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Messages - Melriken

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DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 17, 2023, 11:06:46 PM »
Why not? He totally would want to see how Dresden would have improved. And he wasn't trying to reveal his identity. Not to mention, he had sparred with Dresden in the past (both in practice and one "duel"). I think he was curious to see if Dresden had got any better since, and was mostly disappointed.
Justin wouldn't wonder why the Wardens were nervious about Harry... he would chock it up to two things:
1: Harry's well above average (for the council) raw power level.
2: Justin faking his own death at the hands of Harry.

Justin above anyone else would 'know' Harry was strong, but not as strong as the Wardens make him out to be.  The comment wouldn't even occur to Justin as cover.

I will eat my hat if Cowl IS Justin... no scratch that, I will go buy a hat and then eat it...

Justin is almost as bad a candidate for Cowl as Nameless is.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's Moving Island of Avalon
« on: April 17, 2023, 10:19:57 PM »
I like the idea that Demonreach is Avalon, and is Atlantis, and... other similar myths... it's a VERY Dresden Files thing to do...

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Files animation
« on: April 17, 2023, 10:17:05 PM »
I would be okay with an Animated series by a studio like one of the two you mentioned (or whoever did Invincible)... the problem is that I don't think Dresden would boil down to episodes very well...  Maybe if each season was a book (multiple seasons in one year would be better than multiple books per season) and each season was made of 4-12 episodes and each episode was 20-90 minutes...

It's nice that Streaming doesn't require every episode fit in either 20 minutes or 45 minutes...

But I think Stranger Things shows that a life action Dresden Files series would be possible.

DF Spoilers / Re: Some personal theories I want to get feedback on.
« on: April 17, 2023, 10:05:59 PM »
Theory 1: I think the coins are meant to circulate, Nick could very well be using Andurial to find them and get them out... but I think that is at best shortening the time they are held for, and usually not by much. If this were the primary method of them getting out then Nick would have far more of them and the other Denarians wouldn't have so many... but we see Nicks wife with a stash too, I think they just get out, I think the fallen bend fate from inside the coins to get out... 1 in a million chances happen and someone touches one on accident... maybe without realizing it...

Most Knights are called for one event and stop serving (like Susan or Karen at chicken pizza) who is to say that most Denarians don't do the same... possibly with a mind wipe to forget they ever took up a coin or possibly never actually took up the coin, just got a shadow that took them... Nick tries to have Lash disable Harry when he knows Harry hasn't taken up the coin, so we know the shadows can do that at least.

Theory 2:
My bet is on Sarissa, her mother was a magic user and she is a Changeling, she could easily have had wizard level powers suppressed by something not unlike a nicer version of thorn manacles, or set them aside before meeting Harry in Cold Days and Nameless a member of the Winter Court was an associate of Kemmler, and would be able to teach all sorts of dark healing. He is my suspect for Cowl.
The one character who we KNOW has found someone who was Nemfected, found not one but TWO Nemfected individuals... I doubt Mab would miss the fact that Sarissa was Nemfected, and if she suspected Nameless of Nemfection she would deal with him... I don't think any theory that requires Mab miss Nemfection in someone close to her (and Sarissa is) is a great theory...

Kim Delaney is a reasonable guess for Kumori... not going to totally throw in on it, but reasonable guess... I approve.

Theory 3:
Theory 3 ignores the Peace Talk/Battle Ground split The Novella The Law and the additional bookTwelve  Months which all bugger up the number order, besides Cowl and Kumori appear in Grave Peril and are quite clearly driving the events to nemfected Lea, set up the Red Court War etc. The pattern is I think is that Cowl is directly or indirectly in every case file, where he isn’t responsible for the A Story he is responsible for the B Story.
Agreed, also Dead Beat and Proven Guilty were swapped due to book 7 being the first Hardback... though who is to say which portions of Dead Beat were moved to Proven Guilty and visa versa... Nick shows up every 5 books (book 5, 10, 15...) and a word of Jim saying he will 'show up on schedule' before book 15... so there is something to the idea of X shows up every Y books but some of that was messed up with the swap of 7 and 8 and more of it with the split of 16, the swapping of 17 and 18 (Mirror Mirror and the Wrestling book were swapped around the time Peace Talks came out) and the insertion of twelve months...

So what was 16, 17, 18 became 16, BG, TM, 18, 17 and that pushes out the last of the case files too... so even Nick (the one clockwork thread we KNOW is true) may not be on schedule anymore.

The infection might be of the host rather than the Fallen.
I suspect this is the case because I don't think the fallen can be Nemfected directly.

Remember the Winter Lady wasn't infected (the mantle) rather the host was infected. Killing the host removed the Nemfection (or Molly is Nemfected...).

