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Messages - g33k

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DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 01, 2024, 03:55:36 PM »
Per Something Borrowed (I think that's the title. I don't have a reference handy) The marriage ceremony removes true love's protection. Once the wedding goes down, Harry has no protection from Lara ...

IIRC, that's specifically a Faerie/contractual thing (a marriage being (from the Fae POV) a very contractual affair (oaths &c:  "to have and to hold, forsaking all others, from this day forward, 'til death do us part...")).  I'd need to go back and read the story to be sure whether Harry was actually that specific in the exposition.

I doubt the Whampire Hunger is affected by the ceremony either way; I certainly wouldn't expect a loveless political marriage to convey any protections, so I don't see why a political marriage would end them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:44:39 PM »
Just because his babies held hostage in a way... Doesn't give you a free pass to murder...
No, it doesn't give you a "free pass."
But we have seen that the Sartalves really, really value their children...

If Thomas could somehow prove that he intentionally "missed" Etri (could have killed him but didn't) in an action of an Outsider-war and in protection of his child... then they might be willing to accept weregild.  Not exactly happy about it, but they could see how they might be driven to similar extremity by a similar threat to their own child(ren).

(I admit it's a stretch).
Maybe Harry could hire Maximillian Valerious to plead the case...?

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:03:55 PM »
I also think it is very hard to guess what Rashid's real age is, remember he spends 90% or more of his time at the Gates in the Nevernever, time works differently there ...
That's my point, yes:
I believe Rashid is the oldest WC wizard, and I suspect that comes from spending so long in extreme time-dilation at the Outer Gates & other deep-Nevernever regions.
I don't know that he spends "90%" (or any other specific number) of his time at the Outer Gates (afaik this isn't something that's ever been specified), but it's certainly a lot of his time... enough to hugely-extend the elapsed mortal-world time since his birth, without actually "aging" him.

But Rashid is at least 1300-ish years old, in terms of mortal-world-years-since-birth, per WoJ.  And I think (I'd have to go delving to be sure) we also have WoJ that wizards' lifespan is normally 400ish years.  That's a pretty notable discrepancy, whether taken as absolute years or as a multiplier.

... because he has spent most of those years in the Nevernever, his age appears to be or close to Eb's age..   
I think wizards go through a huge long plateau of general good health & fitness with very slow "apparent" aging, that begins in their mid/late 20's and lasts for around 300-350 years; then, when they finally begin to look "old" (apparent age 65ish?) they begin to age less-slowly (though still not fast) for another 50ish years.

AFAIK, there is no WoJ as to whether some kinds of magic (e.g. water-magic, which is related to healing), or an individual wizard's particular power (e.g. Harry is very-strong) get more of this benefit (whether "younger looks" or more actual years, etc) than others do.

I strongly suspect that two wizards' relative "apparent ages" are a very-poor way to figure out which is actually the elder of the two.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: February 29, 2024, 12:02:58 AM »
I'd say there is a chance (although a small one) that Rashid has been the Gatekeeper since the faeries took over control of the Gates. I say a small chance because that would make Rashid VERY old and while I agree he is the oldest wizard we know of he may not be that old...
Actually, the chances seem good, to me.

As mentioned, WoJ places Rashid operating -- as a very powerful wizard -- around 700AD.

IIRC, the Norse Gods were replaced by the Winterfae on the Outer Gates around 1000AD.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 26, 2024, 08:36:42 PM »
Also skating on very thin ice when he and Molly sparred mentally..
I don't think so, but maybe...?
They were working on developing their mental defenses; the only way to do that is by defending against mental attacks.  The "win condition" was a specific mental image, nothing with mental controls or outside impulses.

Now... could a very-subtle mind-mage like Molly have slipped some low-key "extras" in, unnoticed in the face of the larger contest?  Likely, to be honest.  I suspect that she did not, but I don't think we can be sure.

The whole practice (of practicing mental defenses (and thus of practicing mental attacks)) was deprecated in the White Council because it can slide so easily into law-breaking, and it can be so difficult to figure out the intent, when Something Goes Wrong.  But then the Captain of the Wardens had her mind kicked out of her own body by a Kemmlerite, and the WC secretary turned out to have been diddling the minds of most/all of the Senior Council & the Wardens... and they suddenly realized their "just say no" policy was so very head-in-the-sand that it bordered on being suicidal.

I think Harry training Molly was pretty safe... or as much so as such things ever can be.

In particular:  I don't think it's going to be the major Lawbreaking that Jim was intending when he said he'd have Harry break all 7 Laws.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:09:48 PM »
... Margaret could have created several short-cuts this way, and it might explain how she was able to escape Raith.
Mere physical escape was never the challenge.  She was a powerful WC mage, and one of the most-informed mortal waywalkers ever; she could have left any time she wanted to... if she had just wanted to.
The question is -- since Papa Raith apparently had years to work on her -- why wasn't she utterly enslaved to his will?  Murphy admitted that (a much weaker) Papa-Raith almost broke her, and that was in just the space of a few minutes.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:02:09 PM »
... Kim has stated that Harry will brake all 7 laws at one point. I think he'll bring her back.

I suspect that either raising Sue, or the horde of vengeful spectres that took down Bianca, counts as "raising the dead."

He already got away with a killing, when he took out Justin.

Only 5 more to go!!!   8)

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:53:00 PM »
Except we don't have a clear picture of what Maeve was really up to ...
No, we don't.
It looked like she just wanted to Beat the Queen (defeat -- and impress -- her Mommy Dearest).  There could easily have been more to it than that; it even seems likely.  But we don't know.

