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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Has Eb already chosen his successor? If he has, who?
« on: September 15, 2017, 11:46:25 PM »
It is widely believed the Blackstaff is mother winter walking stick, so an artifact of faerie.

Jim has even de facto confirmed this. Someone asked in a Q&A about the origin of the blackstaff and he said the right answer was commonly known in fan forums.

If Eb is aware of where it's from, that's a hell of a good reason not to give it to Harry. I can't see him putting Harry in a position where if ordered to hand it over, he'd have to choose between depriving the council of it forever or getting Mother Winter's version of punishment for disobedience.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Eb already chosen his successor? If he has, who?
« on: September 15, 2017, 11:20:52 PM »
Considering the amount of distrust the Council has for Harry, naming him Blackstaff (the wizard who can ignore the laws when he sees the need) would ignite a breakdown leading to the likely dissolution of the Council.
Luccio, Ramirez or Chandler would be more politic choices. I agree that Lucio would be the most likely choice.

It's not going to become a public wedge unless Langtry and company are willing to tell all the rank and file about the Blackstaff.

Most likely if Eb left it to Harry, it would just be the last straw for Langtry to have him assassinated.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Justin preparing Harry to learn necromancy?
« on: September 15, 2017, 11:17:18 PM »
In Dead Beat, Harry questions Bob about Kemmler.  However, Butters questions Harry a lot about necromancy – and Harry has answers.  Without hesitation, Harry is able to tell Butters about necromancers, zombies, drummers, the effect of stopping said drummer versus the effect of cutting the zombie off from the energy, why human spirits are only used in necromancy, the two variables (impression and age) which make a zombie or spirit strong, and much, much more.

Quite a bit of that is focused on countering them. Could have been Ebenezar or Justin - and if Justin, it could be wanting his apprentices to be able to do necromancy, or wanting them able to fight necromancers (just because he was a bad guy doesn't mean he wasn't a rival to some other bad guys).

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 15, 2017, 03:31:22 AM »
You find that one can you give a link?

I will if I can, but I'm not optimistic. I looked for that one for almost an hour last time the topic came up and couldn't find it, and I don't have anywhere near that much free time for the next few weeks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Starborn idea
« on: September 14, 2017, 06:31:00 PM »
The pentagram does have the appearance of how a star would be drawn.  Could each point on the pentagram represent a type of requirement for a Starborn to be created?  More likely a Starborn is based on some kind of astrology or something, but wanted to see if the pentagram could be part of the equation.  It's important to Harry, and I think his mom provided him with the the necklace?  I dunno, just a random thought I had.

I'm not aware of any five-pointed star shapes in the classical constellations, but there might be some sort of less direct connection. But if one of the ingredients for a Starborn was a deliberate ritual by / around the pregnant mother during the several months window of the astrological conjunction (we know that component is somewhat broad since both Harry and Elaine meet it despite being a few months different in age), it very likely could have been done in the usual pentagram format.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 14, 2017, 06:22:38 PM »
Never saw that one but I remember one about the white god as a mantle and for all we know it had changed hands already.
And another one about how they express themselves on earth that changes even if they themselves don't. The drift in belief about the angels and the white god is a historical fact so I assume it is so in the dresdenverse as well.

The one about angels being absolute was recent. I can't place the source right now - it was older than DragonCon, but I think it was one of the Q&A's this year or late last.

Would you happen to remember where the TWG as a mantle that may have changed hands was from? I had some vague memories of a comment like TWG is the eternal creator of the universe, but wasn't always. I've been trying to find that one again for a while to confirm what exactly was said, but I haven't been able to find it. Somebody else remembering something along those general lines makes me wonder if maybe the Fall was precipitated by the creator mantle changing hands and some of the angels resenting the change in management.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new idea on Kemmler returning
« on: September 14, 2017, 03:39:37 PM »
With the Red Court you're right I think.  But Mavra for example is a corpse.  So I think that perhaps the person is probably dead.  That being said there might not have been much of Kemmler left to bring back.

From what we saw of turning new ones in It's My Birthday Too and from One-Ear's attempt to turn Lara in BR, they work with a live victim too. The new blampire then begins to look decomposed over time (One-Ear implied he'd enjoy raping Lara while she still looks lovely 'for a little while' before rot sets in).

Though I suspect Elders might eventually recover the ability to pass for human they want to, since Stoker's book downplayed Dracula from corpsey to merely emaciated looking.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new idea on Kemmler returning
« on: September 14, 2017, 04:20:20 AM »
Well, there's WOJ that the Council killed Kemmler exceedingly thoroughly the last time they caught up to him. If standard vampire folklore is a reliable guide, I'm not sure an already dead corpse is a viable substrate for them to turn - they might need the victim alive to start the process.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Simon?
« on: September 13, 2017, 03:17:00 AM »
i also wonder if doing black magics like kumori saving the gunshot victim would add any taint at all because the intent behind it was good.

