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Messages - segaily

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DF Books / Re: Vampires & Geography
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:30:18 PM »
Keep in mind the different courts do not get along all that well so each having their own territory makes sense.

DF Books / Re: Audiobook Source - Cost Friendly?
« on: June 03, 2020, 03:58:04 PM »
Audible at least used to have a buy a years worth of audio book credits upfront option that was cheaper then the buy and get a book credit monthly option. If you go that way you could maybe save a bit and grab 12 Dresden books up front.  Then if you let the account sit around for a couple months with no credits in it they will probably offer you a buy extra credits at a discount option.  If you want to get the entire series on audio that is probably the cheapest way to go. 

Unless that is you have all the books as ebooks for kindle.  In that case amazon will usually offer a discount to also get the audio version.  If were starting from scratch and always wanted both that is probably even cheaper but not cheaper if you do not already have or need the kindle version.  I sometimes watch for the $1.99 kindle book deals just so I can get the discount on an audio book as the discount will almost always save more then the $1.99 just not as much a full priced ebook.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 20, 2020, 11:46:57 PM »
Interesting that your interpretation is so different of mine, specially about her last movements. I see them as calculated and very rational, nothing of desperation (and she could feel fear and regret but that was not what fueled her actions).

I too see her actions as calculated and rational.  I have often wondered if she might have had visions of the future so that everything she did was with a purpose to save the end of the world.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: January 30, 2020, 02:58:30 AM »
The point about Thomas is if he can be mortal, then what's stopping some other wamp from being "mortal enough."

Obviously the shapeshifted mortal doesn't necessarily count. (There is a reason I put a question mark on all these). He might not even have been a mortal in the first place. I know no one has said anything about the Denarians in the books, but my question is why? The mortal half of the Denarian equation is necessary, so he's definitely killing a mortal with magic.

The first law of magic is "thou shall not kill." The implication is "a mortal with magic." The Denarian example proves that one or more of these words is colored with shades of gray. Or he's violating the first law when he kills Denarians.

I would say a killing a Denarian directly with his magic would count as black magic.  I can not remember if Harry has actually done that however.  For example he used wind to push a falling Denarian into the Denarian magic barrier.  The magic barrier killed them not directly Harry's wind magic so that would not be black Magic.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: December 04, 2019, 07:12:04 PM »
Or if his books were selling as good as J.K. Rowlings Harry potter books he could have applied her solution and spend 1000 pounds a night in the Edinburgh Balmoral hotel:

I bet Jim wishes his books sold that well as well.  Having read everything from both of them I think Jim is better though his stuff is not as kid friendly. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: December 04, 2019, 12:12:12 AM »

I love his books, but I've never bought this "lack of writing space" excuse.

Having worked from home the lack of space makes sense to me when combined with the house building as covering a fair amount of lost time.   When I first started working from home I would set up anywhere and it took me a while to realize I was getting almost nothing done. Then I cleaned out a space for a small office and things got a lot better.  If Jim did the same thing we wasted a chunk of time not really thinking about the fact he was getting almost nothing done on the dinning room table.  Then he may have been thinking the new house will be ready soon not worth worry about I will carry on this way.  Then the house kept having delays.   

This does not explain all of the delay but I think the lack of writing space was certainly real and cost him a good chunk of time.

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: October 04, 2019, 03:14:44 PM »
There has been no news since the 22nd of July.
I am posting this because often, when I posted something like that or just  thought about it, there was an update not long after the post.
So I am posting that to provoke said update. Does that make sense? For me it does.
I mean, it's October!!!


It made sense to me and I am hoping it works.  It has been long enough now that I think our hopes for a pre-Christmas release are getting unlikely :(

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon
« on: September 08, 2019, 12:12:21 AM »
Jim mentioned taking a negative 18 hit to [something] in [some game] to cast the spell. Apparently, from the way Jim said it and audience reaction, that's bad. I didn't catch the something or the game, and I'm not very experienced in RPG's outside of 90's Nintendo games.

I would take that to mean you need to think about it as rolling a 20 sided dice. If you roll a 19 or 20 it works anything else you are at zero or less meaning it does not work.  In other words you have a 1 in 10 chance of pulling off the spell.  Guessing a bit but it may well mean 9 out of 10 times the vampire gets to tear you apart because you are so tired from the failed spell you have no chance and had to be near the vamp to cast it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:05:31 PM »

That is an interesting notion about Mother Winter - that the geriatric pain is part of her mantle. I wonder though why Mother Summer is not similarly afflicted? We have WoJ that the current Mother Summer is not the original. Iirc the previous Mother Summer & Winter Queen died before or around 1066. This was the change that brought Mab & Titania to their current roles.
So perhaps Mother Summer is simply younger hence doesn’t feel the same ravages of time that MW does?

