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Messages - Paynesgrey

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The Bar / Re: A note regarding linking images.
« on: June 18, 2010, 03:00:52 AM »
Compromise:  Happy blue girls singing the blues?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: PM notifcation email not working
« on: June 17, 2010, 02:23:32 AM »
Run into the same problem here. 

DFRPG / Re: Supernatural Muslim Fighters
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:22:40 PM »
If you specifically wisth to tie them to a Islam rather than one of the specific cultural groups in that region, perhaps something tied in with Saladin, perhaps?  He kicked ass in 8 flavors but even his adversaries considered him chivalrous and honorable.  If you wish to go with something regional rather than religious, you'd likely have to work with pre-Islam characters like Gilgamesh.

Display Case / Re: Name a Dresden Drink!
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:50:33 PM »
In a sippy cup.

Absinthe in a sippy cup.

That's just.... neat.

The Bar / A note regarding linking images.
« on: June 15, 2010, 04:44:32 PM »
We've got a lot of pictures we sling around here, what with the kittens, facepalms, and subjects of our Geek Lust.  Nothing wrong with that as long as we stay PG-13.  But I've noticed that often the images are hotlinked from whatever fun page we found them.  This can cause problems for wherever we got the images from.  The owners of those pages end up having bandwidth used by people who aren't even going on their site, just looking at the pics from the site here on ours.  Depending on their server setup, traffic, etc, this can bog things down for them.  And it makes them say bad, bad, words.

It's good manners to save the image, the upload it to whatever photo hosting site you prefer, and then post the image here for all to enjoy, cringe, laugh or weep at.  

Images by  be sure to check out more of their work.  Especially if you like blue girls and star trek.  Or girls with swords.

If you right click the image and look at the properties, you'll see I'm using photobucket to host this picture of Geek Wonderment.

Then I've gone and put a link to the artist's site so all can make wonder and joy at them.  

If you post an artist's image as I have, and by that I mean art, please give credit where credit's due.  We're not talking a screengrab from Farscape you snatched from IMDB, but something somebody made, drew, shot, whatver.  Most photographers and geek artists don't mind if you show their stuff, just provide a link to the source page so people can come see the rest of their work (and maybe buy something.)  We artists love to know that people look at our stuff, we just want people to know it's our stuff their looking at.  And then we want them to look at the rest of our stuff, and maybe leave a little positive feedback.  Most people posting art on the interwebs don't mind sharing as long as you give them credit and don't grinch their bandwidth.

Just tossing this out, but can we have a chat for touchy topics? not in the main link, but a private link? Not public? Sign up to join in?

Board stays clean, chat is private, and well, I can have more fun again? :)

Touchy Stuff never stays in it's place, keeps tracking stuff out of the celler all over Iago's fine carpets.  Much as I miss TT, I can't say as I blame him for wanting to keep it out of chat.  Besides, the nature of chat precludes taking a deep breath, going away and reading a book before coming back and posting a reply. 

Stop dating the one who hurts me (undirected chats in a general chat area), or swear off humans (the whole forum) all together?  The former. :)

Alexander looked out over his domain and wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.

I look at this straight line, and weep because among all the really saucy lines clawing and screeching to get out of my head, I can't find a single PG-13 one. 

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:42:43 PM »
My favorite Spacey role is Verbal in Usual Suspects.

Probably why in "casting" the Alera books I keep putting his face on Fidelius.

And you can toodle around the threads on the Spankwagon.

Reckon it would look something like this...

Jump to the 1:00 minute mark.

Looks promising.  I'm very, very glad to see the Advice Column, I think it'll be of great help to people, and I think the extra "orientation" materials on each board are going to help.  Everything's clearly labeled, so even a simple creature such as myself can find it's way about and grasp what behaviour is expected in the diverse nooks and crannies.  I know these types of extra boards mean more work for you guys, and I appreciate that you're willing to give it a shot to preserve the community feel.  And the kittens.  Because everything is better with kittens.

Site Suggestions & Support / New FAQ organization
« on: May 30, 2010, 03:02:46 AM »
One of the ranks in the Za Guard, from Summer Knight.

Loo Tender Paynesgrey.

This ain't your Daddy's Tidy Bowl Man.

Site Suggestions & Support / New FAQ organization
« on: May 30, 2010, 02:02:42 AM »
I'm thinking "Loo Tender." :D

And if someone is having a "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW" situation, they probably shouldn't be posting on the forum.

I've always been alarmed by the number of people, here and elsewhere, who are posting when they should be calling a doctor, vet, preacherman, or exorcist.  People hit something outside their experience heap or are just mentallyh overloaded and don't know how deep they're in until someone says "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW!"

Loo Tender?

Sure.  Wielding his mighty Dwarf Forged Grinchhammer Of Yeah, You Just Had to Go There, Now You's My Beyotch.

Hell, I'll volunteer for the duty, but only if I get to have a cool title like "Super Angst Haus Death Nanny, Don't Make Me, like, tell one of the real mods to tell you to shut up, because they'll be pissed I had to bother them about your stupid BS."

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

You would need more mods for this certainly, because I wouldn't expect the few we've got now to take it on, but you could limit the "Worry Room" type of place to pre-approved threads, and you have to ask a mod to post your thread, at least for a little while, until the boards cool down.

More mods, definately, even if they're just "assistants" who only really act as Junior G-Men for the Off Topic section, trying to settle things escacalating to teh real live grown up mods onlyh when necessary.  But they'll need official status, call em wardens, paranet assistants, doormen, whatever.  otherwise, many will just say "bossy old timers yelling at me, you're not the boss of me!"  To which the Li'l Modlings can say "No, but I work for the boss of you, see the title?"

I'm not sure about pre-approving worry room threads, that'll make a delay and if someone's having an absolute shitstorm (Mom's sick, cat's dying and I lost my job today), the hugs and "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW!" posts will be delayed.  Plus it's more work for whoever has to police it.  I think with more eyes on 'em, maybe some Official Worry Room Nannies, we can grinch badness before it gets rolling to fast and splashes on Iago's boots.

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