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Messages - CottbusFiles

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DFRPG / Re: Master List of Focused Practitioning Fields
« on: December 18, 2011, 05:28:39 PM »
At least as currently defined, the Dresdenverse (ie, WoJ) and RAW (DFRPG) don't allow for any compatibility between magic and all but the most rudimentary technology.  So no -mancies that involve technology, electronics, computers, etc.

Of course, Jim could always change this in the next book, or the book after.  But for now, I think it's pretty clear that tech and spooky don't mix.

You might also want to nail down the list a bit more in terms of powers used (ie, Channeling vs Rituals).  For example, Pyromancy is Channeling(Fire), Ectomancy is Rituals(Ghost theme), etc.  I would probably classify Enchantress as Rituals(Crafting) (ie, turning non-magical things into magical things via enchants), though if you want to include enchantments on people, then you might treat it as a theme, instead.

Also, Psychomancy and Neuromancy are really just Rituals(Psychomancy), since the YS version of Psychomancy covers both reading and manipulation already.

You can still do "mad science" Sons of Ether style. You can't use mortal technology or influence it but you should be able to use Science to create magical technology, like a tesla-coil-lightninggun or a selfmade car using a magical propulsion system.

at least in my opinion

DFRPG / Re: Just a question to clear something up
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:02:19 PM »
Can i make a weapon 0 attack doing only Discipline Shifts of damage?

DFRPG / Re: A Beast Change Character Idea?
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:48:46 PM »
The following homebrew power might be helpful, or it might not. But I figured it was worth posting.

Description: You have the ability to alternate between multiple powersets.
Musts: You must "pre-pay" a number of refresh points equal to the total value of each set of powers that this power affects, plus a surcharge of one refresh.
Skills Affected: Varies.
Two Powersets. Pick out two sets of powers, each with a total refresh cost one less than the cost of this power. You may use either set of powers, although it takes a full action to go from using one to using the other. The GM decides what is and what isn't a valid choice for inclusion in the powersets provided by this power.

Let's say i have 2 powersets, one during day, one during night. What would that give me back in refresh? 1 like in involuntarily change?

DFRPG / Re: Poison and Ectoplasm
« on: December 05, 2011, 08:11:50 PM »
If you were bitten by a poisonous creature from the Nevernever, at what point (if ever) would the poison revert to ectoplasm? Could you set a magic circle around yourself to cut the poison's connection to whatever was keeping it stable in the real world?

If it is fey it wouldn't. Fey are flesh enough, they leave bodys behind too and don't revert back to ectoplasm

DFRPG / (n)WoD Mage Traditions as Inspiration
« on: November 26, 2011, 06:24:23 PM »
Hello Gamernation Dresden Files RPG Board,

did any of you use the traditions from Mage The Ascencion/Awakening as an inspiration for your wizard character? I find them to be quite interesting and easy to import into the Dresdenverse. OF course not as a whole group but using the concept and stealing from it is quite possibyl. (okay, you shouldn't try to be a virtual adept...)

Furthermore, your character could be a RPG-Geek and a wizard and make a conscious choice to represent that character from his favourite rpg.

DFRPG / Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:26:06 PM »
Greetings fellow travelers....

In a lot of despritions of DF towns i have seen bars/restaurants/pups as neutral grounds. On close seconds there are book stores i think?

Do you have any ideas for other Neutral Grounds? A Fight Club boxing arena maybe for Duells mostly? (can there be accoreded duels on accored ground?). For the Vienna game i will possibly never run i thought about a diagon alley type market next to a famous market of the town.

What other ideas for neutral grounds may there be? Parks? Schools?

DFRPG / Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« on: November 23, 2011, 10:12:02 AM »
I was thinking about that one, what do you think:

Mind of Steel : You learned through hard lessons to live with pictures you get from your sight. Get +2 to defend against attacks from the images you are seeing.

DFRPG / Re: Help with an NPC
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:55:09 PM »
Occupy Dragon Hoard? :o

99% of Dragons have all of the gold?

DFRPG / Re: Case Files at cons
« on: November 21, 2011, 09:19:40 AM »
I did run Neutral Grounds really succesfully in 3 hours at a con. If you are willing to rush a bit you can get this done quite easily

DFRPG / Re: Help with an NPC
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:11:37 AM »
For me Rumpelstilzkin is the Wyldfae king of the Leperchauns. Yes you read right. Leprechauns are greedy little bastards that take your money and hide it "behind the rainbow".

He looks like a big fat man with a big goldring on every finger and nearly unable to move in a hall made nearly completly of gold. Midas had a bargain with him.
You can reach him most easily by opening a portal on wall street.

(his brother by the way is the king of the redcaps. (human eating, blood drinking guys) The two where created when rumpelstilzkin was captured by the king in the fairytail and then split in half by horses)

DFRPG / Re: Compelling players with 0 fate points
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:36:33 AM »
On the other hand, compelling an aspect added by someone else through a manouver can be problematic.

But that means that you failed your defence roll agains that aspect in the first place

DFRPG / Re: New DFRPG session on the Fandible Podcast
« on: November 12, 2011, 10:09:22 PM »
will there be compells?

DFRPG / Re: Breath Weapon uses what Skill now?
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:21:26 PM »
Guh, I would almost ask what the point of all that is. You could take every one of those upgrades for 7 refresh and it's still not as good as taking channeling:fire and merely describing it as the use of fire breath. I guess what I should say is it seems underpowered, but then so does breath weapon.

Did you ever had to take backslash for attacking with a Laser Blade made from your own mind?
I know you can generally optimze so that you allways make your discipline roll but not all character are made that way. Channeling is still cooler.

The power made by your screams Soulknife by the way. I guess i can still block and maneuver with it right ?

DFRPG / Re: Compelling players with 0 fate points
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:16:15 PM »
Well, keep in mind that one of the basic concepts in the game is that Fate is representative of Free Will.  Monsters are monstrous because they lack the free will (negative refresh) to fight against their nature.  To a lesser extent a character with low Fate (either due to a low refresh or a temporary shortage) is intended to be in a similar bind (though to a lesser degree).

That said, you should keep in mind that compels are intended to limit choices, not dictate an outcome.  So if you're seeing a compel as being a matter of forcing a character to perform a certain action, then you're probably being too hard on your players.  Instead, the player should be encouraged to come up with a course of action that plays to the aspect being compelled.  It's kind of like a concession: yes, you're going down, but it can be on *your* terms, not on terms dictated to you.

(A few posts were made while I wrote this, and I haven't read through them as I press 'post'...  :p )

You are of course right "kill him with magic" is not a particulary good compel.
But "You know, this guy pissed you off in a major way and you make your OWN RULES - maybe he had it coming either way".

edit : how would you word such a compel with an Aspect like

DFRPG / Re: Compelling players with 0 fate points
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:02:18 PM »
Option 1 is correct by the rules. Running out of Fatepoints is dangerous

"Oh, a Fatepoint for killing with magic..."

extremly dangerous. It can introduce a LOT of drama if done right but can be missused easy by the GM. Be cautious when you do it but don't refrain from doing it if you think it to be apropriate.

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