I see it as mother winter's mantle makes her an old woman who lived a cold harsh hard life so it makes her body in pretty rough shape.  Mother summer's mantle makes her an old woman who lived a pretty good easy life. That is after all part of their natures.

Though the difference between the two could also be related to the black staff.  If Mother Winter for some reason put some of her power in her walking stick and then lost it the loss of power could be what causes the pain.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab’s Knowledge of Harry’s “Ghost Story”
« on: August 23, 2019, 03:13:46 PM »
  First of all you have to decide whether or not Mab was waiting for mortally wounded Harry to fall into the water so she could immediately put the freeze on him to stop him from completely bleeding out before she could get him where she could care for him.  Before that whether or not she influenced the wind enough to ever so slightly alter the bullet so it would do significant damage but not completely blow Harry's heart apart, but Uriel may have done that part...  In my opinion the answer to both is yes, more over I think it was Uriel who tipped her off that this was going to happen..  Remember Mab didn't get her way here.  If she had, the whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place, she would have stopped it cold, put some hurt on Harry to put him in his place, but end up with an undamaged Winter Knight.  Recall that she is a bit pissed that Uriel overruled her because it was important for Harry to learn some lessons vital to the cause that they have in common...  However his plan put her future Knight at great risk and she wasn't at all happy with it.

I think she is pissed with Uriel for risking his soul by sending him back not because he stopped her from saving him. it may also slowed down her ability to heal him costing her power.

I also very much doubt she was waiting to save him because I think in that case she would have just stopped the bullet no matter whay Uriel wanted.  I can however totally see Uriel warning her just in time to get there to keep Harry alive but not soon enough for her to have interfered with the shooting itself. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 23, 2019, 03:05:08 PM »
These are some questions I’ve had about the series in general. While I have my own theories, I’m curious about what you all think.

  • Why is Sanya shown as being a bit clumsy? There are a couple of explicit & random instances, like in SmF when he accidentally cuts Harry’s leg while trying to remove the kelpies on the boat to DR. From a Doylist perspective, why is this relevant? Especially since Michael is never shown as being remotely clumsy, or any other action-character really
  • Since water is anathema to magic, what happens if Demonreach is hit by a tsunami? It is an island after all....
  • Why does Mother Winter need a walking stick? Why does she seem beset by the ravages of old age at all? She has the power of an archangel, so surely she can cure herself? Why does she feel physical pain from exertion as MS says in CD after Harry summons her?

I think Sanya is made clumsy at times just to lighten things up.  I do not think there is deep meaning.

Demonreach's magic is set up through time.  I suspect for water to hurt  the defenses  would require something like many massive storms all hitting at exactly the correct interval in  years apart. 

I think being always old is part of the price of mother winters power.  Meaning if she was somehow killed. Mab would get all her power but also instantly become old.

DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 23, 2019, 02:57:40 PM »
I find it implausible that Sarissa's "condition" would be something that conventional medicine would recognize as "congenital dementia."
I find it implausible that a changeling daughter of Mab's only coincidentally happens to have a "condition" that lets Mab get what she wants.
I find it implausible that Sarissa is only working with Mab/Winter/mom on a transactional "I do task-X, get paid reward-X" manner.
Have you considered the idea that Mab either faked or gave her the condition just to set things up?  Convincing someone they are sick so you can help them seems like a very winter thing to do.  Plus if by having her under control like this has allowed Mab to more easily keep her safe Mab would see faking the illness as doing the right thing.  :)

I find it implausible that Sarissa's "condition" would be Nemfection.
I find it implausible that Sarissa would carelessly Leave A Clue like this in front of a professional investigator.
I could go on...  ;-)
I agree with this I do not think it is Nemfection.  If it was that Mab would just cure her. We know she can remove it given time and fighting the outsiders is part of her purpose so she would not take 1/2 measures in that case.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab’s Knowledge of Harry’s “Ghost Story”
« on: August 23, 2019, 02:48:07 PM »
I think Mab respects strength and probably is of the school if you are not cheating you are not trying so in a lot of ways I suspect Mab likes Harry.  It is only when he disrespects or openly defies her that she gets mad.  Even if she did not have plans for Harry he might not be a full slatessickle yet. Though I do suspect without those plans she would have expressed her anger with him a bit more strongly.  :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Wizard McFee from “Changes”
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:28:55 PM »
Why would a full wizard of the White Council ever agree to such a menial task?

I would guess the job is on some kind of rotation and that everyone in the rotation gets out of some other duty that no one likes. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Favor Reread: Who Has Thorned Namshiel?
« on: August 02, 2019, 09:47:22 PM »
It is possible the island would also prevent a coin from being summoned.  It may only be the jail yard not a max security cell but it might still prevent things from being summoned off it. 

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