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Messages - Mira

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 Makes sense because red heads are supposed to have bad tempers... ;)

i always took Eric the red being odd for haveing red hair thus being dubbed eric the red but what do iknow

  That is how I understood he got the name, but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time nor the last.


"Red or reddish-tinged hair is also found in other European populations particularly in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as parts of the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, France, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Russia and South Slavic countries."

 Yeah, it is all about the right combo of genes, it isn't good to generalize too much about any group.

But red hair is associated with the Irish, not the Scandanavians.  Yes, there are red haired Vikings, but from what I've seen Blonde and Black hair is WAAAAY more common than Red hair. 

Edit: And you keep bringing up Eric the Red.  Are you a descendant or something?  Not mocking, I'm just curious.
No, I happen to be a Danish decent, lots of red heads in my family.  There was a bit of a Scandinavian colony where I grew up, a lot of them were red heads.  In fact I know more red heads of Scandinavian decent than I do Irish, most of the ones I know have black hair.

So...Jim didn't actually say Fitz is cursed, Serack did...?

It's because he has red hair isn't it? Ron Weasley had red hair! Ginger power!

(Even though I have brown hair  :P)

 He could also be related to Gard, lots of Scandinavians have red hair, remember the famous Viking, Eric the Red?

That is assuming that he has aged the way a human would for his entire life. If the hypothesis is correct then that might not be the case. If one of his parents was a wolf and one was a human then why assume he ages at the same rate as a normal human?
  That is a good point, but a stretch in my opinion, yes the age is all wrong. What tells me more than anything he isn't Tera West's pup, is his behavior.  Wolves are social creatures, they run in packs and are very good parents.  Tera West was impressive in her values,  a big thing she did was to teach the Alphas a good value system and what it means to be a wolf.  Fitz didn't show any of that, yeah, he is a sensitive, and Harry saw that he wasn't all bad, but if Harry hadn't come along, Fitz would have continued down the same road he was on most likely.  To me that just doesn't fit with the values of Tera West.

I still think that fitz can't be a wolf because we have a wolf character. it would be like a new cop joining with murphy-what's the point? we have a couple of wolves already. IMO, that means that 1. either fitz is a wolf but will not be significant, or 2. that he isn't a wolf and would be significant.
since fitz got a lot of screen time in GS, i say it has to be the second

  I can see Fitz at some point becoming a Holy Knight, but sorry but I agree to me it just doesn't fit as a wolf.  I cannot see a child of Tara West, raised with her values in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, falling into the gutter to be pushed around as he was by a second rate sorcerer.  So as much as his description fits some things most of the stuff just doesn't fit.

Some interesting conjecture. Indeed, Fitz's name may have significance or it may just be someone naming him that because it sounded nice to them. Hopefully we will learn something in the next book. I have no idea what form a baby from a human and non human comes out. I think it may vary, some human looking and some the non human parent looking and some somewhere in between. I think Fix may be a scion of a human and non human. He seemed to be more mind magic resistant than normal besides the being able to hear Harry and the unusual eyes. Hopefully Zero wasn't named that because he is worthless. ;)
Yeah, we have no evidence that either Tara West or MacFadden could hear or see ghosts, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't.  I got the impression that Tara West was much more inclined to the wolf side than her "human side," so if Fitz is a son, he may have several bothers and sisters also under the curse.

Fitz may well be too young to have had his first transformation.  It would be entirely in-genre for such curses to remain inactive "until his 18th birthday"...or 16th, or 21st, or whatever is particularly significant.  As far as Tera West's possibly unconventional parenting style, it's worth remembering that she isn't human, and lost her mate, who was human, several years ago.

One thing to remember is, according to the curse, it's almost certain that West and MacFinn had a child.  Since we know that they never married before MacFinn's death, that child would be a bastard.  Fitz means bastard.  He has physical characteristics that resemble Tera West and MacFinn, acts in a semi-wolfish sort of way socially, and we apparently have a WoJ that Fitz is cursed.  These are rather a lot of factors to dismiss in order to claim it's a coincidence.