Regarding Namshiel though, I think he's the misdirect, with Tessa and/or Rosanna framing him as the Denarian turncoat.  Marcone isn't an innate talent, or at least he's a very minor one if he has any juice at all - most of what he's doing relies on Namshiel's power. All it would have taken to ensure Nemesis' success in BG would have been for Namshiel to turn off the tap at the crucial moment.  That suggest that while Namshiel is still a dick, he's acting on his own purposes rather than the Outsiders'.
Keep in mind that the Outsiders didn't want Ethniu to win, they wanted her to do damage and distract Harry so he would let one of them into the Well... the plan REQUIRES Harry to ultimately win and when Marcone could have turned traitor to let Ethniu win... the Outsiders wanted Ethniu to lose. So while I agree that Marcone and Namshiel are NOT Nemfected, I don't think this proves anything.

They are I believe the same thing, the Outsiders split when they disagreed with creation, the Fallen split over the rise of humanity.

In that case the Hosts of the Fallen are already nemfected.
This can't be.  All the outsiders work together (as near as the council can tell) with one will.

If the Outsiders were originally Angels and they split from the white god during creation and then later a second group of Angels split from the white god because he favored humans (with free will) they would be two distinct groups with two distinct goals and thoughts (as indicated by them splitting over different issues and at different times), they could cooperate the same as a host and Denarian can cooperate, but the fallen would not be Outsiders any more than Uriel and his crew are Outsiders... they would be three groups of Angels (Outsiders, Fallen, and Angels).

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:44:08 PM »
Men change a lot after 16... I think that is all he was when he fought Justin. though Justin is dead and I think Cowl is male. Eb's seen him repeatedly over the years, though, and will have a better eye.
Harry is one of if not the strongest wizards of his generation, Justin was aware of that, I don't see Justin making that comment even if he was alive.

DF Spoilers / Re: Maggie Dresden's GPA
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:40:01 PM »
Well, I took AP in high school - and the marks went in normally, no plusses. We also were on a percentile system. I think some areas have A+ grades, etc. Likely depends on the school district
AP classes counting as +1 is something that depends on the district... AP classes only happening in High School isn't. You can't take an AP class in 5th grade for a boost to GPA.  I can't find any evidence of any schools that do it.  Every reference I can find says it ONLY happens in High School (not college or junior high) so while I could see a private school aimed at feeding Ivy League offering more AP or even AP to Junior High students... I don't see much chance of it happening with 5th grade or below... I could be wrong, but that's what I am looking for... has anyone actually seen or heard it happening at the JH level or below?

A Private school feeding Ivy League would make it so that a HS student could take only AP courses for all 4 years and thus achieve a 5.0 GPA for High School (most high schools don't offer AP gym and several other courses, especially for Frosh/Soph courses so you can't actually get a 5.0 GPA) so I have a hard time with above 4.0 in JH being possible... but at Elementary it has to be a private school (maybe the one Erwin went to?) and even then doesn't seem possible.

DF Spoilers / Re: Seelie Accords Ministry Meeting
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:29:37 PM »
I got the implication that it wasn't a secret... The Nations of the unseelie accords voted to declare war and created the Ministry, that wasn't done in secret (I mean, they didn't include non-magic mortals, but within the magical community it wasn't done in secret).  The Ministry then met in closed session behind veils.  I don't believe this meeting itself was a secret any more than when the US Congress meets in closed session is a secret... everyone knows they are meeting they just can't watch or participate.  Even if the location was a secret my guess is that Harry can find Mab if he needs to through winter unless she specifically shields that connection.  No one seems surprised that Harry showed up (Gard for example just accepts that he is there and while she draws on him she also listens to him without freaking out that he knows about the meeting.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Maggie Dresden's GPA
« on: April 13, 2023, 11:02:44 PM »
Different schools & districts may do things differently.

Likely a goof, but there may be some places where they give "GATE" students extra-credit (and thus above-4.0 grades) for exceptional work.
They didn't at my school and don't at my children's school and I couldn't find any evidence online that anywhere does and I can't find any Junior High School that does either...

I mean, I agree it is possible... but I can't find any evidence of it.

DF Spoilers / Maggie Dresden's GPA
« on: April 13, 2023, 09:19:57 PM »
In Christmas Eve we find out that Maggie came home from her first semester of school with a GPA 'above 4.0'... Maggie is in Elementary School (my math says 5th grade).

GPA is out of 4, the highest you can get is 4, straight A's is a 4.0.

In Highschool if you take AP courses you get +1 point per AP course (so an A is 5.0) making it possible for a HIGH SCHOOL student to get higher than a 4.0.  A Junior High School student would need to take a high school level AP course to get higher than a 4.0, an Elementary School student would not be able to get a 4.0. Period.

