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Messages - gojj

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DFRPG / Re: Practical applications of a Chemistry Major
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:57:08 AM »
Cool, thanks. The group I play with has lot's of people in it that come and go so almost everyone wants to make a combat character to beat stuff up with when they do play so I wanted to make a guy with lots of utility. Between my potions, Enchanted Items, and Chemistry I feel that I have the versatility I wanted.

[Edit: I changes my stunt to: Chemistry Major: Add Chemistry trapping to Scholarship]

DFRPG / Practical applications of a Chemistry Major
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:21:48 AM »
My Crafter (a character many here have helped me with) has a Masters in Chemistry so he knows a lot about mixing mundane chemical compounds in addition to his high Lore. However I just realized that I wasn't using that back story on my character sheet so I took away a few enchanted item slots and slapped on a stunt: Chemistry Major: Can roll Scholarship to create chemical compounds. I like him being able to make magical as well as "normal" things with nearly equal skill, but I'm struggling to think of practical applications of chemicals due to the fact that I personally hated Chemistry in High School and know very little about it.

My character has a Scholarship of Superb (5) so he has a fairly useful lab, but are there any useful chemicals that I could make by myself? In my mind I'm imagining rusting locks, opening a jar and have the contents react with the Oxygen to through up a smokescreen, throwing hydrochloric acid in at someone, etc., but how much of that is conceivable? I'm not asking anyone to do any extensive search for me, if it comes down to it I'll suck it up and wade through Wikipedia to find stuff, but does anyone remember enough from their High School or College Chemistry classes to say whether or not this is plausible? When playing Dresden we of course overlook whether things are perfectly realistic to make the game less tedious and more fun but I'm not sure if what I have in my mind is completely ridiculous or not. Thanks for the help in advance.

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and the law
« on: September 01, 2011, 04:47:58 AM »
I'm not familiar with gun laws in Germany, but if there is a heavy debate about them in Germany like there is here in the U.S I think that the GM could use that to make an epic social battle. Compel the PC to slip up and get arrested for carrying an illegal weapon, have the other PC's try to rally support for the guy, other groups get involved on both sides, and of course in the Dresden universe at least a few of those groups will be supernatural in nature and have some reason they are pushing one way or another. The PC's could run around prior to the case turning up evidence, festering out corruption, trying to gain support from different groups, getting into fights with thugs sent by one group or another, and all kinds of other stuff. Then in the court room the PC's would get called to the stand and do social battle with the opposing attorney, trying to put maneuvers on the jury to get them to vote one way or the other, maybe they get jumped in the bathroom and have to balance fighting effectively and fighting silently. I'm not sure how plausible this is and the GM would have to think of something for the PC who got arrested to do (have him make bail would be the easiest), but if the players are willing to suspend some disbeleif and roll with it I think it could result in an exiting and unique climax to a campaign.

DFRPG / Re: Orcish Kind
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:23:05 PM »
It depends on which kind of Orc the OP had in mind, the way I see it there are three main interpretations (or rather three interpretations from popular franchises): the evil murderous horde from Lord of the Rings, the shamanistic and honor bound green skins from Warcraft, and the near insane blokes from Warhammer (I know the least about these as I have only read the wikipedia article on them once).

If you want the Tolkien orcs I would use Ghouls as a starting point. But maybe make them a bit weaker and just have them appear in greater numbers with a different catch.

If you have more of the Warcraft orcs in mind than I'd give them maybe a variation of Seelie magic and make them strong, tough, but not crazed bloodthirsty savages. They would have their own social structure and style of government and be fairly independent as a faction.

Yet another option is to make up what you want orcs to be. Whatever best fits the feel of your campaign. However I would steer clear of making them associated with the fae in any regards (unless you have a different interpretation than mine). In my mind most of them wouldn't scheme and think of twenty different ways to screw you over, they would be more straightforward than that. Heck, you could even just borrow Blizzard's plot for them and have the orcs be a displaced race searching for a home, and just tough luck to anyone foolish enough to get into their way.

