I'm a huge believer in the
feel of a name. How it sounds. The meaning doesn't mean anything to me, so I hate looking up names by their meaning and origin. Unless, of course, it's a real-world setting and they come from somewhere else. Then origin means something, but meaning still has no bearing on names to me.
For fantasy names, I normally select a letter to start with, whether it's a hard or soft consonant, or an uncommonly used letter. That starts the feel for the name and feel of the character. Then I just try out different letter combinations in my head to try piecing together a sound that fits. I've come up with names for several other people as well as my own characters this way.
As for the realistic settings, with normal names, I incorporate preconceived notions to names. Take advantage of that, to some degree. Depending on the character. As an example (I hated using it, but there could never be anything that fits better), I have a character named Jane that is, well, plain, simple, overlooked. To double-layer it, though, there's the Jane Doe aspect of the name. No one will realize she's missing if she disappears. Another name. Angelina. Now, I'm not up on celebrities and such (someone mentioned that back a few posts, I'm too lazy to reference), so Angelina, to me, sounds very regal. Long names like that take on a more sophisticated air to me. Of course, that might not be the same to all my readers, but you can never control
everyone's reactions to a name.
In summary, the sense and feel of a name is more important than an actual name to me. It conveys a lot about a character, depending on how you handle it. Angelina, for example, might be far from a regal person. A loser in life who's been beat down at every turn. She hated it when her parents called her their "little Angel." So she cuts it down to Ann. People are entitled to hate their names or butcher them so it's nearly something else. On the other hand, people can love their names. Angelina could very well be a regal person who could walk with books on her head all day.
And I could probably keep ranting, but I'll quit.