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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: September 01, 2020, 11:57:31 AM »
There will be a chapter drop -- but probably not for another 6-8 hours.

oh the torture of waiting for a new chapter

... exceeded only by the torture of finishing the new chapter and realizing it's a whole week before you'll get another...

DF Spoilers / Re: I am 99% sure that Cowl is Dresden from the future
« on: September 01, 2020, 11:55:55 AM »
I wonder if there's something about Hades as a plane -- if true death isn't impossible there, because it would represent an escape.

Deirdre would be an obvious exception, but then that took place at a specific Gate of Death.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: August 30, 2020, 11:10:26 PM »
Because Morgan is going to appear in the next book (not half a book), and he needs to justify what is going to be some of his interaction with Harry, especially if alt Morgan follows him home.

Alt Morgan coming to our Harry’s timeline makes sense, Journal indicates that he knows Harry has the potential to be a destroyer, and if Alt Harry is a destroyer he knows his time-line is doomed. Alt-Luccio is likely dead, the White Council damaged beyond repair in the Red Court War, and Alt Morgan can make good on his promise to alt-Margaret.

I like this.

It would be especially nice for Harry to hear stories about Margaret from someone -- anyone -- who knew her. It's crazy that the most we've heard about her is that short bit from Luccio about how the wardens saw her.

Especially poignant to get to reconnect with his dead mother now, when he's starting to be a parent himself.

DF Spoilers / Re: I am 99% sure that Cowl is Dresden from the future
« on: August 29, 2020, 11:29:00 PM »
Molly, not Maggie!

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: August 29, 2020, 04:00:29 PM »
You're looking at it from our (Harry's) perspective and with our knowledge. Yes, it would have gone horribly wrong, but Morgan had no reason to believe that. (Harry's claim that he was the next target came *after* he heard Morgan's plan, so it was a particularly convenient thing to say...)

Compare to Harry's clever plan in Proven Guilty -- the one that sends the Fetch right past all of the Carpenter residence's protections to whisk Molly off to Arctis Tor.

That's about as spectacularly wrong as a plan can go. It went that wrong because Harry didn't have enough information. Same with Morgan's plan in Storm Front. It was a good plan that would have gone spectacularly wrong because Morgan didn't have enough information.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: August 29, 2020, 02:15:15 PM »
And he still did ignore Harry's warning about the Summer/Winter issue in SK; I don't think that's explainable as just testing Harry.

That's a good point. I have no excuse for him there.

Re: not an investigator, I'm not sure we have any basis to judge that. He's one of the Council's top wardens, not a member of the Brute Squad. In Storm Front, his plan to hold on to Harry through the storm and see if that stopped the killing was a pretty good out-of-the-box plan. It only looked stupid to us because we knew Harry was telling the truth about being the next target.

DF Spoilers / Re: I am 99% sure that Cowl is Dresden from the future
« on: August 29, 2020, 12:08:46 AM »
I assumed the shivers were because, "If I were mad, how would I know?" is a statement worthy of some shivers -- especially given the Sheila/Lash subplot.

Remember when Harry meets "Sheila" and Bock sees him talking to her and gives Harry a look. There's a whole paragraph on how much it hurt Harry's feelings. Then he steps outside and meets Cowl.

Not just concentrated fire. Harry's learned in past books that soulfire is particularly effective against outsiders, but he doesn't think to ask about it or try it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: August 27, 2020, 08:45:16 PM »
Morgan busied himself trying to take Harry out at every turn ...

Did he? That's certainly Harry's perception, but he's an unreliable narrator. Look at what Morgan actually does? He pokes and prods and goads Harry to see if he can get him to start fight using his magic in anger.

It's a test. Morgan soulgazed Harry and knows that his first-law violation (killing Justin) gave him a magical anger management problem. If Harry isn't careful about it, his anger problem will grow and he really will be a warlock. And Morgan means to be there when it happens, because he's seen what happens next and he'll blame himself for all the victims he couldn't save.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's Doppelganger Ring Crafting
« on: August 25, 2020, 08:14:53 PM »
If Mab knew that Ethnui would start a fight at the peace talks then it could be for Mab? Winter must have expected the Fomors to betray them in some form, so having Mab secure by her only being present via dobbleganger would be one way to reduce the risk significantly.

I like this. A lot.

Added bonus: The Outsiders staged a massive attack at the Outer Gates, thinking Mab was pinned down in Chicago dealing with Ethniu (and couldn't leave without risking the Accords falling apart), but Surprise! She's actually right there at the Gates ready to beat them down.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's parents.
« on: August 25, 2020, 04:55:34 AM »
Eb's not old enough, unless you've got him doing major Merlin-level time traveling to get it done.

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 24, 2020, 02:12:12 PM »
In Greek myth, Zeus swallowed the oceanid titan Metis. Months later, he suffered from terrible headaches. Hermes identified the problem, Haephestus split open his skull, and Athena burst out fully formed right down to the weapons and armor.

So... in Peace Talks, we've seen an ocean-based Last Titan. But that doesn't seem to fit anything.

In Grave Peril (and Dead Beat, and Ghost Story) we see that supernaturals can power up by literally eating the ghost/spirit/energy of other powerful beings.

And in Dead Beat and Ghost Story we see that spirits of information can be split into different independent beings containing different information. See: Evil Bob.


Could some spirits of information form when an immortal takes up incompatible mantles and needs to carve out a piece (like Bob did to Evil Bob) to make what remains into the coherent whole they want? Could such spirits spin off in the aftermath of a Death Hallow, as the consumed souls consolidate to form the new god? (like planets forming in the leftover debris ring as a star is born?)

Could Odin's Ravens be leftover bits of his former greater mantle of power -- spun off to be separate from him, so he can be Vadderung and interact with mortals, but still there to be used and, in a worst-case scenario, reabsorbed to reascend to the power level that makes Ethniu respect "what he was".

Theory: Bob was created as a spin-off of Mab's ascension ritual when she became more than mortal. He either doesn't need a second parent, or the second parent is Titania. The timing is about right, isn't it?

DF Spoilers / Re: Inconsistency Issue?
« on: August 24, 2020, 02:03:49 PM »
If he'd been successfully recruited to work with Maeve in Cold Days, I'd say that would count.

Come to think of it, a lot of evil-doers have tried to recruit Harry. How many were Nemfected?

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 24, 2020, 04:00:55 AM »

Crazy idea: Mavra and the Archive. Mavra was the Archive's host, a long time ago. Crazy circumstances surrounding her death led to a piece of the Archive's knowledge imprinting on a bit of her soul and splintering off like a ghost -- voila: Bob! (Mavra was left as a black court Vampire and with her death the Archive moved on to its next host.)

Another crazy idea: Mac and Ethniu. (If Mac is McKinneally (sp?) then he was Ethniu's husband, at least long enough to father the child that would grow up to kill Balor...)

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 24, 2020, 02:14:56 AM »
We know one of the parents probably has to be possessing the other. But if we rule out fallen shadows (because he's not on a faith wavelength) -- what else have we seen possessing people? Ghosts.

But I'm not sure that helps any. Have we seen any ghosts that are old enough?

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