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Messages - dragoonbuster

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DFRPG / Re: Payment for services rendered
« on: March 08, 2016, 08:04:03 AM »
Rashid has one in CD.

And Harry is notoriously bad at complex, difficult magic. Even with all his new stretching since picking up his apprentice and post-Changes stuff, he still isn't as good as a lot of other wizards his age at complex magic.

Pick it up as an IoP: +2 rebate, -1 Wings, -2 Inhuman Speed. That would be fun to have during the game, forget the whole flame spirit thing.

DFRPG / Re: Payment for services rendered
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:31:32 AM »
I'm going to skip my criticism of PCs 'owning' NPCs with stress tracks and whatnot, and just ask...why is this something you're worried about RPing?

Either you succeed, and continue as normal, or you fail for some reason and you lose the fire spirit. I would either turn this into a Simple or Extended Contest, probably rolling Lore, or I would forget it altogether and just say that, normally, he goes through the process just fine. I mean, you said this occurs outside of campaign events, right?

If something interesting would happen to keep him from finishing, like getting into a fight or something important comes up at home, solve that with compels and such. I would completely forget trying to stat out the whole process when there's little real point to it.

DFRPG / Re: Sword IOP Question
« on: March 06, 2016, 08:22:13 PM »
An exchange is as long as it needs to be. It's a fluid concept, like a Zone.

Combat action times vary dramatically--sometimes it's a few seconds, sometimes quite a lot longer. Look back to combat in the books. There can be several minutes worth of action in larger fights between one exchange and another, when you've got a handful of actors each taking ten to thirty seconds doing things. Sometimes the actions are even longer.

This is a core aspect of the Fate paradigm's fluidity.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 04, 2016, 08:54:36 PM »
The problem is that my Gm has ruled that thalmaturgy is incapable of self buffing for balance reasons, and the fact that Dresden never does it in the books...

Dresden isn't a good example of what's possible with Thaumaturgy.

He also does self-buff in the books, notably the Bear Buckle Booster he used in Fool Moon. It let him temporarily shake off jumping out of a van moving at thirty miles an hour onto asphalt--that's pretty buffy.

You can decide it's difficult--it generally is--but "no self-buffing" is silly. By the RAW it is part of Biomancy, at minimum, and the Paranet Papers expands on that more by suggesting you can self-buff with evocation. "Balance" is achieved when the GM does their job and adjudicates Thaumaturgy reasonably. It's not like you can spend 24/7 in your lab working on these spells, constantly keep buffing spells in place around your person w/o an Enchanted Item, necessarily afford all the ingredients you need, etc.

DFRPG / Re: Aspect advice
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:21:49 AM »
So I'm working on a character that has an item of power

By definition, possessing an Item of Power requires you to have a character aspect reflecting the item. You don't have to just name it "Bearer of bjornerdyr" (pun sort of intended) if you feel like that's boring, but instead you can make an aspect related to how and why he has it, what possessing it says about him or how that has changed him, what earning it says about him or how that changed him, etc.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:14:43 AM »
Wait I've re-read your post and I realize I misunderstood.

Lets say then that I have a magic item that replaces my initiative x frequency per session. Does each frequency last a scene (say an entire fight) or a round? So if x is 4 and the fight lasts 5 rounds on the fifth round the item would be used up.

Hm, well, this is an interesting question. Technically, Initiative isn't a roll. And it's referenced once per conflict, in a way, when you set up init the first time. I dunno, I could see you going either way on this, allowing one 'use' to last a combat or allowing it to last one use per exchange...

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:37:00 AM »
I'm not sure where it specifically says you don't get bonuses.

It doesn't specifically say you can't get bonuses anywhere because it shouldn't have to. Thaumaturgy outlines how a spell is built and can replace a skill--there is no provision for how to make a spell to give a bonus to a skill, whereas the mechanics are in place to replace it for a roll--the Contest rules. The only place where bonuses to skills w/ magic is discussed is in the potion examples, which are god-awful and shouldn't be referenced, period. If you want to get several rolls in a row replaced, then you have to add the replacement for each roll up--for instance, if you wanted three Fight replacement rolls at Great (+4) you wouldn't need just 4 power +2 shifts for more duration, you'd need 4 power x 3 rolls = 12 shifts.

I think we 'discovered' this a couple months ago, but this is the only way you can get multiple replaced skill rolls with one spell.

The non-beta book probably clarifies it.

It does not, unfortunately.

Does the armor bonus from inhuman (or otherwise) toughness stack with actual armor, or is it like the magic items?

Not per the RAW, no. Armor doesn't stack with other armor, excepting the one blunt damage stunt.

DFRPG / Re: Advice for a New Campagin
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:31:28 AM »
The system is all about PC choice.

Singled out for specific emphasis. FATE and the Dresden Files are NOT your D&D.

