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Messages - Helen™

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What's this?

Not a chance.

This is an official area of the site really...really, an official area that we are allowed to play with... really

(don't know why this popped into my head)

who get to determine... do I really... because i can pick a date, really 

Maybe because I live in Miami and spend a lot of time in Gardening.  Umm...Gardening?

And no, as the injured party, I get to pick.

Never Mod Abuse!  Only Mod Love.  And maybe Mod Jokes At Beloved Members' Expense.  But mostly Love. <3

It's OK, I love you too.  At least you've never started a thread whose only function was to embarrass and abuse me.

I had to go back and double check, I laughed both times. a little slow are we....hummm

Since this is the offical area of the site, I'm merely going to suggest you bite me, with a date and location to be determined later.  OK?

Maybe Helen took a nap? :D 

HEY!  I just figured out what this meant.  Now I'm getting Mod Abuse?

Yes, sometimes I'm slow.  My excuse is I literally had gotten up from a nap when I read it.  Not enough sleep over the past few weeks.  And no, MSD, not because I'm posting.

Dammit, I just realized this means no more backrubs from Nathan Fillion and Simon Pegg!

Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.  You still do much that's appreciated around here.  You do most of the routine thread maintenance, keep us in line, stop the anti-Christ from banning us when we get a little giddy in McAnally's, (and no, I don't mean Fred), update us on what JB's doing, the timeline, correct obvious errors in some of the threads, and just generally respond to irrelvenant and impertinant PM's.  You deserve those backrubs.

Yup.  The forum's own Uriel.

And Happy Birthday to Hawthorn!

Would an exorcist work?  Sorry.  Did I say that out loud?

Hawthorn says thank you!  She had a great time. 

I forgot The Prince of Darkness.

Maybe Helen took a nap? :D 

And you ROCK for figuring out a way to automate restarts.  All hail Fred, savior of sanity!

To the Black Council threatening to overthrow the site/mods/betas/Shecky:  You need Fred.  Otherwise, the site will die.

You're so funny, Priscellie.

As a matter of fact I did take a nap.  The child had her birthday party today.  It was the only sane choice.

And yes, Fred rocks. 

As for overthrowing the mods, I have no idea what you're talking about.  Assuming I did, you and Fred are in no danger.  MSD outlined our position, assuming we had one, perfectly.

Ashton?  You mean the Fist of the Site?  Uncle Heavy?  The Dude with the Iron Fist?  That Ashton?

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: April 13, 2008, 03:19:28 AM »
I want a lavendar vampire. 


I'll report in on the numbers again in a week or so. :)

Most excellent.  Thanks.  I'm curious.  OK, I'm nosy.

Whoa.  I really expected the numbers to start dropping after the book had been out over a week, like it did with Captain's Fury, but that doesn't seem to be happening.


That's excellent, Fred, and I think it's fair to say that makes everyone happy.  You've created a nice place here.  We'd like to keep it.  If there's anything you need aside from ad clicking, let us know.

Priscellie's parents are in town, and she will be super-scarce this weekend.  Fred deserves super-love, as he has no gnome to tag-team site restarts.

Excuse me?  You expect a life?

I've put a reminder to click the ads and a link to the store at the top and bottom of the page.  Hopefully it's not too intrusive.

No, it's good Fred.  People need to know to click the ads. 

Heh - Don't encourage the slave, Helen. He can sleep when he's dead.  ;)

Yes, but if he dies what happens to the site?  I'm thinking of us here.

I'm sorry about the long outage this morning, guys.  I simply had to get some sleep.

Don't worry about it, dude.  In fact, if you can arrange one for the same time every morning, I'll be sure to make it to work on time.  Thanks.

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