There's also the issue of Nemfection -- what was Nemesis up to?  Was Maeve even aware of it?  Maybe all the disruption Maeve caused was the bulk of Nemesis' plan (never really expecting the "jailbreak" to succeed).  Maybe the jailbreak was the main plan, and the murderous Mantle-swap just a last-ditch scramble to salvage something, and an "F-U" aimed personally at Mab.

We just don't know.

...  As far as the Former goes, they weren't really a surprise...
The Fomor were well-known.
I think Ethniu -- and the Eye -- were surprises (at least to most there).

... but it is a bit surprising how easily they were defeated considering.
Remember:  Harry hauled out TWO major artifacts.  These were items that (to Harry's perceptions) outclassed the Swords of the Cross (which apparently have actual Angels in them); so "how easily they were defeated" is "not at all easily."

There is every sign that -- if Harry hadn't had the Spear to pull out at the last minute -- Ethniu and the Fomor would have won.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 23, 2024, 04:40:57 PM »
... My theory about the whole wedding situation is that is, like all of Mab's plans, a multi-purpose thing. I think in part it is about making powerful allies, in part is about isolating Harry or changing his focus, maybe about him making other types of allies, in part is about Molly and making her lose all hope of romance bewteen her and Harry, and it might also be about Mab needing something from the Raith's library that by Harry being close he could get for her, or even for himself, there's probably stuff that belonged to Margaret in there. But I really doubt is because there's a need for an "heir" or something as simple as that.
All of that, yes.
I think access to Papa Raith's library is on Mab's agenda (likely, as you suggest, to power-up Harry).
Further isolating Harry from his Mortal allies (Mab sees mortal ties as a weakness, after all).

The biggest one, I suspect, is that Mab wants to find the Whampire Nemfection-vector:  Papa-Raith had Outsider-fueled protections, and an Outsider-fueled curse (that the porn-starlet coven used), and Justine got Nemfected apparently from working closely with Lara.  Something seems to be rotten at the core of the White Court.

And -- oh look! -- Mab has a Starborn WK (just the thing for stomping on Outsiders!); time to toss a HarryDresdenGrenade into that bunker.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 02:43:23 AM »
No worries, I got you:


Of course, I still need to track down my PT.
This state of affairs is simply unacceptable!

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 02:36:01 AM »
... in the scene where Lara and Harry are getting ready to rescue Thomas in the castle, they do touch and she burns. Harry makes explicit mention of it, check out Chapter 25 of Peace Talks.

Thank you, I'll check that out ...

as soon as I figure out where my walkabout copy of PT has gotten to...   >:(

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 22, 2024, 12:28:15 AM »
What underscores how complex the Ways are, when Lea gives Harry the jewel that Margaret had had, she warns Harry that his mother had trouble sleeping while she had the jewel.

The jewel extracts a price; the details are different for everyone.  Getting a good night's sleep was the price Maggie Sr. had to pay.

AFAIK, we haven't yet learned what price Harry is paying.

I presume Jim is rubbing his hands and cackling an Evil Villain(tm) cackle.


DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Beat Question
« on: February 22, 2024, 12:24:24 AM »
what? When did she do that?
Molly?  In White Night, with one of the early victims of the Whampires.  Harry took her to the morgue, and Waldo let her do her Sensitive thing.  It let Harry confirm there was a serial-killer.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: February 22, 2024, 12:05:20 AM »
This might be an unimportant detail but its stuck in my head.

How long has Rashid been the Gatekeeper and who did he replace?

Maybe it doesn't matter.

I think we have WoJ that wizards can live 400 years or more... unless they go around giving lip to faerie queens, murdering the queens' daughters, leading frontal assaults on a major supernatural strongholds, etc.

McCoy & Langtry were young-ish (Dresden-age, roughly) wizards around 1760.  We don't know just how "ancient" Ancient Mai is, but she appears older than them.  We also don't know if all wizards age at the same rate, maybe some "kinds" of magic are better at keeping them young.

I believe Rashid is the oldest WC wizard, and I suspect that comes from spending so long in extreme time-dilation at the Outer Gates & other deep-Nevernever regions.

We know Rashid was already incredibly-powerful c. 700AD, taking down a Kemmler-caliber black wizard; I cannot imagine he was not already at least 300ish years old at that point, to be that powerful.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 21, 2024, 11:47:03 PM »
Do we know whether Lara is able to feed off of Harry?  She surely could BEFORE he became the Winter Knight...
We don't know if Harry's relationship with Murphy would have protected him, or if it hadn't gotten deep enough / serious enough.

I like to think it would have -- I ship Murphy with Harry, tho I think Molly was a better fit for the long term, just because they both have centuries of lifespan (unlike vanilla-mortal Murphy (but who knows what Einerjar-Murphy (or whatever) will have)).

But I'm very dubious that Harry *ever* got that protection via Murphy...  I need to go back to Peace Talks, and re-read the scene where Harry spars with Lara in her home dojo:  IIRC, that wound up with some unarmed/grappling, and that would get skin-contact, and I don't recall Lara getting burned?

Do we know whether Lara is able to feed off of Harry?  ... can Harry's mantle counter the efforts of Lara's demon?
I am pretty sure there is WoJ specifically saying that the WK mantle's sexual urges & the Whamp-whammy sex thing are additive with each other.  No immunity for the WK.

I expect Lara would die (tho it'd be a close thing):  she seems a bit smitten with Harry (in her own predatory way) and I don't think she could resist trying the classic whampire "pacify with pleasure" schtick.

In self-defense, Harry would do the WK-Mantle "sex with violence" thing, fueling both his own magic and the WK-mantle with Whampire sex-mojo.

Lara would do well to remember who kept their self control, there in the Raith Deeps and the brief "cannonball run" over the estate.  We know Harry can fuel his magic with whampire sex-mojo, and he's only been honing his will colder and harder since then.

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