DFRPG / sacraments as Stunts
« on: March 09, 2025, 05:11:03 AM »
Given the game has True Faith, we really should have Stunts for the sacraments of the Church.
(Here, I'm using 'church' in the universal sense. Although different denominations argue over whether something is a sacrament or not, everything on this list is considered holy by everybody).
Baptism Washed clean of sin, the character is considered Holy until they do something that they believe to be sinful. (Ignorance is bliss: infants can keep this for years). The character will burn White Court vampires (as True Love/Hope/etc) during this time. Because this washes away the past, supernatural abilities cannot tag actions from before the Baptism. The Stunt is effectively 'inactive' (no longer having effect or costing Refresh) after a sin has been committed. However:
Confirmation A trapping of Baptism; the character is again considered Holy, and if Holiness lost due to sin, can be regained with repentance and penance.
Holy Orders This Stunt replaces Baptism; the character is still Holy while in a state of sin, but this state can be Tagged. Organisations whose members have Holy Orders can elect leaders who can grant Holy Orders. If the character is a priest, he can grant access to these Stunts, with two qualifiers - any Baptised Christian can if necessary Baptise someone into the church, and Holy Orders typically requires a higher position within an organisation (this higher position does not require a Stunt - the referee is justified in requiring an Aspect though).
Anointing the Sick This Trapping of Holy Orders allows the character to take Wizard's Constitution for an adventure if the playerwishes it Note that this will drop a Pure Mortal's refresh by 2 during that time: and if this turns the character into an NPC they will remain one after this Stunt
Marriage "One Flesh" If both spouses have this Stunt, then either can use the Recovery abilities of the other (the limit on how much damage can be healed does not change though: thus 'once per combat' abilities may only be used by one spouse per combat, and reductions in levels of severity must be divided between the pair).
Eucharist a Trapping of Holy Orders, allows those partaking to refresh Fate if they have an appropriate Aspect.
Penance A Trapping of Holy Orders, allows the restoration of grace.
(Here, I'm using 'church' in the universal sense. Although different denominations argue over whether something is a sacrament or not, everything on this list is considered holy by everybody).
Baptism Washed clean of sin, the character is considered Holy until they do something that they believe to be sinful. (Ignorance is bliss: infants can keep this for years). The character will burn White Court vampires (as True Love/Hope/etc) during this time. Because this washes away the past, supernatural abilities cannot tag actions from before the Baptism. The Stunt is effectively 'inactive' (no longer having effect or costing Refresh) after a sin has been committed. However:
Confirmation A trapping of Baptism; the character is again considered Holy, and if Holiness lost due to sin, can be regained with repentance and penance.
Holy Orders This Stunt replaces Baptism; the character is still Holy while in a state of sin, but this state can be Tagged. Organisations whose members have Holy Orders can elect leaders who can grant Holy Orders. If the character is a priest, he can grant access to these Stunts, with two qualifiers - any Baptised Christian can if necessary Baptise someone into the church, and Holy Orders typically requires a higher position within an organisation (this higher position does not require a Stunt - the referee is justified in requiring an Aspect though).
Anointing the Sick This Trapping of Holy Orders allows the character to take Wizard's Constitution for an adventure if the playerwishes it Note that this will drop a Pure Mortal's refresh by 2 during that time: and if this turns the character into an NPC they will remain one after this Stunt
Marriage "One Flesh" If both spouses have this Stunt, then either can use the Recovery abilities of the other (the limit on how much damage can be healed does not change though: thus 'once per combat' abilities may only be used by one spouse per combat, and reductions in levels of severity must be divided between the pair).
Eucharist a Trapping of Holy Orders, allows those partaking to refresh Fate if they have an appropriate Aspect.
Penance A Trapping of Holy Orders, allows the restoration of grace.