For every answer this short story answered it raised two more, and it answered a lot of questions.
I did find one thing interesting though it's from this passage:
Malcolm died while I was on mission elsewhere. I arrived less than ten hours after the child went into the foster care system, and someone made him vanish. Magically, physically, bureaucratically. There was no trace of him, and I searched for years.
That bastard Justin DuMorne got to him before I could.
What I infer from this is that forces were in place not only to remove Harry from his dad but also did it years before he was adopted by Justin.
Does this mean that Nemesis killed or influenced the death of Harry's dad?
Did Justin adopt Harry as a coincidence or was he guided by Nemesis years after Harry's dad dying to him?
As a side note, how many people did Margaret ask to look after Harry?