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Messages - PaperForest

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Small-Run Printing Company
« on: August 19, 2006, 04:29:57 PM »
Those are all excellent links. Thanks for your help. ^_^

Author Craft / Small-Run Printing Company
« on: August 13, 2006, 06:12:46 AM »
Hello! My name is Andrew Duff. I recently opened up my own small-run printing company. We were originally aimed at artists only, but I just got back from Otakon, and a couple of writers cornered me and apparently really shiny business cards and plastic bookmarks are all the range in promoting yourself in the writing world.

I'm a big fan(obviously) of the Dresden Files, but I'm pretty much all thumbs when it comes to self-promotion and the like. So I figured this would be a good place to ask some questions and get some feedback without making a total idiot out of myself.

1. My company can print on pretty much anything. What promotional materials could I offer that would really draw interest?

2. Is there a big website/forum/convention where I could really promote my company?

I know this isn't exactly an author "craft" post, but I figured it was more specific then a general query. Thanks for your time, and hope you guys can help!

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