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Messages - SewrRatt

Pages: [1]
DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 25, 2007, 05:54:52 AM »
Me again...

Hey Robert...I was wondering, what is the standpoint on transcripts of the episodes?  Currently it's just for my personal use, but would there be copywrite issues if I'm including 'written by, directed by, produced by' and all that?  If so, I will definitely keep it to myself, but if it's ok, I'll share it.

Also, "Aztec, WHAT, Mayan"  and "Give it to me!  Then you can WHAT"  the first one sounds like Calmec and the second one sounds like transfer or trespass (which makes no sense).  Neither of these lines were captioned (or captioned correctly).

Help would be wonderful.
Probably Olmec. I might be able to help with the other if I get some context.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 25, 2007, 03:30:03 AM »
Mr. Wolfe, how much input were you given regarding the episodes being shown out of order? What percentage are you okay with it? And where do I go to see what order the episodes should be in?

If only Sci-Fi had learned from Firefly.

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