Everything a practitioner does seems to leave some sort of signature on their aura, but in that particular case I think it would show as traces of dark but not exactly evil.

What's most perverted about the way Grevane or Corpsetaker raise undead is that they're enslaving human zombies / ghosts to their will. Kumori presumably would have picked up something more similar to the hints of darkness Harry got from raising Sue - in her case because she was saving a life with dark power but not compelling him to obey her, and in Harry's case because it wasn't a person.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 11, 2017, 07:26:32 PM »
Punishing the father by killing his son is morally wrong whatever the father did but I do not think the Uriel who killed the firstborn is the same as the Uriel who walks around now just like the Odin who demanded human sacrifices is not the same one as he who talked with Harry.
They change because the stories about them change.

Nope - at least, as far as Uriel's case.  By WOJ, the reason angels are not susceptible to Nemesis is that their nature is absolute. They're not subject to change such as that based on drift in belief the way pagan gods and 'worshipped' Fae (i.e. those in a position like Kringle who mortals believe in, even if not explicitly religious figures).

And I fully admit if it ever turns out that Nicodemus is doing this just to get personal power I'll admit he is E evil, but from all the hints we have so far it seems more than likely that Nicodemus has an end game goal that fights the Outsiders. Which we also use to justify all that Mab does, so again they are at worst equal.

Oh, power is definitely a means to an end for Nic as well. But the difference between him and Mab is that keeping the Outsiders Out is Mab's overall purpose. I'm confident Nic shares that as an objective, but it's not like if someone were able to use a WMD to kill everything beyond the Gates, does anyone really think he's just going to say "mission accomplished" and retire to take up gardening? He's still going to have his 'saint of hell' game plan to act out.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:11:37 PM »
Which all but confirms he doesn't.
And yet those thirty do more evil than all Mabs cohorts together. That is because it is their purpose to do evil things. Soulfire and hellfire can not be combined, you have to choose between the two.

Agreed that the Denarians are worse. But I don't think we can conclude Nicodemus' reaction to the probable Nem-fection of one of his own was a lie. Which is the more effective at deceit - lying all the time, or some lies mixed with some truths? And if Deirdre was just lying outright that their agenda is "to save the world", why? She had to know there was no was Harry would have believed that at the time.

Even if Hell's apocalypse isn't primarily meant as a drastic measure against Outsiders, an Empty Night win condition for the Outsiders would still bone Nic's plans to achieve the apocalypse on his terms. They're at minimum a competitor, if not right up there with Heaven as his main enemies.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan and Kemmler
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:01:32 PM »
I remember reading somewhere that Donald Morgan fought in the First World War in the British Army.  Unfortunately, that doesn't tell us much about Morgan's age at the time.  He could have been anywhere between fourteen to in his sixties; though if he was that old no one would have known his true age because outwardly he would have stopped aging.  However, it suggests Morgan was either British or Canadian.

I'm not familiar with that bit of backstory, but that's interesting given that he's described in text as of Germanic background. Another possibility would be an American (lot more German immigrants in America than Canada) who chose to enlist with the British for conscientious reasons before the US entered the war at its midpoint, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Simon?
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:26:55 PM »
Eb has been a Senior Council member almost from the start of the war, but it hasn't stopped him from secretly founding and recruiting a rebel force under the nose of the Council.

Ebenezar and Rashid have a particular degree of latitude to act privately due to their particular jobs that's probably not available to the others. Most of them seem to have Warden bodyguards a lot of the time.

Besides which, a lot of people have made convincing arguments that the Grey Council has Langtry's private blessing, much like Harry's side investigation into LaFortier's murder.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Simon?
« on: September 08, 2017, 08:22:42 PM »
Freedom to act. As not only a Senior Council member, but the Council's vampire expert, he would've been under close eye and expected to coordinate if not lead most of the council's martial efforts in the war. Possibly he had plans that required more of his time and more privacy than that would allow.
Plus, faking his death lets him rob the council of him as an asset in the war, as well as the brute squad and anyone else he had with him.
That's presuming he didn't fake their deaths, too.

Agreed. He can't very well run around doing Cowl things if he's expected to be somewhere else as part of his senior council duties. Plus being thought dead is a great cover if any reports do make it back to the Council of a baddie throwing around world-class amounts of personal power.

In terms of faking the brute squad's deaths too, I'm sure most of them really were loyal and did die there. It's possible a few traitors may have gone with him though - that's one of the theories for Kumori, though I'm not sure it fits with her identity eventually causing Harry pain.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 08, 2017, 07:21:12 PM »
I think you're off a bit here.  My understanding of what Michael said was that the only way to walk away from the shadow of Lasciel was to give up his magic, if Harry had accepted the coin and then given it up to the church, then Lasciel would have left and no shadow would have been left behind.  I don't think there would have been any issue with his magic at that point.

So why didn't he just take it up, reabsorb Lash into Lasciel, and choose to get rid of it immediately? If there were no consequences to fully accepting the coin even briefly, that could have solved his shadow problem at any time.

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