Eight people is probably too large a group. You might consider splitting into two groups.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:25:32 AM »
Not that I don't believe you, I do (unfortunately), however could someone confirm this? You do not get a bonus to a skill roll (it would have been nice if that was more explicit in the book, oh well). What about armor? That's an object, so does the magic not stack with the existing armor, or could you say have an armor of 1 and a magic bonus of +2 and get three? Or would the magic just make it 2 negating the items inherent protection for a superior (magic) armor rating. I would just like to be sure about these points before I bring it up at the next session.

Armor doesn't stack with other sources of armor, regardless of the combination of Toughness, mundane armor, or magic Armor.

And yes, I can confirm Taran is right about skill replacement spells--they replace your skill for a roll, not add a bonus. This may be THE most mistaken part of the rules, no thanks to Evil Hat's bad potion examples. So-called "skill replacement spells" are just applying the fact that you can use Thaumaturgy to create a spell whose Power substitutes for a skill roll. Substitute being the key word there.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:37:34 PM »
I don't see what Duration is an issue.  Mundane Armour 2 is a resource 4 or 5 purchase?  Always on armour.

An Armour 2 item that lasts for 2 exchanges is the same cost (Power 5).  And it's affected by a threshold.  And adding duration is part of the game.

I suppose there could see balance issues if you allow full blocks with duration, given that crafting can give ridiculous numbers.  Block 8; for 3 exchanges could give a wizard a huge advantage or, even, make them unassailable and you can probably get that in a Chest Deep game.  Although, there's precedence in the book where Harry creates a crystal, when broken, that protects Molly and Thomas for the whole scene.  But getting that kind of Power out of an item at Chest deep will, probably, take most of your foci.  In a submerged game, I think block 8 is less of an issue to overcome.

But, then again, this is coming from a guy who has taken crafting foci out of his games, so massive, impenetrable blocks is less of an issue.

Hm, reasonable points.

As far as the Crystal item--I consider that more as justification for that group to be able to justify Conceding the conflict while staying on the island, since they were completely removed from combat by activating it. Probably would build it as a Maneuver that you tag for effect.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:01:23 AM »
Not necessarily. You can use the kevlar vest rules for Harry's jacket. Wouldn't even be a houserule.


EDIT: Though, it was brought to my attention that there is a distinct advantage to being able to walk into a place in an enchanted hoodie versus a kevlar vest. I'm maybe thinking you still have to spend a single EI slot on one of these items, but that instead of traditional math you can just have an magic item that functions exactly like a mundane one.

DFRPG / Re: Always on Enchanted items
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:03:38 AM »
That's just an enchanted item used to block defend. No reason for it to have to be an always on item.

EDITED block to say defend. Forgot how much of a difference there was in those two words in this game.

Harry's coat is equivalent to a reactive Armor:1-3 or 4 as the series goes on. It by no means replaces his defense roll (which is what a Block would do). There is no such thing as a "defense" item; you build Block items that can be used instead of a defense roll.

put duration in an armour item, so it lasts a few rounds after it's triggered

I don't allow this, personally. "Reactive" items burn up one use on a failed defense but have no duration. If you want duration on that Block/Armor, I require a full action to activate.

DFRPG / Re: Powers for new Druid
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:07:59 AM »
Not in this case, in the Iron Druid books the tattoos can be partially damaged for partial loss of powers depending on what area got messed up. Anything more than a mild consequence can deprive the character of powers if it is targeted at the tattoos, which cover nearly all of one side of the body. It doesn't have to be an extreme consequence like the loss of an arm, it can just be a serious cut.

Ah, well, in that case I would specifically write into the power's descriptions what mechanical/narrative situations constitute a loss of power.

Given that you've already got a de facto use of Limitation with the three Inhumans, I might not mix and match concepts but just apply an appropriate Limitation onto the whole suite of powers.

DFRPG / Re: Focus item
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:06:50 AM »
You may invoke aspects and use fps to make up the difference.

As far as my own table's interpretation of this, the use of those aspects must also be built into the rote or they can't be used towards the control--otherwise, it's not the same exact spell being cast each time. You can still use aspects to improve your targeting roll either way.

To continue using your example Taran, if you wanted to cast that Power 9 rote without Backlash/Fallout, you'd have to specify the tag/invocation of [Gathered Power] and invocation of your High Concept (or any specific, legitimate combination of two aspects) in the definition of the rote.

DFRPG / Re: Powers for new Druid
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:34:49 AM »
I'm not familiar with Iron Druid so I'm not going to comment on the bulk of this writeup, but tattoos as an "IoP" aren't worth any rebate. You usually have to physically skin someone or otherwise inflict Extreme-level consequences on someone to get rid of their IoP powers. Not worth a bonus to refresh.

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