I realize JB's also said that he had no plans to use Fitz as a character again, but you never know.  That doesn't contradict any of the above; it could mean that JB doesn't plan to bring the Loup-Garou curse back into the plotline.  This makes sense--the Loup-Garou curse was covered in FM, and if it originated from Saint Patrick (who was a bloody idiot, if so), then it doesn't seem to be an integral part of the long-term plotline.

Okay, but wouldTera conceive as a human or a wolf?  Have one child or a litter of pups?  Yes, Fitz means bastard, but people have names like Fitzgerald and they are not bastards, an ancestor was.  Surely Fitz knows what is coming if he is indeed her son, yet how long is he going to stick around those kids?  I mean can you see Zero leaving him?

It says: "He was youthfully scrawned, his skin bronze enough to look Native American, though his tangled red hair and pug nose argued otherwise. His eyes were an odd shade of brown, so light as to be nearly golden"

I think one of the reasons that WJM mentioned is quite unconclusive, but all of them together made a solid case (I am not saying is 100% sure, only that it is VERY probable)
Maybe Dina, but why go to all that trouble and then say he most likely not be in any of the future books? Also one more thought, you'd think that Terra West would have done a better job of raising her pup.  If he was raised in the Pacific Northwest, raised with the care and wisdom his mother had, what was he doing a stray dog orphan subjugated to a second rate sorcerer bully?  One more thing, if he was turning into a Loup every full moon, how come a lot of torn up bodies didn't turn up in Chicago? Heck all those kids, the second rate sorcerer himself?  Harry didn't mention seeing any fancy magic circle, the kind that would be needed to contain a Loop.  That's where I have a problem, it is easy to jump to conclusions based on his description and the fact that Jim said he was cursed, but when you think about it, it doesn't add up, at least to me it doesn't.

The wolf speculation comes from:
A) Tera West was supposed to be in GS
B) A lot was done through proxies
C) MacFinn's curse can't die, but he didn't have a kid (that we knew of)
D) Fitz's skin was dark, almost bronze, like native american dark
E) Fitz's hair was red, like an Irishman's
F) Fitz's eyes are roughly the color of Tera West's
G) Fitz is Cursed

Taken together, it seems to point to Fitz being the result of Tera West and Harley MacFinn
But Tera West wasn't in Ghost Story, or at least I do not remember reading about her.
 Yeah, but the  proxies mentioned where Mab, Lea, Demonreach, maybe Uriel.  Nothing mentioned about Tera West.
 If MacFinn died, then either his nearest relative caught it, God wouldn't that be terrible?  Or the curse died with him.  The curse was on his family, when his family died it would die with them.  No evidence that Terra West had a litter of puppies.
 Fitz's skin is dark.. Well, he could be Hispanic, Italian, half AfroAmerican, Middle Eastern, Micronesian, and any other combination that produces darker skin, East Indian...
 Fitz's hair is red like an Irishman.. There are red haired people in my family, we are Danish.  There is a famous Viking named Eric the Red, because of his red hair, lots of Englishmen have red hair. 
 His eyes are roughly the color of Tera West's?  Lots of people have that eye color.
 Fitz is cursed.. Okay, WOJ on that one, but he also said Fitz in more books not likely.. So why say anything at all?  However there are more curses under the sun than you can shake a stick at, stay tuned.. You could be right, or just jumping to conclusions.


  Okay, I am late to this thread, yeah, Fitz means bastard..  Jim says he is cursed?  He also says that he most likely won't use him anymore as a character?  Huh? ???

Don't buy that, but where did all the wolf speculation come from?  There are all kinds of curses.

