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Messages - The Deposed King

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Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: March 27, 2017, 12:39:20 AM »
For those of us working on our next novel go-go-go we can't give up.

91k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:57:45 PM »
Never give up Ulfgeir.

87k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: March 18, 2017, 12:48:23 AM »
I realize we're busy, but TWO ENTIRE months of silence?!?!

Right, Outcast Ops: Watchlist will be out next week! So there!  :P


Edit: Outcast Ops: Watchlist is out now! So double there!  :P

I'll be honest.  I moved from the philippines back to washington state and my writing suffered abysmally.  I'm up to 84k on book 11 of my spineward sectors series.

I wish this place was a lot more active.  But I think that part of the problem here is the people who were active in it drifted away.  And the second portion is that there are more restrictions on jimbutcheronline than there are in other places about directly talking about our books we're working on, we can't post snippets or chapters etc.

Well anyway its great to hear that you're doing good over here!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: November 05, 2016, 06:12:33 PM »
15k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:52:09 PM »
10k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting community
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:50:20 PM »

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting community
« on: October 16, 2016, 02:20:01 AM »
By making starbuck, the ghost busters and various other icons either female or minorities you are either cnoeging an inconvenient truth or infatalizing entire segment of the population by saying that they couldn't possibly come up with something just as cool unique character on their own.  Either way its the height of bubkiss

Author Craft / Re: Oddity about Woman Authors
« on: August 26, 2016, 08:03:32 AM »
You have to take a step back and realize that Blake became a monster.  she fought the good fight against the dark until she was finally attacked and turned into what she was fighting against. Then it all begins to make perfect sense

Author Craft / Re: What's your process?
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:47:09 AM »
Starting a seriies I do something similar.  I have a character or characters in mind, and a general idea of terrain, magic/science, and background.  then I have some ideas of what I want the character to do.

Then as I get deeper into a series I really need to do an outline.  I've got to the point I do a chapter by chapter outline from start to finish just so I don't get lost.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Admiral's War Part Two
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:39:57 AM »
Just uploaded Admiral's War Part Two to  Another twelve hours and it should be available for purchase.  Yay!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:07:37 PM »
138.5k - Admiral 10

completed it a couple days ago and handed it over for editing.

On to the next one.

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:45:42 PM »
122k - Admiral 10

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Oddity about Woman Authors
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:04:54 AM »
You know the main 'difference' between male/female authors that I've noticed.  Well other than that like 90+ percent of all romance authors are female.  Is when it comes to military sci-fi.  Now I'm not saying that female authors can't write good military slant space opera or out and out military sci-fi.  But 'in general' except for female authors that have been in the military they don't seem to do bugs-battleships and blaster-fire as good as the men in my experience.

I generally attribute this to the same reason most of the romance authors are female.  People write what they know and they write what they like.  And 'most' but not all women tend to like the romance/relationship drama and 'most' but not all men tend to enjoy random shoot'em up's and gratuitous violence.

That's not to say there aren't good mil-space opera and mil-sci-fi out there written by the girls.  Elizabeth moon, a former marine, writes a kick ass miltary slanted space opera Trading in Danger and the Vatta War series.  Or Louis McMaster Bujold with the Miles Vorkosogain books, I tend to complain in Bujold that her books are all able to be stand alone novels insteads of epic series builds but that's a complaint that has nothing to do with the cool battles and politics and action in it.  But on the whole gunning down the aliens and wracking up the body count or alternately crushign the enemy fleets and increasing the number of warships under your control via up close and personal boarding actions just don't 'seem' to be the girl's cup of tea.

Just like, you know, I'd probably need a lot of help if I was trying to become the next great romance break out author.  Nothing's impossible if you want to put in the time but... if you aren't loving it why?

The Deposed King

You with the exception that I literally wouldn't mind so much if the first book and only the first in each of my two series was pirated 16,000 and I got the free 8000 residual sales for each following book that tricked down into money on amazon for me, I'm there with you.

Indie authors are the epidomy of 'small' business.  Authors with big book companies only a little less so.  No one's getting rich here.  Pretty much what you have is a writer who gives part time work to a cover artist and an editor maybe 4? times a year if you're reasonably productive as an indie and what 2? if you're trad-published.  We're not some giant corporate monolith that can 'soak' up the losses or like the music industry that for years forced us to buy a CD with 1-2 good songs and 6-10 more of raging junk.  We're the little guy.

Oh well.  Its wrong to steal period.  But if your justification is you're sticking it to the man.  Then unless you mean the 'man' next door, your logic is all upside down.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Oddity about Woman Authors
« on: June 05, 2016, 02:41:58 AM »
I haven't noticed that.  I do know that female authors 'tend' to do more relationship stuff than male authors, or at least go in way deeper on it than that guys would/do and that they 'rarely' do so without a smorgass board of potential relationships thrown into the blender.  Then the book ooh's and ahh's as we watch to find out which color that blenderized smorgass board eventually settles down into.

As for violence in relationships.... hmm.  I mean I have noticed that there are a lot of books where the MC's just can't seen to stop themselves from hanging around with 'dangerous' side characters that are destined to treat them poorly if they, as they inevitably do, get too close to the MC.  Times where I'm talking to the screen saying, 'just say no' and 'walk away now please' but they inevitably don't.

I mean if I'm looking at it from a 'male' character or my own personal viewpoint and I have this hot *itch of a vampire that is twice as strong as I am, has political power, and is just itching to sink her fangs into me, in multiple meanings of the phrase, then I'm out of there.  Maybe I hang in there for 'one' book to free my family but after that we're off like buckshot, out of the country out to the tropics where the sun shines more than anywhere else if necessary.  No blood bondage for me, thanks but no thanks.  But for the girl characters there seems to be this irresistable attraction to hot dangerous and fangy.

You know you want to play with fire, I'm not going to be as upset about the weeping and sobbing that eventually results as I am from some random person dragged off the street.  For the latter I'll go to war.  For the former?  I guess I'll file a court case and move out of the danger zone.  It follows her home that's another issue.  But you know what I don't have any interest in it as a reader or a potential MC.

The Deposed King

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