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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: Austin, TX area players
« on: April 12, 2011, 06:19:10 PM »
You still accepting players?


DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG to model Alera
« on: March 24, 2011, 06:16:19 PM »
For furycrafting, why not use Modular Abilities? IIRC, they had to divide their attention between the different facets of crafting. Also, it does take some time to "activate" their crafting-enhanced abilities.


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG in Space!
« on: March 24, 2011, 06:00:14 PM »
I'm pretty sure that if hijacking a thread isn't entirely out of bounds, it's at least a fowl.

Fowl, indeed! If you keep this up, I Mallard have to tar and feather you! Well, defeather, as the case may be!


DFRPG / Re: Making Social Encounters Work
« on: March 22, 2011, 05:01:44 PM »
Aminar, the only downside of your approach is that it seems to invalidate the social skills.  A particularly loquacious player with shitty deceit and rapport can still out-socialize a less adept player who invested points.  I'm not saying that it's a bad way to play, if you and your group like it more power to you.  On the other hand, if your less adept player says "I want to make him believe X," having him roll Deceit is not a role playing failure. 

I'd like to echo this. I actually went and blogged about it once.

In my opinion, game mechanics are a pretty good equalizer. But, Aminar, keep going if it works for you!


DFRPG / Re: Making Social Encounters Work
« on: March 22, 2011, 02:51:05 PM »
...The first thing I did was remind the PCs that they can, and should use maneuvers.  Also declarations...

This. If you're not adept at making the "direct" assault on their social track, you must "lead up" to it. Beat around the bush for a few rounds. Build up two or three maneouvres. Then make the attack with a hefty +6 bonus. *drool*

It's just like the verbal fencing you see in Law & Order.


DFRPG / Re: Roleplaying Podcast doing Dresden Files Actual Play
« on: March 21, 2011, 02:18:23 PM »
Subscribed! Can't wait to listen to it!


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:55:37 PM »
Sorry EF! I didn't mean that to come off rude or anything.
They started at 15 R, 45 SP, Fantastic Cap.
A couple of scions had a slightly different Refresh depending on how far along they were on the track to Demigodhood.
Samae, for example, got 16. He's a bit more enlightened.
I'm currently writing up possibly the most interesting one to write... Kyoufuu Konnichihime, Scion of Amaterasu. She's actually a Demigoddess but she didn't comply with her mother's wishes for herself, and so her mother bound her powers down so that she's pretty much right back to Scion level. So in White Wolf she had a purview (custom made) that let her essentially stretch the binding a little and get a bit of her old power back (in the form of temporary buffs). I'll have to figure a way to do that in DFRPG. :)

No worries, no rudeness came across! I just wanted to make sure I knew what was going on. I get lost and distracted very easily...hey, shiney! :p


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:32:45 PM »
EldritchFire: Their refresh rate, naturally. It's just instead of receiving your refresh rate every time you rest, have long down time, etc... They receive it only when circumstances are appropriate. In other words, if you're a slowly budding godling, instead of needing only a good night's rest and a little time to get fate back on your side, you have to actually act the part of your godly nature to wrestle destiny back into your own hands.

Ok, I wasn't sure since both sample characters had the same refresh worth of powers. Since you didn't say what refresh you were starting with, I thought that maybe you had a set refresh like some other FATE games.


DFRPG / Re: Earth Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:20:14 PM »
See Toph, from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Throw rocks around, cause rocks to jut up from the ground to either aid in movement/dode or throw enemies off balance, tremorsense, lie detecting, cheating at the shell game where you have to guess where the stone is hidden, etc.

Earth rocks! (see what I did there? :p)


DFRPG / Re: Combat Speed
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:07:50 AM »
Do you really only get one action?
Or is it that you only get one ROLL?

Sure, you can have your character stand still, fire one bullet from his fully-automatic high-powered assault rifle, and call it a day (make a Guns attack against an enemy)...
... can somersault over the heads of a dozen ghouls, your assault rifle blazing, kick off the wall of the alley they're likely now cowering in, and land, triumphant, on the roof of the building opposite (zone-wide spray attack against an adjacent zone modified by athletics with a supplemental action to move to a third zone adjacent to the other two - overcoming a significant barrier, no doubt)


Gain 1 Prose Point, if you collect such things!


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« on: March 15, 2011, 06:24:11 PM »
Instead of refreshing at a rest however, they refresh off of something directly relative to their natures (As per refreshing Legend in Scion).
So for example, a rest doesn't give a refresh for Aaron. He gets a refresh when he truly excells at something.

