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Messages - Ghsdkgb

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DFRPG / Re: The math of stress boxes
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:03:16 PM »
You're right; I misread that.

DFRPG / Re: Favorate Home Rules
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:19:18 PM »
We use Templates as a jumping-off point, mostly. Start with the template, but then make it something else; fudging the rules where appropriate.

DFRPG / Re: The math of stress boxes
« on: April 23, 2012, 04:15:11 PM »
7*1>22  (the later can barely be soaked with all consequences; the former can't)

Yet for a character with Inhuman Toughness:

I think you've failed to take into account the non-commutative nature of stress boxes. 7*1 =/= 1*7

DFRPG / Re: The math of stress boxes
« on: April 19, 2012, 06:30:21 PM »
I was neglecting consequences. That brings Algebra into things; I didn't want to complicate them :-P

DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:59:53 PM »
Don't worry, I'll keep my girlfriend from b****ing in the channel.

DFRPG / The math of stress boxes
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:20:45 PM »

1+2=/=3, 1+2=2





4+1=4, 4+2=4, 4+3=4, but 4+1=/=4+2=/=4+3.

And 4+4=dead

Just having a little fun :-D

DFRPG / Re: RPG for complete Vanillas
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:00:06 PM »
Shoot me a PM, we can arrange to have you sit in on one of my sessions some Tuesday evening. You can watch a game being played and I can explain things to you as they happen.

DFRPG / Re: Advice on Mental Toughness.
« on: April 17, 2012, 04:33:32 PM »
YS250, for the curious.

I'm a bit unsure if backlash should count as "self-inflicted". I mean, my first instinct says that of course the Wizard doesn't intentionally cause a spell to backlash (and it therefore shouldn't count as self inflicted), but it's also clearly a conscious choice on the wizard's part to take it as backlash and not fallout, so they are in essence accepting that damage... Hm, I don't know
Shouldn't matter if it's intentional or not. If I clock my elbow on a countertop, that's not intentional, but it's still self-inflicted.

Personally, I'd stat this Toughness ability with a Catch (+0) of anything self-inflicted. Then, of course, other Catches besides, maybe, but definitely include that in the mix.

DFRPG / Re: Zone attacks as maneuvers?
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:46:10 PM »
Nope. The control roll is not the targeting roll for a maneuver. For a maneuver, the difficulty to resist it is the maneuver's power, in this case, 2. Also, I think 3 shifts is the minimum you need to put into a spell's effect to make a successful maneuver.

Look at YS252 for specifics on maneuvers with evocation.
Welp, settles that I think.

So he'd make the maneuver at a +2 difficulty instead of +4. Got it.

Though I think the +3 is only if it's not resistible, right? If it's on a scene or an item, it's a +3, but if it's on a person, they just roll against it?

DFRPG / Zone attacks as maneuvers?
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:10:32 PM »
Going with magic, here. Let's say I wanted to Pyrofuego and set the whole place on fire. I have Conviction of 4 with no particular foci (for simplicity's sake), so if I blast an individual with this, I have to roll a 4 to control it (with Discipline helping out), they dodge against my 4 and if they're hit, they take the extra stress they missed their roll by and 4 stress, besides. Easy enough.

Now as a Zone attack, the rules say to take 2 off the power. But I still have to roll a 4 to control this, correct? And everyone in the zone dodges against my 4-roll, right? If they're hit, they take an additional 2 stress, not 4, because I lost 2 to making it a Zone, correct? Or do they dodge against a 2, because I lose 2 on my control, too?

This is where Maneuvers come in. If I wanted to make a zone attack as a maneuver (let's say, instead of fire, it was wind to just knock everyone on their ass), the -2 would be off of power, but since we're not dealing damage, does that become irrelevant? Just a 4-shift dodge (or whatever my Discipline rolls to) and they're left standing or not?

Am I interpreting this right?

EDIT: looking at p325 of YS, it seems I am correctly interpreting this, but I'd like some confirmation, still.

DFRPG / Re: Accent impersonation help
« on: April 06, 2012, 07:28:23 PM »
You're trying to deceive someone. It's Deceit.

Seems kinda obvious to me.

If you were playing an American on stage it might be Performance, but that's another matter.
So if Performance isn't used to pretend to be someone you're not, then what the hell is it used for?

I literally can't think of a single situation short of literally acting in a play or on TV where Performance would be useful where Deceit wouldn't be just as good.

DFRPG / Re: Accent impersonation help
« on: April 06, 2012, 02:46:44 PM »
Performance, too. You're essentially pretending to be a native speaker.

I honestly hadn't actually thought of a character when I made this topic; it was just something that came up when I was statting hexenbears for a recent session (I ended up just not giving them a Toughness power; they were only black bears; not grizzly or polar :-P).

But tying it into the history and methodology of the powers seems like the way to go.

Complex catch, but thematically appropriate.

So Catch: Firearms?

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