DFRPG / Re: PDF vs. book regarding Crafting
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:06:16 PM »
Once again thank you all for your input and once again I apologize for the confusion in the Enchanted Item department, I just gave them simple names hoping it would make things...well..simpler.

You might consider house ruling that potions cause nasty side effects if used more than one per scene (Storm Front).  In fact, that wouldn't be a bad addition to the RAW as it's definitively canon.

The pocket watch number two (you did mean two separate watches, right?  not one being both a focus item and enchanted item?)
To be honest I thought the two potion at once was already somewhere in the rules because it was (like you said) clearly in the novels. Now that I think about it I don't think that I ever saw it in the YS or OW, I just assumed. But yes I agree that should be the case, especially since my guy's potions are two to three times more powerful than Dresden's. And yes they are different watches...I didn't notice that I had two of them, will change that now to avoid confusion.

I'm not saying the GM should nerf their ability to be used but giving you enough headaches using them that the character isn't scene stealing every time wouldn't be a bad part of a solution.  It would even be a good way to gather up fate points if you had an aspect like More Stuff Than I Can Keep Track Of.  Which might be invoked to find it anyway if you missed a Lore role on having the potion you were looking for.  Or something similar.  That's just off the top of my head, feel free to modify as you see fit.

I also like the thought of adding an aspect that can be compelled so I don't have the right potion. To be honest I always struggle with aspects, they always seem to either be difficult to get compelled from or difficult for me to invoke with a chip, I have trouble finding the balance, and of course they also should be cool and/or interesting. I included an aspect referencing my plethora of both Enchanted Items and potions "I'm a human Swiss Army Knife", but now that I look at it I see that it cannot really be used by the GM to compel me that I'm missing the current needed potion. I thought about "Just the right stuff", I can use it to declare that yes I do have just the right stuff, or the GM can compel me saying that no, you do not have just the right stuff at this moment.

DFRPG / Re: PDF vs. book regarding Crafting
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:21:34 AM »
I did shorten the Enchanted Items to "Earth Maneuver, Spirit Block, etc." to save space and I thought it was easier to see the math this way. I also did mean the Pre-release PDF, but I had no idea they re-released it, I'm going to look into that now (feel kinda stupid regarding that one).

I was thinking of a few ways to nerf my guy, and some of those ways were suggested. I thought I should drop the power to eight so I don't exceed the skill ladder and dropping the frequency (suggested by wyvren) was the easiest solution so I'll do that and see where that leaves me. Thank you all for your advice.

However a couple other questions just occurred to me as I was re-reading the Crafting Section. 1. What would happen to my items and potions if I went through a threshold uninvited? I assume they would be effected by the same difficulties that normal Wizards would face, but I'm not sure because I have already imparted the magic into the items, it is just waiting to be released. 2. Would strong potions set off the same "alarms" strong focus items or strong enchanted items would. I know the book states that those able to detect such items consider a strong focus item equivalent to a gun, but are potions significantly harder to detect? I've only read the first three Dresden books so far but from that it seems that much of the strength of potions comes from the mundane ingredients and the magic inputted is akin to adding the finishing spices, just a pinch is enough.

Thank you all for your input once again and I apologize if these answers can be found in the book and I'm just not looking hard enough.

