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Messages - The Deposed King

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 66
Author Craft / Re: Quick question for the self-publised.
« on: August 29, 2017, 08:00:09 PM »
My understanding from speaking with other authors that e-books sell better among the indie crowd.  But I still only do e-books as of right now.  So....

the Deposed King

Hello guys!  Book 11 in my Spineward Sectors series is live on amazon.  Check it out!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:53:17 PM »
25k - Admiral 12

and.... (drum roll) Admiral's Nemesis book 11 in the Spineward Sectors series is live on amazon as we speak!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: August 02, 2017, 06:11:38 PM »
Way to go Turboturtle.

23k - Admiral 12

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: I finally did it.
« on: August 02, 2017, 06:11:07 PM »

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: July 06, 2017, 07:54:45 PM »
Great to have you!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: June 26, 2017, 10:31:36 PM »
I wrote another 20k for a new ending/sneak peak chapters for book 12.  So I'm not sure exactly how that lines up but it means book 11 got expanded to as much, potentially, as 161k.

Have to see how it all shakes out.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:12:16 AM »
It used to be a lot hotter in Author Craft but the hay day was maybe 2013-2015.  There are a number of reasons but not being able to share and critique story's here are a large part of it I believe.

Anyway happy to have you!

The Deposed king

Author Craft / Re: First Book
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:09:28 AM »
I think that Jim Butcher trends toward the older style position, which isn't really wrong, that you have to write 3-5 books before you really hit your stride as an author.  that you need to write that many number of words and novels before you've honed your craft enough to get published.

Now I myself would never follow that advice and in fact put the first book I wrote up for sale as soon as it was edited.  the same with my other 14.  And to be fair he when he came up in the 90's you had to bring your A-game and a prayer in order to get published.  But his underlying point that you really need around 5 books to find yourself as an author and hone yourself is correct.  You'll probably get to within 80% of your maximum after around 5 books.  As in best writing and storytelling and gramar and etc.

But personally I'd run in past the beta's and get it edited and launch it.  Of course I wouldn't be afraid to go back over it a time or too for anything, non-story line, egregious.

my 2c

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: May 20, 2017, 12:01:29 AM »
Great to have you here!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: May 13, 2017, 11:50:35 PM »
141k - Admiral 11 final draft.

currently working on an epilogue/sneak peek chapter for the next book.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Philosophic Discussions for Characters
« on: April 25, 2017, 03:05:42 PM »
Character 2 might at first be the most firm and rejecting of character one.  but over time would be able to internalize that character one's desire to 'protect' all comes from fear or pleasure.  He protects for fear of his own personal loss, the loss of a loved one, the loss of his honor the loss of his etc.  And he protects because the act of protecting gives him pleasure.

The other guy would actually reject everything about the philosophy of character 2 but because to him while words are important ultimately actions speak louder than words.  So the more he realizes that character 2 talks a big game about seeking after pleasure and the danger of fear, as he sees that what guy actually does he realizes that what this guy actually follows the spirit a code of honor but rejects the letter of the code. Making him more of a Ronin or masterless samuria.  A dangerous individual in other words.  A lordless man unfettered by strictures he is like a double edged sword, entirely dependent upon the wielder's skill it increases his deadliness but the slighest slip can cause damage.  While a man bound by a code is like a single edged sword, still deadly, but with more potential to stop oneself from violating one's own beliefs in a fight of anger or rage.  To character 1 codes of honor don't just constrict you they protect you, at least the one's you willingly take upon yourself.  Character 2 on the other hand he's more a rebel without a cause doing what he pleases as he pleases and no one else tells him how he should feel, think or act.

Does that help at all.

The one character realizes that despite rejecting everything except for fear and pleasure, underneath it all the other guy actually is honorable.  He would have the easier surface acceptance trying to over time convince the other possibly.  And the other character utterly rejects the tenants of the first before eventually realizing that the despite all the pretty words about self control and honor and duty and all that, when it comes to crunch time Mr. Protection does the right thing in the end.  He still thinks he should loosen up and just admit when he's a secret adrenaline junkie but whatever.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: April 06, 2017, 11:12:28 PM »
I'm up to:

100k - Admiral 11

Hopefully I can get this book cranked out in short order.  But only time will tell.

The Deposed King

105k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: April 05, 2017, 04:05:06 AM »
I'm up to:

100k - Admiral 11

Hopefully I can get this book cranked out in short order.  But only time will tell.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write this year?
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:54:44 PM »
95k - Admiral 11

The Deposed King

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