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Messages - TheJrade

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: dresden trivia
« on: April 23, 2018, 04:11:54 PM »
Jim pronounces it "Mar-cone" but Marcone himself would almost certainly pronounce it "Marcony"

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: April 23, 2018, 03:14:53 PM »
To me Marcone is not stolid and grouchy.  I would cast Adam Baldwin.  I mean I know he is blacklisted for political reasons but is not the Hero of Canton worthy of a second chance?

DF Books / Re: If I ever sat down with JB I would ask...
« on: April 23, 2018, 03:11:04 PM »
Anyone care to hypothesize as to the answers to any of these?  C'mon, let's get some of the old-school fun of this board back!

DF Spoilers / Re: A new, bigger pistol for Harry
« on: April 22, 2018, 02:27:15 PM »
As a bit of a gun nut, I would recommend an FN Five-Seven for Harry.  Quite expensive for a pistol, but holds a "berjillion bullets" as well as having equal knockdown power to larger caliber's like .45s.  As a bonus, it also has considerable armor-penetration capabilities for those critters with tougher skins.

DF Spoilers / Re: Government involvement *spoiler*
« on: April 22, 2018, 02:20:49 PM »
I might be speaking blasphemy here, but I really didn't like Dog Men.

I didn't like that suddenly Harry has a fiery temper, the story was meant to take place long before he received the Mantle of the Winter Knight but yet here he was getting furiously angry at the drop of a hat.

I also didn't like the government guys and hope they are not intended to represent the 'official' reaction to the supernatural.  While a part of me will always been amused by the thought that The Man is incompetent, I prefer that it be kept to the occasional Blues Brothers-style police car pileup.  The idea that the width and breadth of the government's task force on monsters is a handful of national guardsmen who walk through the forest shoulder-to-shoulder without even a vague approximation of the right gear for the job.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: April 22, 2018, 05:12:16 AM »
Authors are gonna write when they are gonna write.

But dude IS spot on about this site.  There is not a lot of activity going down here.

DF Spoilers / Re: Theory question KoTC killing Immortals/Mantles
« on: April 22, 2018, 05:04:57 AM »
I think that Demons and the entities that inhabit the Coins are entirely different creatures.  The Fallen are... FALLEN Angels.  Not Archangels like Mr. Sunshine but lesser Angels who turned their coats along with Lucifer yet survived the War In Heaven somehow.  Possibly the Coins are Heaven's version of the Phantom Zone.

The Nevernever is a great big place and is likely inhabited by all manner of unsavory critters.  Many of which no doubt have inspired human legends about Hell, but have no relation to the realm to which mortal spirits are condemned to.

DF Books / Re: If I ever sat down with JB I would ask...
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:02:10 PM »
Haha, he's not all that retired evidently

DF Spoilers / Re: Modern Memes and Harry's magic
« on: April 11, 2018, 05:01:25 AM »
In 'The Winter Lawyer', a story I am kicking around, the hero's sidekick wins the heart (or at least interest of) of Captain Luccio by making her a completely functional modern computer.  Human magic's deleterious effects on technology stem mostly from changes in the four Fundamental Interactive forces, none of which are in play in fiber-optic technologies.  Luccio's screen and keyboard are hooked up to a macro-bundle of fiber-optic cabling which stretches to a distance safe from her magical influence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dragons of the Future
« on: April 11, 2018, 04:26:55 AM »
Possibly unrelated, but my personal headcanon is that True Dragons are multidimensional beings who regard our entire reality not entirely differently from how we might regard 2-dimensional beings on a printed page.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: April 10, 2018, 10:53:47 PM »
Longtime reader of JB but new to the forums, which seem to be less active than they used to be.

Writing a spinoff story based in the Dresdenverse about an Army lawyer than gets drawn into the politics of the supernatural world by being in the right place at the right time with the right insight. 

Circa Cold Days Maj. Javier Bishop saves the new Winter Lady from having her soul claimed by a demon.  This service keeps the power of the Mantle within the Winter Court, likely saving all Creation from the Outsiders in the process.  Brought before the Mothers so that they might repay the debt they owe him, he ends up as a power broker between supernatural entities.

Equal parts Wizard's Bane by Rick Cook and Grunts by Mary Gentle, with a generous helping of Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia.

Author Craft / Re: Need help
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:49:04 PM »
You might look into the historical story of the Spartan Dilios, whom you may remember as the eyepatched storyteller of the movie 300.

If you are not setting your character up to have as tragic an end as Dilios, you should be sure to write in a reason as to why he does not commit suicide-by-headlong charge.

DF Books / If I ever sat down with JB I would ask...
« on: April 10, 2018, 08:28:58 PM »
These might be answered somewhere in the WOJ or elsewhere, can someone more knowledgeable than myself shed some light on any of them?  Failing that, I would be perfectly happy with some fanfic-titious guesses at some answers as well.

