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Messages - potestas

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DFRPG / Re: evocation shields
« on: March 17, 2015, 12:45:13 AM »

- An exchange and a round are the same thing.

- it can be hit many times in the same round/exchange but any attack that bypasses the block will bring it it only stays up until overcome.

- It only last 1 exchange unless you spend shifts to make it last more rounds

- If a successful attack hits a block, you still roll to dodge and then you take the shield block or the dodge, whichever is higher.  The block replaces your dodge if it's higher, basically.

- A tie is a hit.  So a maneuver will be fragile and an attack will do weapon damage + 0 shifts extra.

Hope this helps

where is that you have to use the higher of the two shield or dodge??

DFRPG / Re: Fighting While Hidden
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:07:24 AM »
I usually hate to add complication, but it may be necessary to differential the types of veils.  Per the novels veils (and all illusions really) can be either mental (ie. dont notice me) or physical (ie I dont reflect light for your eyes to pick up).  The first kind is far more binary, you are either Aware of the veiled person or not, and once you gain awareness things play out normally.  By contrast the more physical "brute force" veils block each sense individually, but just because you are aware does not mean you can circumvent. For example:   I can know that an invisible person is present in the room, and even maybe know exactly where they are via footprints or something, but they still have an advantage when it comes to punching me in the face because I cannot see the fist itself coming.  If, however, I am a very talented boxer, say, I might be more able to guess based on the shifts of weight, etc. in the footprints.  How many of the senses the veil covers will affect it too, and differently based on the sensory nature of the detector. 

What if comes down to is if Awareness alone will invalidate teh stealth entirely, or if it can add continuing benefits

what he said is important how the spell is worded or the intention of the caster makes all the difference in the game/books. Molly can do almost anything with her veil while Harry couldn't for the longest time. Niether of them seem to spend much time wording out what they want, they know it and it happens.

 I know what players mean when they want to create one basically they are looking for cover that allows them not to be detected while the spell lasts. You might want them to spell it ut to you a few times but it wouldnt be fair if you look for loop holes in his defense or ambush if you understand what he means. A player is looking for just that advantage and since hes playing a skilled mage he would know how to conjure it to his benefit. Using game rules to undermine the players intention smacks of foul play.Magic is supposed to be powerful and anyone who wields it holds a huge advantage over those who dont.

DFRPG / Re: Fighting While Hidden
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:55:22 AM »
Remember what the Malk could do. He basically attacked from a permanent veil. His victims would disappear into it.Lots of noise and some crunching and out came the remains. If a wizard can create one that strong and maintain it I doubt their would be much of a fight. I think sight makes a veil useless though. I dont think you should down play it its nasty business not being able to see your foes.

DFRPG / Re: Creating things with magic?
« on: November 08, 2014, 11:30:37 PM »
Hello all,

I was looking over Ars Magica, after looking over the Earth Channeling Crusader thread, and I was just wondering but would you need to spend powers for duration shift if using earth magic to create a wall, or something similar, or should many things done with that type of spell be permanent unless broken through?

-Creating a wall of stone or Foxhole by using earth magic, and taking cover behind/inside it?
-Would you need to spend power for long durations on a block, or would these just count as aspects?

some form of evothauarm (sp) would get around the limitations of evocation

DFRPG / Re: Maneuvers to get armor or weapons?
« on: November 08, 2014, 11:28:19 PM »
Evocation lets you do this:

Power gives 1 point of armour/2 shifts.  It lasts 1 exchange so you'd need to put duration into it.  I'd use those rules and narrate them as 'crafting' instant armour.  I wouldn't bother with creating different ways of using evocation to make permanent items.  That's thaumaturgy.

So your armour 2 would be 4 shifts.  You could make it power 6 and it would last 3 exchanges.

thats why something in thaumaturgy could do the same thing except last longer and give you more strength or even a combo of armor and block.

DFRPG / Re: Maneuvers to get armor or weapons?
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:35:29 PM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering if you would allow someone to use earth magic to apply the aspects Armed or Armored as part of an evocation spell?  This just seems cool to me but the items would be crude unless you had very good craftsmanship skills?

if the thaumaturgy is high enough you could creat long lasting stuff fairly quick. base spell is 15 minutes you could give yourslef rock armor worht a few points. Or conjure a steel sword. I think a high enough lore and within a minute or so you could be well armed and armored. Course using said weapons depends on skills but with a quick ritual you could probably boost those as awell. Lots you can do If you want

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic and at the speed of Evocation?
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:09:29 AM »
i think one of the biggest advantages is how long a spell will last, a shield spell could easily last 15 minutes or more and still have enough power to stop most moderate attacks. I htink 15 minutes is the minumum for thaumaturgy so at its base (if i am right) a shield done with evothuam would last 15 minutes and all your success could go into armor or block. not to bad really. And the effects you create on people or scenes are going to last better too. its really a nifty way to use magic i think.