DFRPG / PDF vs. book regarding Crafting
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:19:37 PM »
I only have access to the PDF and was wondering if there were any significant changes in the book regarding Crafting. I'm asking because after I made my Crafter (with help from this community) and used him in a game, I found he was stupidly overpowered. This is his power section:

He was a Lore of Superb (5)
-2: Ritual: Crafting
-6: Refinement

Jacket: +5 Crafting Strength
Pocket Watch: +3 Crafting Frequency
Right Glove: 10 Water Shield. 4 uses
Left Glove: 10 Fire Shield, 4 uses
Necklace: 10 Spirit Block. 4 uses
Pencil: 10 Earth Maneuver, 4 uses
Ring: 10 Air Blast, 4 uses
7 Potion Slots

According to the PDF I have not broken any rules, my items do not exceed twice my Lore in Strength, my focus items do not individually exceed my Lore, but having potions with Strength 10 that have 4 uses each was just broken. During play I made each potion only single use and we still waltzed passed some very difficult confrontations. The enchanted items (while powerful) were less of a problem because their limited uses seemed to affect them more than the potions. Are there any revamped rules in the book that contradict the PDF regarding Crafting?

And on a semi-unrelated note, what does the Focus Specialization for Crafting do? The PDF describes it as "increas[ing] the limit on how many bonuses may be placed on a single focus item" (YS 280) but I'm not sure what this means. Does it mean that if you have a Focus Specialization of one a focus item can have a total bonus of your Lore +1?

[Edit: Changed the name of one of the Enchanted Items to avoid confusion]

DFRPG / Re: Question about Inhuman Strength
« on: August 29, 2011, 09:48:58 PM »
Ok, so it sounds like the bonus to Might modification was meant more for stuff like breaking and entering (modifying Burglary).

DFRPG / Question about Inhuman Strength
« on: August 29, 2011, 08:03:27 PM »
Specifically my question pertains to: "Superior Strength. Whenever using your Might to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +1 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill in question" (YS 183). This means it would stack with the +2 stress also included with Inhuman Strength when attacking somebody with physical force, correct? Because by its definition it seems like Might would always modify Fist rolls when attacking someone, well almost always, I imagine if your character was more about finesse than brute strength it might not. But say I roll straight up on my Fist attack and get a Great (+4) and I have Inhuman Strength, would the total stress (assuming the opponent rolled a mediocre defense with no armor) be 6 or 7? Can I modify my fists with Inhuman Strength and receive the +2 stress from Hammer Blows in the same attack? And if I can would I have to dictate how my Might helped me or would it just be assumed that if I punch a guy my Might would come into effect?

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG, understanding game mechanics
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:05:57 AM »
That seems correct to me with the slight addition that a character's aspects also reflect his back-story. If a character grew up on the street and tangled with cops on an almost daily basis it wouldn't make sense for him to have the aspect "Always help the cops".

I have also heard, though am not sure of this at all, that players can compel other players, but as I have said I'm not sure. I can't find it in the book (though I am fairly tired at the moment) one way or the other and I can't remember where I heard it. Hopefully someone with much more experience than I has more information on this subject.

DFRPG / Re: Character idea-how it would work
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:07:35 AM »
Ya, true that. Actually that's a lot easier than what I was trying to do, good thought.

DFRPG / Re: Character idea-how it would work
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:53:26 AM »
Why not just put seven refresh in Modular Abilities?  That will give you five points to move between True Shapeshifting and possibly Flight when you're shapechanging and five points of spell casting when you're not.

You can't use Form Points for spellcasting, just "Creature Features (page 162), certain Minor Abilities (page 169), Speed (page 178), Strength (page 183), and Toughness (page 184)" (YS 177).

DFRPG / Re: Character idea-how it would work
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:38:47 AM »
I'm definitely not going to pretend to be experienced in building powers so I'm struggling getting the numbers to add up but I just thought it would be cool for the Druid to get a custom sponsored magic that allowed him to do "druidy" things without wasting Refresh. My idea for Modular Abilities was for added versatility, since Modular Abilities has the "Form follow function" aspect to it. You could take a cougar as your form, but depending on your situation you may want different things. Maybe you need a slim and sleek cougar for chasing down a baddie, or a tough and tone cougar for taking damage. With only a two point pool to start with I admit that your shapeshifting will be weak to start, but as you advance and gain more refresh and add it to Modular Abilities you become both stronger and more versatile.

