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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: Zone Wide Effects
« on: May 29, 2011, 02:50:08 PM »
I am trying to keep in the spirit of the novels here and in the novels magic is both directional (as most magic that Dresden uses is projection that directional is most often outwards and forward) and as a pure extension of human will it is also controllable at pretty much every level (with different degrees of difficulty). Now if you think it through if a large number of monsters decided to run in front of Harry, he would likely blast them with area effect fire spell pointing outwards from himself, (so he would project the fire forwards) what he wouldn't do is wreathe himself in fire because that would be stupid, in my opinion direction and size of magic does matter and there should be an option to make an area attack which isn't necessarily a zone wide attack if zones are particularly large. I know people hate examples from the book but Harry has used zone wide magic whilst he was in the same zone multiple times by directing the magic outwards from his body the most memorable example being in Bianca’s Mansions.   

Or maybe he took his supplemental action to move to another zone, so he could use the zone-wide attack against the bad guys?

As other's have said, FATE is an abstract rules set. Per the rules, a zone-wide attack attack everyone in the zone. However, when BumblingBear uses his rules in our game, I don't call shenanigans on him. My primary rule is "Your table, your rules."

Really, it's whatever is most fun for your table, as Fred has pointed out many times in the past!


P.S. It's now 9:50am. I've been up since 2am, and flew from Austin, TX to Chicago, IL on my way to Cleveland, OH. I'm light on sleep, and just started my first cup of caffeine. If my post made no sense, that's why!

DFRPG / Re: Zone Wide Effects
« on: May 28, 2011, 07:30:47 PM »
I would like to begin by saying "Your table, your rules."

However, since you're asking for advice, here is mine. There are rules for attacking specific targets within a zone on page 251. In brief, you split up the Power and Control of the spell, so there is at least one shift of both for each target. I bring this up because if you're in a zone where a zone-wide attack is taking place, you're going to get hit.

Also, in your example, you said that the two groups are "several meters" apart. That sounds like two separate zones to me. Remember, "A zone is
an abstract region of the space the conflict takes place in, loosely defined as an area in which two characters are close enough to interact directly (which is a nice way of saying “can talk to or punch each other in the face”)
," page 197, Framing the Scene.

I personally would find it hard to either talk to or punch someone who is several meters away.

Another thing you could do is use mooks. If they're not all that important to the conflict, have two or three "individuals" be one stat-block. That way, One well-placed attack can take care of them all without having to worry about petty things like splash damage :p

Again, these are all my opinions. Take them with the proverbial grain of salt  ^_^


DFRPG / Re: Refinement Question
« on: May 28, 2011, 01:12:51 PM »
How would you do a foci that can only be used once a session?

Would you just double the bonus, like you half the bonus to get an always up enchanted item?

So you could have a +4 power, +4 control, only for one spell, once per session, for 2 item slots.
Or maybe +2 defensive power spirit, +2 defensive control spirit, once per session

Just a quick note, there is no surcharge for "always on" enchanted items. It works when it's needed, and every use beyond the amount invested costs 1 mental stress.

That rule was changed from the original PDF to the updated PDF.


DFRPG / Re: Non-spellcaster Using Enchanted Items
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:49:07 PM »
The Custom Powers thread has several community-vetted upgrades for Breath Weapon, including range and damage.

I'll have to check that out, thanks!

Skimming over your concept, I wonder if even enchanted item gets you what you want, given that they are, in fact, *items*, which could be taken away.  (I really like the way you used Human Form to deal with the tattoo, by the way!)

So if you want a ranged attack in general, the best answer is going to be: a GUN.  Of course, that's not a magical attack, which you specified.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I'm looking or a way to represent throwing the blade, so no actual "item."

If you want a magical ranged attack that can't be taken away, you can't use an IoP or enchanted item; you need a straight power.  That means use an existing option, or create a new power.  On the existing power front, choices for ranged magical attacks include:

Breath Weapon
Channeling (or Evocation or Sponsored Magic)
Incite Emotion (plus Ranged and Lasting)

Channeling would get you what you want and then some, but carries a lot of baggage: you need to buy up Discipline and Conviction, at which point you'd be a caster, rather than what you want to be.  Incite Emotion can generate the magical attack, but is geared more toward inflicting a specific flavor of consequence.  That leaves Breath Weapon, which you aren't happy with due to the range.  So your choice there becomes using the power as is (which would work, especially since your concept is a 'thrown' weapon, and thrown weapons have the same range), or modifying the power.

If you take that last option, then I'd suggest the following: start with Breath Weapon and trade the +2 stress for an extra zone of range (ie, pistol range) for the same case, OR keep the +2 stress and add an extra zone of range for an extra -1 refresh.

Channeling could work, really. I don't need to have that high casting skills, a few stunts could take care of that. However, I think I'll just opt for Breath Weapon and check out the custom powers thread.

Thanks again for the advice!


DFRPG / Re: Non-spellcaster Using Enchanted Items
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:02:52 PM »
Lots of good suggestions in this thread, thanks to all who have replied so far!

