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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 462 463 [464]
Oooh, first thought on hearing Fitz's name was that means bastard (I only know from a different series FitzChivalry as a name) but didn't give any thought to it. Ooooh new SotC theory, good one guys. Or Hendrick's bastard child  :D

Yes, fitz does mean bastard, my husband's aunts were big into genealogy, and my husband was waving a coat of arms around smugly but then I pointed out the "fitz" part of the name on it and what it meant. 
To me that is telling me that she agreed to what he was doing, earlier she'd said she didn't think she could do it, she couldn't feel her hands, she needed his help.  Though he'd given her the "ammo" to change, she still, in the little bit of sanity she had left, was giving her consent right there, telling him it was ok (at least to this reader).  Maybe she knew what he had done and just wanted to help him finish it, knowing how hard it would be for him, because she knew him so well.  She wanted him to save their daughter, and to her, at least in that point of time, it didn't matter how.

In the Dresdenworld, oh yeah anything is possible.. Or it could simply be a shortened version of Fitzgerald given as a nick name.  I saw a movie once called "The Luck of the Irish,"  the hero's last name was Fitzgerald, everyone called him "Fitz."

Yeah, that bit really bugged me too! In Death Masks as well, Mort was described as "...A dumpy, balding man in his late forties..." which also does not translate to "self-destructively obese." Could it be that Harry was just trying to be nice in his descriptions of him before, and that now that he's dead he doesn't care as much about the potential for offending someone with an honest description? Or maybe now that he's dead he's seeing and remembering things with less self delusion. (Of course that doesn't in any way cover the house changes, but whaddaya do?)

Here's another thing: Every person that Harry has encountered since he died seems to have become a sort of idealized version of themselves. Take a look at the descriptions of Carmichael and Captain Jack, as well as Mort. (Obviously, since we've never met Sir Stuart before we have nothing to compare him with.) It made sense to me when we were just dealing with the dead guys; you've got that whole frozen at 30 thing going on and all. But it seems like he's seeing Mort (and Mort's yard, and Mort's house and its furnishings) in idealized forms as well.

If it isn't just one huge continuity flub (and it seems as if it's much too big to be one) then I'm guessing it's a 'dead' thing.


  No one has taken Harry's age into account when we first meet Mort.. Harry was still in his twenties, his body type runs to thin and runner, even if his diet was crap.  So he sees Mort though the unforgiving eyes of a twenty something year old, so being a little heavy is " "self-destructively obese." " to someone who has never gain an ounce.  The whole bald thing and trying to hide it to look younger etc may not be seen in a charitable manner by a twenty something wizard who might live to the age of 300 and beyond.  

Harry was pushing forty at the time of his death, that waist of his is now or was harder to maintain, and in the last two books before he died Harry is suddenly aware that he is no longer a kid..

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:01:38 PM »
Molly. Is. Harry's. Mother.  :o :o :o :o :o

Oh ick... :o

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: October 18, 2009, 02:53:15 PM »

  I didn't know about the books because I read more pure science fiction than fantasy type novels.  I didn't look for many fantasy/wizard types because so many of them were unoriginal in my opinion.  The television series introduced me to Harry Dresden, then of course I had to read the books and was thrilled to find some really original work.  However one thing the television series did do better, the character of Bob..

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: August 03, 2009, 02:45:59 PM »
Just to clarify a touch. Yes and no. Harry finds out in Blood Rites, but Thomas had already known since before they met in Grave Peril.

 Yeah, I believe that Maggie told him, and also instructed him to look out for his little brother.  Which he has, ever since he and Harry met.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: July 18, 2009, 12:31:34 PM »
Guys, if you want to talk about cat lifespans, just ask, and I'll happily split off a thread for you.  Otherwise, try to keep the Timeline thread free of chit-chat.  Thanks!

 Sorry, what started this is if the series goes on another ten or thirteen years, how old will Mister be? Or will he die?  So it does have to do with the timeline sort of..

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: July 16, 2009, 03:37:52 AM »
The oldest cat I've met was 25, and I've known several who were in their twenties.  I believe the world record is something like 38 years old.  Remember, age itself isn't a disease, it just increases the likelihood of various diseases occurring.  If a cat dodges the bullets of kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and arthritis, they can be quite active for a lot longer than you'd think.

Or maybe he's just part kneazel... ;-)

  I recently lost my beloved old cat, she lived to be 19..

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: May 11, 2009, 10:36:14 PM »

 Sell ice cubes to Mab..

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: April 20, 2009, 01:53:21 PM »
Something that might be worth adding to the timeline, but its a little different from the rest since its rather speculative. 
Jim has said that he intends to do 20 Dresden books followed by an apocalypse trilogy.  Well so far the books pace at between 1/2 and 1 1/2 years between books.  If they stay on pace that puts the Apocalypse going down at in about 5-14 years or 15-24 ASF with the average being at around 19 ASF.  its a pretty wide gap, I know, but its something we can be fairly sure is going to come around. 

Not sure its something that fits the timeline, but every time i get somebody new hooked on these books they always ask me if anyone knows how long its going to last ans such, so the whole 20 books + apocalypse trology  tends to come up a bunch

 Does that include short stories?  Because, if it doesn't , he is only half way though.. At the pace of one book a year or one and half years, that is another ten years, don't know if I will live that long..

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: "Turn Coat" released April 7, 2009
« on: November 08, 2008, 06:29:08 PM »
"Turn Coat," eleventh book in The Dresden Files, is released April 7, 2009.

 Do we have any spoilers yet?  Or at least some book cover art to talk about?  Hi, guys been a while since I posted, I know.. But I still love Harry..

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: August 17, 2007, 02:55:37 AM »
This is, of course, par for the course regarding Sci-Fi's mind-numbing skill in defecating on its own dinner plate.

If something works, it has (if they're lucky) one half-season in which to be judged as worth keeping...sometimes, they have a show that inspires loyalty of a size not seen since Trek (Farscape/Stargate SG-1, anyone?), and they STILL cancel it!!!

Why?  Because several sources have said that Sci-Fi's CEO positively HATES science-fiction; the decision to put wrestling on the Sci-Fi Channel was ranking right up there with offering Roseanne Barr a singing gig!  Wrestling and Sci-Fi go together like a peanut-butter and battery-acid sandwich; truly, the demented vision of someone who hasn't the intellect of a lobotomized coconut!

  I had heard that too, may I ask what in the hell is a CEO who hates science fiction doing running a scifi channe?  Or was it part of some packaged deal?

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: August 07, 2007, 12:58:53 PM »

   Loved the series, wouldn't rest till I got all the books and have been reading them non stop.. Just finished White Nights and now have started over again with Storm Front.. There are lots of pieces to the puzzle and I do not want to miss them.

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