and goes to the Arctic to die).  Or Lightning - but electricity is what brought him to life.  Maybe Holy?  Any ideas?

DFRPG / DFRPG stats for Ghosts, Spectres and Poltergeists
« on: May 19, 2021, 05:44:01 PM »
I thought I had seen some examples on the forums here, but could not find them.  Does anyone have any?  Or ideas on how to stat up my own?  The books are kind of vague and short on examples. 

I am getting ready for an ghost themed adventure for my group and I have hit a creative roadblock  any help would be appreciated.

I am thinking something like this:

Spirit Form with Poltergeist
Swift Transition
Mana Static
any other powers to make them unique

What else could I add to make them challenging for a group at 12 refresh?

Thanks again.

DFRPG / Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« on: February 22, 2021, 05:10:03 PM »
Thanks.  Sorry for the delay - busy weekend.

I think of her more as an interesting figure at a wedding party, but she is my character's mother - so Ally?  I was initially thinking either a focused practitioner who married into a family of wizards, or a wizard who focused more on family and home - maybe with a specialization in wards to protect her family.

My characters fiance is a changeling NPC in the game - so having mom be a changeling/ Emissary of Power that gave chose mortal would be an interesting twist, either she really likes my new bride or really hates her based on their origins.

My father is dead, so her hunting for a new husband is a twist I like as well.

Thanks again.

DFRPG / Help with a character idea for an NPC
« on: February 19, 2021, 03:43:19 PM »
This is for an NPC - actually my character's mother.  My character, who is a full wizard and getting married in the game, is from a family of wizard's that have been in the white council for generations, and they are rich.  They made their money during the late 19th century in the United States - captain's of industry type 'old money' now.

I want his mother to be a unique figure - not necessarily a full wizard, could be anything, pure mortal, focused practitioner, minor talent - i am open to anything.  I just want a unique memorable figure to pull out when the party gets to my wedding.  Kind of matronly and rich, but cool at the same time.  I am thinking the refresh level is going to be around 14 refresh and about 40 skill points.  Not looking for full blown character write ups - just wanting to give you an idea of power level.

Everything I have come up with is to close to either characters in the novels, or other character's I have created.  they all are starting to seem the same and I need help breaking out of the creative rut I am in.  Just looking for some suggestions  to get the creative juices flowing again.

DFRPG / Please help with 2 spells for my wizard
« on: December 08, 2020, 07:03:40 PM »
I have a a wizard character I am playing with who has nice clothes and shoes.  The problem is that combat and wizarding in general is dangerous to clothing (as well as to the wizard).  I wanted to make a couple of spells, one similar to the Mending Spell form DnD, and another that would clean his clothes, like one of the uses of Prestidigitation, in DnD.

I am thinking Thaumaturgy, but what would the complexity be for it?  Part of me thinks a Prestidigitation spell could be just a minor magical application - similar to Harry's Flicum Bicus spell.  But mending would be transformative magic.

ANy thoughts or suggestions?

Jedi Dreseden

DFRPG / Re: The Resource Skill. How does it work?
« on: September 23, 2020, 12:50:47 AM »
Thanks for the page number, I knew I had read something about a limit.

It is not that I want a lot of stuff - I just want the option to buy something and have it part of my equipment instead of always rolling to see if I have it available. 

The way he explained it and they way I read it, just did not mesh.  I just wanted some clarification. 

Thanks Gentlemen.

DFRPG / Re: The Resource Skill. How does it work?
« on: September 22, 2020, 02:22:54 PM »
Thanks.  I have seen it work like any other skill for maneuvers, skill checks, and the like.  The question came up about specifically buying equipment, i.e. if I make a resource roll and it is available then I can buy equipment and add to my possessions.  one person said no, and some of us said yes.  The individual who disagreed had read some of the Fate Core forums and basically said you had the item to overcome a challenge and then if you want to use it again the next session  you need to make a roll to use it again.  Some of the rest of us said yeah, but I bought it - so I have it. 

I think he just did not want us to make lots of resource rolls to have lots of stuff.  I think the GM can control that by controlling access to equipment.  'No, you cannot buy illegal automatic weapons.  You are a university professor.  Now if you want to make a contacts roll to see if you know someone who could help, you could try that.'  Or something like that.

We need a consensus all are happy with, because there are a number of us who take turns being GM during the campaign.  I am fine with a house rule if need be - as long as we all agree on it.

DFRPG / Re: The Resource Skill. How does it work?
« on: September 19, 2020, 05:35:06 PM »
Thanks.  That is what I thought from reading the rules.  I think something might have changed when Fate Core came out, because the person who put forward the other view quoted the Fate Core Forums, and that did not make sense to the rest of us as we read Our Story.  I know DFRPG is based on a former version of Fate from before Fate Core.

Thanks for the clarification.

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