•   Is Nicodemus part of the Black Council?   Who exactly is the Enemy he is fighting against?  Do he/Lucifer and God simply have different ideas about how the fight against Outside should be conducted/won?
•   Sidhe don’t have souls, right?
•   What would someone see if Harry Soulgazed them?
•   How did Harry’s father die?
•   What is the nature of Dragons?  Are they perhaps multidimensional creatures who only appear to be what we can perceive of them?  Sort of like the way a 2-D creature would see us as incomprehensible and/or invincible.  Only a few things can affect them, Faith in particular.  One could represent Dragon’s involvement with the entirety of the mortal realm as we might regard a literal pen and paper game.
•   How would Molly react to a magic circle?  Could it be used as a soul-o-meter?  Can she still make them herself?
•   Can Molly un-Lady-ify?  Get promoted to Queen?
•   Emissary is an office, does it have an associated Mantle?  Are there other similar offices?
•   Information on Warden Wild Bill Meyers, who is he other than a caricature cowboy wizard?
•   Is Kincaid a scion of the Goblin King?
•   Does Hendricks have Magog’s Denarius?  Could that be what is making him smart enough to get his doctorate?   Can he be former military PMC or is that making his past too busy?
•   Is Marcone all human?
•   What is the nature of being corrupted by Nemesis?  Is it voluntary?  Gradual?  Are you conscious of it?  Nine Rings-y?  One Rings-y?  Like the Fel corruption from Draenor?  Can you break free of it?
•   Would Mother Summer’s Intellectus be fooled by Nemesitic corruption due to it being from ‘outside’?
•   Where is Mavra keeping the Darkhallow?
•   Would a Foo Dog adopted by a villain become evil like how Mouse has become more Harry-like or is their nature inviolable?
•   What do Black Court vampires eat?  Are they Anne Rice vampires?  Is it the whole blood-drinky thing Buffy talks about to create one?
•   What are the names of the various Courts of vampire?
•   If magic causes fluctuations in physics and chemical interactions, it explains why certain devices work rather than others.  Butters would love to set up a long term experiment with clockwork in an area of high magic, an area of fluctuating magic, and a control area of no magic to compare differences between the three.  He might be unable to determine if it is physics changing gravity/chemical interactions, or the flow of time, or perhaps it might not even make a difference either way.
•   Who wants the Blackstaff back?  The Celts or Fomor perhaps?  Is it Mother Winter’s walking stick? 
•   What is the process for getting a place Accorded Neutral Ground?
•   Are there Tolkien elves anywhere?
•   Are the Faire Kings actually kings of Summer/Winter?   WoJ sometimes conflicts with itself…?
•   Do mantles change by hierarchy (WoJ), preparation (Cold Days), or proximity (Harry’s viewpoint in Cold Days)?
•   How much does Lara know about the Long Game from Papa Raith’s library?
•   If Gard can handle iron, why do svartalves not like it?   Why was Harry’s summoning circle so cheap?
•   Did any Rampires survive?  Is it possible for a Rampire to simply not eat after turning?
•   What was Ferrovax in charge of?  What was Siriothrax in charge of?  Info on Pyrovax?  What can you tell me about dragons?
•   Faith cannot possibly be just a little girl. *I* barely know what a coat from the set of El Dorado looks like, let alone her.
•   Will Mother Winter start getting over her cough now that the Winter Lady is back on the job?

DF Books / Re: Yourself as a Dresden Files character
« on: April 10, 2018, 08:15:49 PM »
Been kicking around something like this for a while.  The 'buddy cops' of a spinoff fic I am writing are equal parts me and a few friends of mine.

Major Javier "Havee" Bishop:
A former Army leader who, after being injured in a bomb blast, is forced to retire from his active combat job, becoming a lawyer for the Judge Advocate General (JAG) corps.  His life is changed forever when Bishop is assigned to defend one SSG Vetur during the process of being thrown out of the Army.  Unknown to the mortal authorities Vetur is a baron of Winter in a pact with Hrazortholzt, a demon whose designs on the Power of the Mantle of the Winter Lady are about to come to fruition.

Bishop is physically large and of light-skinned Hispanic descent.  He is meant to be an opposite of Dresden in a number of ways, from his willingness to compromise with evil to his success with women.  While Dresden is Chaotic Good, Bishop is no better than Lawful Neutral, maybe even Lawful Evil at times.  Played in my head by actor Jamie Camil.

DF Books / Re: What If the Potterverse Operated in the Dresdenverse?
« on: April 10, 2018, 07:51:42 PM »
It could work.  The tricky part would be deciding which set of organizations are paramount.  The White Council's Laws of Magic are incompatible with a lot of what the Hogwarts folks do, like Memory charms and such, but the Potterverse already has numerous other magical traditions built-in.  Perhaps you could explain something unique about the European magical tradition insulating its practitioners from the sinister aspects of neuromancy?

For my vote, I would have the Ministry of Magic simply be the British Government's part of maintaining the Muggle Masquerade.  I have always thought that there should be some aspect of human governments that have knowledge of the supernatural world.

Oh, and the Techbane is already canonically exactly as you say. 

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