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Messages - maGoh12

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DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 17, 2017, 12:45:43 PM »
I'm well aware that it's in the Bible of this world, maGoh12; I was simply trying to point out that it might be one of the things that are different between TWG of the Dresden Files and the Christian God that real life people believe in.  That's why I referred to the "Dresden Bible" - the Bible within the Dresdenverse.

There's already some evidence that these things don't match up.  Thomas paraphrases it in Blood Rites:That bolded part is nowhere within the actual Bible; it talks about prophecies and tongues and wisdom ceasing, but not about apocalypse.  So either the Dresdenverse's Bible has a reference to Empty Night right in one of its most poetic passages, or Thomas somehow mis-remembered something that his father drilled into all of their children.

And my plain point was that compromising mortal choice just is completely opposite of what TWG in the Dresden Files stands for.  So either the Bibles are different, or it's like Hades and Persephone, in which it's all just a bunch of propoganda.  Arguments against TWG's "hardening of Pharaoh's heart" are out of character and just don't hold weight in that reality; they only serve if you're trying to poke at real-world religion.  Which is, of course, against the rules.

I misinterpreted, in a rather dumb fashion, what you meant when you said that was an area the Dresden-Bible is different from our Bible. My apologies.

In my defense, I did clearly started that I was only talking about Dresden-verse theology, not real world, with that comment. I wouldn't ever insult Christianity, and I try really hard to never insult other religions either.

You are correct, affecting free will would be highly out of character for TWG as we know him in the Dresden Files.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 10, 2017, 08:18:30 PM »
So yee WG is a bit of prick here, not only killing babies but also mind controlling the pharaoh in to not agreeing so that he can torture him some more.
I just want to say, this is one area in which the Dresden Files' White God doesn't match up with our world's Christian God. I have a feeling that this section of the Dresden Bible might be different, sort of like how Thomas' "Faith, Hope and Love" quotation was so obviously different (beyond a reasonable allowance for paraphrase). TWG and his followers have outright stated time and time again, and demonstrated time and time again, that their greatest priority is the preservation of freedom of choice.

I'm not arguing Christian morality or theology, I'm using the Bible in the same way that Harry mentioned the story of Persephone to Hades. Besides, that bit about TWG was just a minor point.

At this point, we know the worst that Mab has done, and we know the reasons why. However, as for Nicodemus we know the worst that he's done - which is far worse then Mab - and you only have some guesses as to the reasons why. The only way in which Nicodemus' actions are not seen as an atrocity would be if he is trying to do some amazing fantastic wonderful thing that saves the entire world. And that is just so much hypothesis.

Besides, I think that an intellectual evil and temptation is far more difficult to contract than an emotional one. If a person is being emotionally tempted, they can usually reason and logic their way out of it. But if I'm being tempted using intelligence, logic, reasoning, by a being a million times more intelligent than I am, how would a person counteract that?

Maybe, possibly, it might be easier to walk away from a coin. But I think that the collateral damage would be far greater.

The party about God hardening Pharaoh's heart is straight out of the real Bible. Exodus 7:3-4 says He would do it. Exodus 9:12 says he did it. Strictly in the context of the Dresdenverse, and not speaking about Christian theology in the real world at all, it is kind of a dick move.

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