Tora refreshes when she successfully defends someone. (This doesn't happen per enemy or anything. It's more like... when a refresh would occurr normally, they get one if they have fulfilled the requirement. Possibly during an ongoing encounter if something that REALLY DEEPLY fulfills their requirement happens.)

So how many FPs do you get during a refresh? I really like this idea.


DFRPG / Re: [Fate] Dresden Files
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:53:29 PM »
I would rule that a player is not allowed to invoke aspects at any time they want to in a conflict. By this I mean, without any real support in the rules, that one side first invokes all the aspects that he or she wants, and then locks the results. After that the other side does the same. In case of an attack, the attacker starts, and then locks the results. After that the defender rolls and locks the results. A conflict can be seen, from the “attackers” point-of-view, as an apposed roll without knowing the target number (i.e. the defense roll has not been made at the time of the attack). I would use the same way of thinking in case the player would roll against a fixed, but unknown, target number. Once the player have made the roll and I reveal the target number, the player would not be allowed to suddenly invoke an aspect after realizing that he failed the roll  and re-rolling or add +2 to the result.

Please also note that once you have invoked an aspect to add +2, you are not allowed to re-roll, as the rules say that “Add two (+2) to the final die roll (after any rerolls have been done)”.

I'm confused...that's what Aspects are for. To make sure you succeed when it matters most. FATE doesn't do well with an adversarial mindset. It's all about telling a story.

Also, why forbid the invocation of multiple Aspects? If they're used to invoke your own aspect, the FP just goes away, it's not like it goes to the other party.


DFRPG / Re: Advice on GM characters for a first-time GM
« on: March 03, 2011, 06:23:26 PM »
Well, about NPCs Drachasor and Riplikash got the point.
I add another one: it's boring to have just a Big bad "Evil mastermind-type" Super Boss, cause there are less plot ideas.
Having more factions which contend the territory or keep each other in an unstable peace can create many more opportunities either for GM to set the situations and for the PCs who can forge temporary alliances, receive help (for a price), etc.
Besides the heavyweight NPCs should be used more like plot devices than real opponents, until PCs can dispose of them.

To add to this, the Big bad could be pitting each faction against each other, to keep his power. The players, then, could be representatives of one or more faction who's fed up with the status quo.

As the PCs investigate as to why no one can get a foothold, they find out someone/something is pulling strings behind the scenes. At first, it's no big deal to the BBEG, since the PCs are a bunch of upstarts, and no real threat. However, as his machinations are brought to light, the Big Bad starts to take a pointed interest in the PCs. That's where the real drama starts! Going after family, friends, even allies. Hell, trying to drive a wedge between the PCs themselves could be fun!

Just my 2c.


DFRPG / Re: Echanted defense and offense weapons
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:41:36 PM »
In regards to "always on":

Always on items do exist, the question is how much are they allowed to effect the story? The Dresden Files RPG focuses on story mechanics, not physical ones. Fate points and stunts largely represent controlling how much someone can interact with the story.

Lets use Dresdens duster for an example. It is always enchanted with defensive spells, this doesn't change. However, it doesn't come up in the story every time he is attacked. It comes up, say, 3-4 times per story. It is still there, still enchanted, possibly helping in a fluffy way (man, if I hadn't had my duster on that fight might have been much worse), but only effects the story 3-4 times.

Now we look at that same item from an in game perspective. It has 3 uses, so it can come up in the story 3 times. The player can then exercise their story control (fate points) to allow it to be used more times. It is still magic, still working, but has no mechanical, story benefit beyond 3 times.

So your players can have magical protective auras, supurlatively sharp swords, and glasses that pierce illusions, and those things may be always active. However, their uses and fate points effect how many times they may effect the story per session.

Minor nitpick...but using magic items more than their alloted frequency cost 1 mental stress, not a fate point.

Other than that, I totally agree. "Always on" doesn't mean always on.


DFRPG / Re: Red Court Vampire Catch
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:32:05 PM »
My group had a few encounters with RCV. We used the Aim and Called Shot rules for targeting their bellies. That bypasses their toughness and recovery powers, and if the RCV take consequences you can invoke for effect to say that their blood supply is drained and that they are taken out.

I'm familiar with the aim rules (manoeuvre to place an "In My Sights" aspect or something similar). But what're the called shots rules? I'm not familiar with them.


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