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Messages - YoungestGruff

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Swords and Ancestry
« on: March 31, 2018, 07:31:40 PM »
*cough* AmandaCarpenter *coughcough*.


DF Books / Re: Magical Tattoos
« on: March 18, 2018, 06:05:08 PM »
Presumably, you're referring to using tattoos as foci, and not just being St Giles style magical tattoos.

And I've totally wondered the same thing. But to add on to the list above, Harry has to renew his duster spells and - I think - his blasting rod and staff. Seems like a general rule of thumb that magical gear needs maintenance; add in that tattoos naturally fade, and it'll probably be very high-maintenance indeed, especially as you build up scar tissue.

Another thought, though, is the frequency with which Harry's tools get overloaded. They heat up, they explode, they do things that you really don't want subcutaneous ink blots to do. Tattoo a shield bracelet onto your forearm, and the flamethrower trick might just straight up amputate the hand.

DF Spoilers / Re: Faerie Queens Full(?) List
« on: March 09, 2018, 07:18:48 PM »
Somebody loop me in: Where is it said that there was a previous Mother Summer?

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 06, 2018, 10:31:18 PM »
I think Bonnie came with him. She hasn't graduated to trashy romance novels yet; she's still on comics. And she would've been able to help Harry remember what the specific flaws were.

That sounds plausible. Makes more sense then bringing Maggie along, too; Bonnie can contribute in a meaningful fashion.

But, you know, why bring Bonnie and not Bob? (Well, obviously, something's going to happen that makes Bonnie a better, or indeed the only . . . Oh. Oh, no.)

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:21:59 AM »
Sir Patrick Stewart as Eldest Gruff.

(You don't need a picture. Partially because it'd be ninety percent voice, and partly because it's Sir Patrick blinking Stewart)

Rusty Nail, anyone?

Which could just be called. . . A Rusty Nail. Or Fae's Bane.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Files - could it be adapted to a video game?
« on: March 04, 2018, 11:11:18 PM »
Sure, a Dresden game could adapt a similar combat system to the Arkham series—but only for certain characters. Michael could control like that, and Murphy could control like that (to an extent; she uses a lot of grappling and throws, and I'm not sure the Arkham-style works so well for that). I don't think Dresden should control so smoothly; he's not nearly so trained, and I doubt he'd be nearly as fluid, agile, or ripped (though he is pretty big and can presumably hit like a truck if he decides to). Maybe Winter Knight Harry could.

However, the way Arkham incorporates gadgets in combat, with quick inputs on virtually no delay—that might be valuable to borrow from. Popping off spells, raising shields, using his cool stuff—that can all work. I'm just not sure how I'd feel about Harry mowing down twenty mooks in a brawl, if that makes sense. (But I could buy Michael doing that. Hands off the Fist of God.)

I actually think handling it similar to the way the Infamous games operate would be worthwhile; Cole is pretty bad in melee, and usually relies on shooting lightning bolts (it's pretty good if you haven't played it), but when he closes, it's to finish someone off. You try to close against a group of three or four, even low-level mooks? You're toasted.

Actually, Infamous might work as a combat model in general. There's even a shield.

Never played the Infamous games, so I can't speak to them exactly. But you are absolutely right; the flashy combat moves are suited for characters like Kincaid and Michael - Murph's would be fairly counter-based, being Aikido/Judo. So. Not really like the Arkham (or the Shadow of Mordor) games except! In the spectacle gadgets magic that you can bust out every now and again.

Hell, with upgrade trees, you could build a combat/evocation wizard or a stealth/veil wizard.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: March 03, 2018, 11:24:33 PM »
God, I know. I found out Karl Urban is actually 42 and I was like, aw. Ooh, Alfred from the upcoming Batman v. Superman. He would be a great Nicky. But lemme hit y’all with my lineup:

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So. Denarian is in charge of casting now, right?

Also. Matt Bomer for Thomas.
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DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Files - could it be adapted to a video game?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:47:58 AM »
Game Luddite chiming in: What about the more recent Fallout games as a model? Replace a lot of the weapons crafting with. . . magical weapons crafting. (Seconding time constraints. And putting forth Assassin's Creed style Eagle Vision Sight; just make it look a lot more trippy, and using it actually distorts the screen with flashbacks for a period of time after you bring it down.)

Though I'm always down for anything that uses the Arkham games as a model. That's what you wish a wizard felt like.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:40:54 AM »
As to the argument about Merlin creating demonreach at different times all at once with the assumption that it is a single timeline really doesn't make sense.  I mean, I'm known for out there time travel theories but for this to be true it exceeds my out there theories by far.  My theories are typically a single time loop, not loop to the fifth power.  This is why parallel realities are needed. We didn't know much about parallel realities but we were introduced to them in the same book that Bob models Merlin creating demonreach.  There very well may be realities that spun off where Merlin didn't create demonreach.  We are restricted to a set of realities so far where it has been created.

But, raidem, that's part of the whole deal. Merlin is an uberWizard, so far beyond that even Bob can't totally grasp what happened. It's quantum physics magic: if you understand it, you really don't understand it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry get back to basics?
« on: February 26, 2018, 10:47:10 PM »

Sort of like how his old rings worked, but instead of collecting energy when his arms swing, he collects energy from things colliding with his shield. If nothing else, it might make it possible for him to hold a shield up for longer.

Have you seen how many things hit his shield? He could level a building with a snap within an average week.

Not saying that's a bad idea. That's like the opposite of a bad idea.

DF Spoilers / Re: What theme song would you have for any character or book?
« on: February 26, 2018, 10:44:11 PM »
Don't remember who proposed it first, but Monster by Imagine Dragons is basically tailored for Thomas.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Relations and Kumori
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:59:48 PM »
OK, bizarro guess on Kumori's relation:

None whatsoever.

She's just a girl, and she'll probably end up dying without Dresden knowing anything for real about her. Probably (given the way things tend to go. . .) at Dresden's hands.

I just can't think of who would be more of an emotional sucker-punch than someone who just wanted to do good and made the wrong move.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:47:00 PM »
Possible counterpoint: Time Travel seems to be treated different than parallel universes. See Harry's comment in Proven Guilty; roughly "We're all time travelers. We just pulled into the passing lane for a while." (Granted, that's a flippant Harry comment. But still.)

More to the point: when Merlin did assemble Demonreach, Bob played it as a video of him weaving things simultaneously. If it was a bunch of alt!Merlins working in tandem, that's the sort of thing that Bob could easily explain, even to the idiot monkey that is Harry. Given that Merlin creating time loops like nobody's business could set up Harry doing the same thing. . . Something something QED.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Mirror Mirror will have something to say about this. Or at least heavily imply.

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