DFRPG / Re: DnD spell casting
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:58:54 AM »
there is a spell power in the wiki called D&D spell casting its an alternative way to use magic in dresden modeled off the d&D listed below

A DnD wizard gets a lot of power but far less flexibility than a DF wizard. At its most base, the DnD wizard gets to cast both evocation and thaumaturgy spells at the speed of evocation. He casts spells with a Power equal or less to his Lore -2 but he must memorize those spells in advance; he gets 5 slots per session to fill with spells. He makes the control roll (using discipline) to store the energy in his mind and, as if doing a ritual, he can memorise more slowly, spreading the energy so there is no chance of backlash or fallout. When releasing the spell, he only needs to make a discipline roll to target it. He gets specialisation and item slots as if he had evocation and thaumaturgy, boosting Power or Control on the following types of magic; Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion, Transmutation, Divination, Abjuration, Necromancy and Conjuration.
The base ability costs [-5] refresh. For an additional -1 refresh the wizard puts into DnD wizardry, he gets 5 more slots, memorizing spells of Power equal to his Lore -1. For the next point of refresh he gets 5 more slots equal to his Lore. And so on until he takes the full -17 refresh, memorizing spells up to Lore +10.
A DnD Wizard will also take Refinements for foci and enchanted items (representing DnD magic items) and Specialisations (representing metamagic and other magic-boosting feats). An average lvl 10 wizard is refresh 9 for his magic only, another 9 or more for refinements. An epic wizard could easily be -40 refresh; -17 for his spells, -17 for refinements, -3 for stunts and another -3 to take true Thaumaturgy to represent Epic Magic.

DFRPG / Re: Transmutation Alchemy
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:15:12 AM »
This is how I would have a player approach this if it was going to be a common thing. Instead of stunts to boost Resources, might just have a stunt move a trapping or two from Resources over to Lore instead.

you know i think your over thinking it. Dont worry about if it adds shifts tothis or that, just let him make the gold, its fun especially if in RL you're not particullarly rich. If he is transmuting something into something else it is clearly something wizards can and have done. harry is an idiot when it comes to money, he lives like an idiot and he overthinks things like an idiot. harry has no reason to live like a vagabond but he does. Their is nothing immoral about making a little bit of money with your talents. Hell governements all around the world print whatever money they want and they destroy entire econmies with that shit, I doubt a handful of coins would compare.

Why dont they just use mind magic on the ghouls make them permanent slaves, they aren't human.

DFRPG / DnD spell casting
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:01:19 AM »
to someone who knows what I am talking about; at 17 refresh would that be 65 stored spells equal to 10 +lore in strength?

DFRPG / Re: Do you like or dislike the fate system and why?
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:23:52 PM »
I'm a big fan of the Fate system in general. I've played pen and paper RPGs for... Many, may years. The cooperative storytelling aspect fits my style of game well. It's probably second only to Deadlands(Classic) on my list of most loved game systems. I actually shamelessly borrow from the ideas of both of those games when I use either. The Fate chip rewards for Deadlands are a little easier for me to use even in Fate. So when I GM Fate I award fate points less for my compels than for playing your aspects in ways that enhance the stories in addition to the general self-compel type awards.   
That said, with a poor GM it fails fast and hard. If your GM doesn't keep the Fate points rolling you can stagnate quickly.
My worst tabletop game was a Dresden Files game. The rare few compels that were offered were poorly thought out. We started with 8 refresh and my Camp Kaboom Warden got offered one compel in three sessions of play. When we tried skills every single one of our skill tests were put at our rank +1. When we tried to capture a rouge Wizard the GM conceded without giving anything up and auto-escaped. Even our supposedly helpful NPCs, the contacts we made up during city creation, forced us to wade through an actual minefield just to talk. Essentialy making everything that makes Fate a good system pointless and our characters incompetent.
Every system has trouble with bad GMs but the lack of hard and fast rules for everything (Like D&D) magnifies those issues. Kind of reminds me of seafood; Done well delicious. Done poorly terrible.

this is probably one of the best and most honest answers i;ve seen

DFRPG / Re: day walking demon
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:23:07 PM »
a young demon say one like the protaganist in the series would have inhuman strength, speed and resistance. (after she learned to make a battle form). earth magic(thaumaturgy), ley line magic(evocation) the sight. Evothaum (demon magic) no limits any thaumaturgy she could could cast she could twist as demon magic. She can have the same focus and enchanted items as a dresden wizard but they can be internalized. She can also store thaumaturgy within her body. So instant ward if needed and she can store it as many times as she wanted. Not sure how to represent this it literally can be any spell any number of times. They old demons never seemed to run out of magic.

in the wiki the is a dungeons and dragons rule set, perhaps use this in addition to the above rules to represent stored magic, it wouldnt be thousands of spells but it would be manageble then. Such a game would have to be different, demons didnt try to kill each other they tried to one up each other in skill and soul stealing. There were only 413 left and they couldnt reproduce until the end of hte series. They always kept their given word.

DFRPG / Re: day walking demon
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:13:38 PM »
The full range of wizard abilities, with a lot of refinement devoted to alchemy and a self sponsored version of hellfire.

they are called demons in the series but they are not the same as demons in the dresden series, they are first rate magic users, longer then normal life span 160 years but each time they shift forms they reset their biological clock to year one so functional immortality. They have learned to steal souls with their magic and they barter for it but htey are not the fallen or demons from down below. They might actually have been good but 5000 years of war changed them and when their species was destroyed 40000 down to 413 they kind of got bitter. But the ones that were able to survive know how to love or did at one time. They are not demons with hellfire.

DFRPG / Re: day walking demon
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:09:11 PM »
have time to describe it more.

Earth witch would be the same as thaumaturgy, ley line magic would be the same as evocation. Demon magic combines the two so they could basically cast any thaumaturgy spell as a evocation. The demons could also store magic inside them selves earth magic or demon magic didnt matter and they had no limit to how much they could store. They could evoc it with a thought.

The magic item creation rules actually fit well except the item is stored inside. A demon could literally have thousands of spells prepared. They could true shape change into anything.(but this is magic they store in their bodies). and over 5000 years of war with the elves they forgot what their true forms were so they exisit in their battle forms, strength speed and damage resistance. They are consisdered omnipotent but thats not really true they just have years and years of stored magics to call upon.

DFRPG / Re: day walking demon
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:57:29 PM »
NO familier with the series

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