And as for making it cheaper just take a look at Seelie. You could argue it is a combination of Channeling: Fire and an offshoot of Thaumaturgy, which would total to -5, plus you get Evocation speed biomancy and downgrade Winter Court Toughness powers, but the power only costs four refresh.

I'm not trying to nit pick or argue and I understand if there just isn't a way to combine Channeling, Ritual, and Shapeshifting into a single power without breaking the Refresh bank, I just liked the idea of the potential versatility it offered; jack of all trades but master of none. Just out of curiosity do you have an idea of making this work, or do you think it just can't happen.

DFRPG / Re: Character idea-how it would work
« on: August 27, 2011, 10:03:51 PM »
While I'll concede that my idea needs some work, I wouldn't call it "horribly broken".

To get the same effect that I put into one power you would need to take:
-3: Evocation
-2: Ritual
-2 to 3: (probably 3 the more I think about it): modified True Shape shifting
-6: Modular ability w/ 4 points
+1: Human Form

Way more than the -9 I said, so to fix this I propose breaking down the power into it's individual parts, allowing the Druid to upgrade it in the way he/she wants to:

-6: Druidic Magic
Pick 1 evocation magic (Earth, Water, or Air)
Comes with the Wildness Thaumaturgy type
Can shapeshift into one animal with a 2 point modular ability pool
Comes with two focus item slots
-1: Take an additional Evocation type
-1: Take an additional animal form (Not sure about this one)
-[varies]: Add X points into modular ability pool

This would allow for a Druid to focus on being a mage (using the extra refresh to buy Refinements), a stronger beast (buying more modular ability points), or have a few different skill set-ups (buying more animal forms).

The new breakdown:
-2: Ritual
-4: Modular Ability (2 point pool)
-1: Beast Change
+1: Human form
+1: Took away two of the given focus items
Total:-7, I then took away one more point due to the fact that Sponsored Magic is cheaper than the sum of it's parts

Adding one refresh for an additional animal form may still be too cheap, but I think two refresh is too much as for merely one more you can simply take True Shapeshifting. I don't think that True Shapeshifting fits the Druid idea too well, wouldn't make much sense for him to turn into a stapler. So another option would be, instead of charging one refresh per form, simply charging 2 refresh for several animals, but not a nearly indefinite number like True Shapeshifting.

DFRPG / Re: Character idea-how it would work
« on: August 27, 2011, 04:16:03 PM »
I'd drop Evocation and Thaumaturgy for Sponsored Magic. Using Seelie as a template you could have something like: -9: Druidic Magic: Harnesses the power of the elements and nature. Earth, Water, Air, Wildness. Can shapeshift into 3-5 different animals with 4 refresh worth of abilities.

Breakdown of how I got -9:
Started with Seelie: 5 "catagories", quick Biomancy, downgrades Winter Court Toughness: -4
Dropped one catagory, quick biomancy, and downgraded toughness for 2 refresh: -2
Added Modular abilities and 4 refresh worth of abilities: -8
Added a modified True Shapeshifting. Can only pick 3-5 different things and they have to be animals: -10
Added Human Form: -9
Still have four focus items for Sponsered Magic.

I'd like other input for the cost of this power, I think it works but it's difficult to cram shapeshifting and magic powers into one character. Or maybe he takes only parts and works his way up from there. Like start with a -6 power, but only gets one element, Wildness, 2 different animals, and 2 points worth of Modular abilities. This lets you still take stunts, or maybe Marked by Power, and you can increase your Druidic powers as you get more refresh. You may also want a version of The Sight that allows you to see elemental spirits. I really like this character idea, it sacrifices some raw power for tons of versatility and can fit in with any group as it can fill in many rolls (though not as well as someone dedicated to the role): tank, mage, stealthy investigator, tracker, etc.

On a side note you can't "replace" powers when you've changed, the closest you get is the +1 refresh from Human Form.

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