My main reason for asking is to allow a ranged magical attack for a non-spellcaster that has a range beyond thrown weapons range. Here is the character concept I want the ranged attack for:

I could just rewrite Breath Weapon. The main problems with that is the range issue and the fact that it can't be upgraded. I guess I could just modify it. An additional -1 for Weapon:4, -1 to make it a zone-wide attack, -1 for +1 accuracy, etc.

Oh well, I guess everyone has something to complain about :p


DFRPG / Non-spellcaster Using Enchanted Items
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:49:58 PM »
How would you go about rating an enchanted item--or potion, for that matter--that was given to a PC?

Also, would it be possible to for a PC to take Refinement for the sole purpose of getting a ranged attack? I would just use Breath Weapon, but it's such a restricted power, having only a range of 1. Or would it be better to just make up a new power to make up for the lack of range for Breath Weapon?

Thanks in advance!


DFRPG / Re: Refinement Question
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:01:05 AM »
So, Refinement can give you +1 to two different element-stat areas (earth control, earth power, let's say). You can also get 2 item slots, which, assuming we go for focus slots, we get +1 to two different element-spec-stat (earth offense control, earth offense power).

The first bonus is clearly better, so why (outside of enchanted items) would you ever go for item slots? ???

Only wizards can take the first option. Sorcerers and focused practitioners can only take items.


DFRPG / Re: What was your biggest screw-up as a GM?
« on: May 26, 2011, 02:14:44 AM »
For me, my biggest "screw-up" was during a WEG Star Wars game. One of my players wanted to play a character who had heightened senses, like bullet time. Every time he was in combat he got a +1D to Dexterity, +1D Perception, and +1D to Strength.

Needless to say, he was a combat monster. Anything that could cause him problems was enough to kill any other PC.

I was in high school at that time, so I didn't know any better  >_<


DFRPG / Re: Rate of Milestones
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:57:19 PM »
Personally, I do the minor every session.

For the Significant milestones, make sure you have a mini-arc complete. For example, "Reveal the Black Court Presence" is a mini-arc that could span three or four sessions.

Major milestones are really up to you. When your group finishes a meta-plotline, really upsets the balance, or runs into something uber.


DFRPG / Speed Powers and Footwork
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:56:25 AM »
The footwork stunt says to use Fists instead of Athletics to dodge. The speed powers give you a +1 to Athletics when dodging. If a character had both, would they get to dodge at Fists +1?



DFRPG / Re: Armor as Items of Power?
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:25:43 PM »
Human Form would be inappropriate, I think. If I'm understanding correctly, you want the armour to show itself when it first negates damage. If you gave it Human Form (or another like refresh-break), it wouldn't be armour until you took an action to turn it into a piece of armour.

If there are no game effect--it just looks different until used--than that sounds like a [-0] cost. It's akin to Wizard's Constitution. It has no immediate benefits, it's more "flavour."


DFRPG / Re: Feeding Dependency & Modular Abilities
« on: May 16, 2011, 09:12:50 PM »
Indeed.  Once you turn a power "on" it lasts for the whole scene whether you're actively using the power or thematically turn it "off" before using it again.

In other words, you cannot rack up a higher attack than the refresh cost of your modular powers in one scene.

Hey, GM, get out of my thread! I'm trying to cheat you! :P

Not really. But thanks for the affirmations. Looks like we're right, BB!


DFRPG / Re: NPC Fate Points
« on: May 16, 2011, 09:12:00 PM »
As a player in BumblingBear's game, I can say it works quite well. We're not calling Foul when a Fate Point is spent, since we know where it came from. Heck, he even lets us know when he compels an enemy aspect "Eevil Baddy McBaderson is being compelled from his I Do Eevil Things aspect to attack the female of the group."

That way, we know why the bad guys are doing what they're doing, and also why they're gaining more Fate Points. It's a win-win!


DFRPG / Feeding Dependency & Modular Abilities
« on: May 16, 2011, 07:24:27 PM »
I've just started in a game of DFRPG, and have a question. My character's high concept is Gaia's Park Ranger, modeled off of Bernard from Codex Alera. To represent being able to be strong, tough, etc as needed, I took modular abilities (-6, so 4-refresh worth to play with). To show the strain on him (and to sort of mimic mental stress from spellcasting) I linked it to feeding dependency.

Me and the GM are going off of the idea that the feeding attack I take is 2 (the surcharge from FD) + however much other refresh I use. So if I only do inhuman strength, that's a 4-shift attack. We're assuming the attack isn't the full 6 (unless I use all 6).

Also, what if I use modular abilities twice or more during a scene? Would I take multiple hits? Or just one based off of the highest refresh I use?

Thanks in advance!


P.S. Here's a link to my character.

DFRPG / Re: Austin, TX area players
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:43:18 AM »
I might be able to use 1 more.

PM me your character concept ideas for 10 refresh, 35 skill points.

I'll mull it over and get back to you tomorrow!


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