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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: How do you think/plot on a novel's scale?
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:13:27 AM »
First, a novel isn't one plot: they are usually one main plot (A plot) and one or moe B plots.

For eample, my modren fanasy novel's main plot is the hero stopping a demon cult. But there are other, smaller plots:

1) the Hero has to come to terms with his relative's death, and the magical legacy the relative left.

2) discover who killed his relative.

3) start a relationship with a beautiful girl who may or may not be involved with the relative's death.

4) deal with a powerful legandary wizard who has her own reasons for being involved in the current problems.

Now, all these B plots are connected to the A plot, but they have their own beats and take up some of the screen time, so the A plot can fade in the background for a scene or two, or even for an entire chapter before coming back to the forefront.

A Game of Thrones is another example - smaller plots woven together for a comple story.

So, create the main plot and look for subplots that can be spun off the main plot. That how a novel can be written.

YMMV, of course..... ;D


Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:51:32 AM »
The latter. I've had several horror stories rejected so far. Also, I tried to put together an anthology, but small press publishers either don't do anthologies or only work with in-house editors; the publishers I'm used to dealing with have no editors on staff, so they're far more willing to work with outsiders.

But I'm also having trouble in terms of conceptualizing - I'm asking for help on that over here.

Thought about going to the self-pub route?


This finally is firming up in my mind. It's a lot like the time value of money and a constant stream of funds into the account, right? In other words, it's the accumulative effect that's important. in addition, the more you have to dump in the soonest will increase that total over time.

Thanks guys!

Exactly! Its's not going for the big killing, it's the five-ten-fifteen books that earn small amounts consistantly over YEARS. WIth E-books, they never go out of print, so even if they're earning only a couple of hundred bucks over a year, it's still more money then it would have made otherwise if it was out of print....

Of course, if one of our books hits for the big bucks, we're not going to complain, are we?  ;D


That's the key -- As a self-publisher, you can't do the ne book a year thing. But, now you have the freedom to write more than one series -- or even in multiple generes. Unlike triditional publishing, this isn't a sprint --- it's a marathon, and while the chances of one book hitting it big are small, a dozen books selling modestly year after year is more likely goal and better in the long term....


Author Craft / Re: Lurker 'Fesses Up
« on: April 23, 2014, 12:44:18 AM »
Welcome to our corner of the Forum! We're a nice group here, so you should fit right in!  ;D


Author Craft / Re: posesivnes of charicters
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:56:57 PM »
Speaking as someone who is writing in a shared universe (Battletech), my characters are part of the universe and can be used by other writers, just as I have used canon charcters in my own stories. Once my stories are published, my characters stop boing my exclusively and become part of the Battletech universe. I however, would ask an author if I could use their character, to be polite. I would expect any other suthor would return the favor and ask me before they used one of my characters.

That being said, I use someone else's characters sparingly, where I can use them in minor roles, but still have an effect on the story. Most of my characters are not movers and shakers, and are not really center to the universe....


Well, my 22nd story for Battlecorps, "State of Grace" went live up on the Battlecorps website. Third story this year, and it's looking like a good year for me so far!  ;)


My writing right now is divided between work for a Superhero RPG Catalyst Games Lab is doing, outlining a novel for Rick Chessler's new series, and my Battletech writing. I may have to clone myself.....


Author Craft / Re: What makes people put down a book (goodreads)
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:56:59 PM »
Re: The first one, Neuro.

Yes, all characters have functions but in this one book - it was so blatantly obvious that
a certain character was just being set up to be killed that it annoyed me - I guess because
she came off like a paper target.  No real depth to her.

But you just decribed aq large slice of English murder mysteries. I've read a lot of those type, in which you're fairly sure who's going to get killed withing the first few chapter (if it's not on the back of the book cover), usually through interaction with the people around them (who then become the suspects.)


Author Craft / Re: Ready Player One--so I'm an old lady...
« on: February 12, 2014, 05:29:42 AM »
Huh??  ??? ??? ???


Author Craft / Re: Adflictus Planis- feedback please
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:53:24 AM »
It may have to do with the Mature content filter being on, and not being abu to change it unless you're a devientart member....

(That's what I think it is....)

88 just e-published my twentieth short story for Battletech, "Operation Red Lion". A good way to start out the New Year...... ;D


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo 2013
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:49:07 AM »
My own NaNoWriMo entry is, of right now, been valadated at 53,618 words. It's thirteen chapters done, but how many more is left to the future...... ;D


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo 2013
« on: November 17, 2013, 02:43:21 AM »
I'm at 33,157 words. Had my first back-to-back subpar days Thursday and Friday, but I hope to end that tonight...


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