Goof? or did Maggie skip grades? (Skipping grades (three of them?) AND taking AP classes and getting straight A's and doing all that after immigrating from South America to Chicago and growing up without parents and...)

This is just a mistake by Butcher right?

DF Spoilers / Christmas Eve and Prime Numbers
« on: April 13, 2023, 09:02:43 PM »
[q]I opened the envelope. It had one piece of paper in it. On it was written a very large number. [...] I picked up the piece of paper. If you left off the decimal points, it was a prime number. It represented the costs of medical care for tens of thousands, and funerals for thousands more.[/q]
This always struck me as strange... who looks at an 8-10 digit number and thinks... oh that's prime...

If I recall correctly Harry calculates prime numbers in his head to help control the winter knight mantle (logic over instinct) and Mab says Summer=emotion; winter=logic... (end of battlegrounds harry says the eye was pure hate and how could you survive it, mab says hate and love are the same force in opposite directions, while the opposite of hate is logic, she ran the numbers and knew she could survive).

Has Harry calculated prime numbers for so long in his head that he got to the BILLIONS and kept going?
Is the Winter Mantle influencing Harry, making him more logical (cold logic) without him realizing it and this lets him look at a number and know it is prime? (some form of limited intelectus)
Am I missing something and there is another explanation? (he did sit down for a good cry after molly left before noting that the number was prime... it is possible he tried to factor it for a while)

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 13, 2023, 03:39:57 AM »
I don't think that quote kills everyone from his past. Someone might have been out of touch with Harry, and wondering if he missed something. Maybe some wizards are late bloomers, and develop power later.
I agree, it doesn't kill everyone from his past, just people who knew him well while he had magic like Justin or Elane or Eb... really just those character from the ones we know.  All of those know Harry is strong and wouldn't be interested in facing him in combat just to see how strong...

Harry wasn't a late bloomer and as far as we know Justin didn't show him off to anyone, so there shouldn't be anyone else from his past, though Morgan was watching him before Malcom died and Justin got him, so someone else may have been at that point too and they wouldn't know how strong he is...

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 12, 2023, 11:23:44 PM »
I get the feeling the Cowl is Harry--Mirror Harry. He's got a magical duster (his Cloak and cowl) and a dog--Mouse's shadow. Feels kinda obvious to me for whatever reason.
Dead Beat - Chapter 8: "Just as well," Cowl murmured. "I have wanted to see for myself what has the Wardens so nervous about you."

Kills all the Alternate Harry (including time travel) theories.

Cowl is NOT Harry, Cowl has access to Warden reports or Warden gossip (Peabody could have provided this, but the nature of the statement feels more personal than relayed by Peabody could account for), Cowl is NOT a Warden. Cowl isn't worried about going up against someone who makes Wardens nervous. Based on the fact that Cowl is in Chicago when the Sr Council is regrouping and hiding after the council got hit hard repeatedly and almost wiped out... Cowl was not on the Sr Council durring Dead Beat (or he would have been missed)... The most likely candidates for Cowl are the people mentioned when Eb takes his seat on the Sr Council or Cristos.

The above quote also kills Justin theories and similar people from Harry's past.

DF Spoilers / The Archive (Mechanics)
« on: April 12, 2023, 08:29:13 PM »
When the Archive dies the construct passes to her daughter and the construct was built with a protective instinct, the host will avoid danger and bias towards protecting herself... So, what happens if the Archive dies without offspring?

Will the construct unravel?
Will the construct pass to the eldest descendant of the prior archive (cascading back as needed)?
Will the construct pass to the nearest compatible vessel (as the mantle of the winter lady does) say a random librarian?

Can an archive adopt a daughter to create a safeguard or does it have to be a natural daughter? Can the construct pass through a male (Say an archive has a son, who grows up and has a daughter, can that granddaughter inherit if the archive has no living daughters?)

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: April 11, 2023, 04:58:43 PM »
Peabody was shot by Morgan.
Sorry, I haven't gotten my hands on the latest short in the Animal Rescue book so the last time I had seen Cowl was I believe White Night which is before Peabody got shot...

I found out yesterday that Cowl shows up in the short I haven't read so you're right, Cowl can't be Peabody... which just pushes Cowl into one of the characters we know nothing about (like bluebeard or one of the wizards not present when Eb is promoted to Sr Council or an unnamed character that we literally know nothing about). or Cristos... who I really hope it isn't...

EDIT: Having now read Fugitive I think it even more apparent that Cowl is a Dresden level Human Wizard, someone strong enough to be a warden but not a warden, not a (deserving) member of the Senior Council.  Cristos, Peabody (dead), Gomez, Luciozzi, Montjoy... unknown characters like those...

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