Other people have told Harry, and us, such things as, "Maggie LeFay was acquainted with this person and this person and this person, and she committed this crime," and then they've left it to Harry, and us, to draw our own conclusions from those statements. Luccio is the only one yet to say, "Maggie was like this and like this and like this, and she loved these things, and believed in these things." Luccio is the only one who has given us any information at all about why Maggie LeFay behaved the way she did, rather than simply pointing out isolated facts and letting us draw our own conclusions from them. Dismissing everything she said just because it seems somehow out of place from your point of view seems like a huge mistake, to me.

Drawing conclusions based entirely on who someone knows and a few things that person has done can lead to terribly flawed results. Here, I can prove it:

"Harry Dresden is acquainted with multiple demons, has summoned a demon on multiple occasions, and struck bargains with this demon more than once. He is intimately acquainted with a Fallen angel, and has received multiple forms of power from that Fallen angel. He is acquainted with several Knights of the Blackened Denarius, has met Denarians several times, and has participated in deals with them on more than one occasion.

Dresden is guilty of breaking the First Law. He has done so at least once, and many on the White Council believe he may have done so more than once. He has summoned a zombie to the certain knowledge of no less than five Wardens, but was able to escape execution by way of a technicality.

He has many times been seen in the company of various members of the White Court, is known to speak an ancient language spoken among their ruling families, and has struck bargains with the ruler of that Court on more than one occasion.

Dresden is known to have had many dealings with the most powerful of the Unseelie fae, and is the personal champion of Mab, the Queen of wicked faeries herself."

--yet all of that would not give someone a very accurate idea of who Harry is at all. Ebenezer, Maggie's father, is the person who taught Harry how to use magic for the right reasons, and what those reasons were. He taught Harry by behaving as an example of the virtues he expected Harry to live by. And yet, Ebenezer is also the Blackstaff, and he has apparently used magic to commit terrible atrocities with magic, in service to the White Council. Both of those behaviors are a true part of who Ebenezer is, despite the fact that they seem to contradict one another.

Given that Harry is as complex as he is, and that Ebenezer seems to be just as complex, why should we expect Eb's daughter, Harry's mother, to be easily defined or simple of nature? According to Luccio, Maggie was at least as smart as Eb or Harry, and maybe smarter. The long-term planning Maggie did on Harry's behalf is a pretty good confirmation of this, in my opinion. So why should she be simple, when neither her son nor her father are?

Also, Luccio's description of Maggie fits what we saw from Maggie's personality imprint in a way that the raw facts from Chauncy or Nicodemus, or even Ebenezer, did not. And since that's the only time we've ever had the chance to see Maggie in action, it seems like one of the more vital sources of information on the subject.
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neurovore: It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed.  The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

Excellent points.

After Ghost Story I think Harry's opinion on monsters is a little different seeing as at "Inez's" insistence he is a monster himself.  He also has resolved the fact that Eb is the Blackstaff of the Council.  Regarding his mother though seems like he wants her to be a good person despite the views of others.

It took a while, Harry didn't speak to Eb for quite a while, Harry felt betrayed, it was a trust issue.  Harry saw Eb as the most ethical man he ever knew, that he represented everything that was good about magic. Then to find out that Eb was the Blackstaff, the White Council's assassin, that hurt him greatly. 

In the soul gaze with Thomas, Maggie called herself arrogant, not Harry. 


 Problem is, Harry knows almost nothing about his mother, he knows from the brief soul gaze with Thomas, Maggie didn't seem like a wicked woman.  Harry had a chance to ask Lea questions about his mother, but little information is given.   However bad she appears to be, she never was so far gone that the love of a and for a very good man couldn't redeem her.

He may just may not be able to come to terms that his mother might have been a monster, hence the non reaction.  It was hard enough for him to learn that Eb was the Blackstaff, and at that point in time he didn't know he was his grandfather.  Eb has said that Harry is a lot like his mother, but still he has very little of substance to say about her.  Margaret LeFay by in large remains a mystery.

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