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Messages - Lady Banshee

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Question re: Black Annis
« on: April 18, 2018, 04:42:45 PM »
Thank you both for your replies.  I'll check your references just to make sure, but I'm pretty confident now that I wasn't copying anything Jim wrote.  I don't know if you guys try your hands at writing, but it's hard when you think you've written something pretty darned cool only to have after-thoughts that maybe some other author wrote it first!  So thank you once again, I soooo appreciate your help!

DF Spoilers / Question re: Black Annis
« on: April 15, 2018, 07:37:01 PM »
I hope someone here can help me out.  I’m writing a novel with a cameo by the faerie child eater, Black Annis.  She’s taken a baby and my heroes are trying to save the child before Black Annis hurts or kills him.  She’s dangling the baby precariously by one leg.

Question:  After writing the scene, I started wondering if Harry had also rescued a dangling baby from Black Annis.  I know there had to be something similar, but with so many Dresden books to sort through, I’m not sure I could find it.  I’ll happily change mine if it’s too similar to Jim’s.

Can anybody help me out?  Any and all help is hugely appreciated!

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