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Messages - Treznet

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Need some help with a one off session for Halloween
« on: October 28, 2016, 03:55:15 AM »
Long time lurker on these forums. I've got a last minute one off planned for some friends and need some help building some pre-gen characters for the table. The session will follow a group of stereotypical teens in high school (Think Buffy Season 1) and their first exposure to the supernatural al la novice sorcerer avenging a sibling. I'm thinking hydrophobe (10 skill points, 2 refresh, good skill cap) for all members of the group, I've already come up with a list of high concepts but need some help/suggestions on statting them out. So far I've got;

The Good Natured Jock
The Overly Involved Cheerleader
The Lonely Rich Kid
The Delinquent Latchkey Kid
The Awkward Uber-Nerd
The Creepy, Goth Kid
The Proud Band Kid
The Rebel Without a Cause
The Over the Top Drama Kid
The “Perfect” Preacher's Kid

Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance!

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