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Messages - zaczane

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 28, 2011, 06:09:23 AM »
thats ok like i said i got a new one started. this one the players want to be completely focused on action so there will be gore

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 28, 2011, 12:36:24 AM »
i have some good news and some bad news
the good news is that im starting a new game about 4 weeks fro now. the bad news is that 3 out of the 5 people that were playing in the game are moving a away so i don't get to use the frost family but  im gonna put them in the next game so if you could finish i think ack frost, the wife and the grand father in 3 to 3 1/2 weeks that would be great.  which souldn't be hard i mean you finised king blizzard in like 3 to 4 days and have barrakan don in another 3 so from to day which is wednesday you have 23 days until i start playing a game let ALONE fight a major milestone. but if u could have the other three finished by the time i start that would be great if not then hopefully soon after. i'll continue to help you figure out what i want aswell.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 27, 2011, 11:58:11 PM »
yes it does even explains it better than the book did.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 26, 2011, 03:56:35 AM »
well ive never been the best at understanding how refinement  ???works

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:36:50 AM »
good job with Barrakan i kinda confused about some the stuff under magic

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:21:24 AM »
gotcha for a minute there i thought it was a true believer/ knight of the cross type of thing but now o well.  i showed the finally copy of him to some of my fellow friends who aren't in my game. they told me to tell who ever made this that he's really f#$&ing powerful. then i said well you want to either be on his good side or go in guns uh blazing with lots and lots of back up. then i told them he would be a major mile stone if you were to fight him directly. then they all agreed that he is still powerful but then its not really a major milestone if its not a challenge. so they say thank you as well as i do

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:21:06 PM »
o i forgot to ask how the true aim would work in this situation, and physical immunities catch is not cold but the mythic toughness and supernatural recover's catch is fire right

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:18:34 PM »
what are the advantages of making his breathe weapon a weapons 4

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 23, 2011, 06:16:09 PM »
ok i understand now.  he's a good at leading people, just more as a tyrant than a monarchy even though his wife has lots of power. so he'd be really good at battle tactics and coordinating  attacks. other than that he's pretty average at the rest cause the frost family works like this

Grandfather Glacier-Mental attacks are his thing(he will f#@k up your ming easily)
King Blizzard- good at tactics and fighting in general(good fighter but he's a real cocky a@#hole)
Mother Sleet-good at social conflicts and fighting with evocation and thaugmatergy(she will pretend to be your friend even if you are her enemy and then com back and kill you when your not expecting it
Narrvanna(AKA Jack Frost)-he his the most balanced in the family. he love to send people on wild goose chases.  while he goes and does what he wants.(kind of like a supernatural version of the joker now that i think of it.  except his colors are light blue and white rather than green and purple like the joker.)
Barrakan (AKA Jack Frost's Brother)-only one who uses fire.(lets just say that he knows how to control hellfire, soulfire, regular fire along with other pyromancer magic)

DFRPG / Re: power Ex
« on: April 22, 2011, 09:16:05 PM »
whoa whoa whoa sorry my bad i meant to say catches of +2 refresh for physical and mental. who how the heck did i mess that up.

DFRPG / Re: power Ex
« on: April 22, 2011, 01:13:49 PM »
does anyone have any idea for some good physical and mental consequences with bonus of +2

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 22, 2011, 06:48:00 AM »
sorry it  took me so long to reply but i was gaming from 6 to 12 today for another game anyway yes i like him so fare especially what you did with breath weapon.   i'm confused with the vast hyper dangerous aura. he is tough agains everything but fire. he is immune to cold.  and the random recovery is good but that sounds like a -2 at least and i think it should be called IceCold recovery. other than that all i have to say is well done i'm impressed. ill keep u posted if theres anything i want to addd o duh keep you posted its a message board wow sometimes the stupid things that come out of my mouth o well.

DFRPG / Re: power Ex
« on: April 21, 2011, 03:14:12 PM »
well he did manage to kill off a decent amount of the NPCs that were helping my group

DFRPG / Re: power Ex
« on: April 21, 2011, 12:54:41 PM »
well all i can say is his conviction was like a 2 and all my players had a 3 or a 4 oh duh wow i feel stupid i was thinking to my self that it worked out fine yet you guys think that it seems to difficult and i couldn't figure it out.  well here is the thing i forgot to tell you.  all my players had a temporary stunt that gave them a +2 to stealth when rolling against well being unmade because they didn't look the same when they were too young to defend themselves. and i had bad dice that rolled really bad or according to my players GOOD DICE, GOOD GM DICE!!!!

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: April 21, 2011, 03:19:23 AM »
ok from what you tell me your on the right track. i believe King Blizzard would be more towards the breathe weapon and his wife would be more the evocation with the ladder.  i like the physical immunity  thing. i don't mind custom powers just some how label them if they are custom powers so i can tell the difference.  now i don't know what i wuld call this stunt but it would allow him and the rest of his family to have a 1/4 chance to be healed by the weakness or catch(fire). also thanks again and im kind of glad that i gave you a challenge for once. cause even for you i think it would be boring through together NPC with out a challeng e.

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