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Messages - nadia.skylark

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DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 26, 2019, 08:23:32 PM »
Michael doesn't have to explain every individual step of his thought process -- most people don't, after all -- and Harry never asks. There's no reason for Michael to stop and go through all his thoughts.

Not walking through every step of his thought process is definitely not a "lie of omission," otherwise Harry is guilty of that to literally everbody he's ever interacted with.

To quote some of my posts upthread:

People can change their mind.
(about Michael contradicting himself)
True, but... you'd think he'd say something to Harry before Harry forced the situation. I mean, it is his job to make sure people know the truth about the Fallen, after all.

I mean, what happens if Harry goes through with it, gives up his powers, and still has the shadow? Is he just going to be fine with it? Given that Harry uses his powers to protect people (and based on the books, it is entirely likely that Harry would have to deal with innocent people dying because he refuses to use his power to save them) I think if he realized that Michael had lied to him he would be far more likely to disregard everything that Michael says/has said...and given that Harry still has Lasciel's shadow...

Suggested reasons for Michael to lie to Harry is ... that he was initially mistaken and did not correct his statement later because doing so risked encouraging Harry to take up Lasciel's coin.

Even if he sincerely believed the first statement and later found out that he was wrong, I find the assumption that telling this to Harry just slipped his mind to be utterly untenable--in which case it was a deliberate omission intended to leave Harry with misinformation. That's not technically a lie, granted (it's something the fae could do) but I think it's equivalent.

He never bothered to tell Harry that he was mistaken, even though, as I pointed out earlier, the consequences of Harry following through on it if it were false are potentially disastrous.

This is why I believe Michael not telling Harry before Harry forced the situation was a lie of omission. It has nothing to do with "explaining every individual step of his thought process"--it is because the consequences of Michael not explaining to Harry were potentially disastrous, and were specifically disastrous such that it was Michael's job as a KotC to try to prevent them, and that due to this I can't believe that it simply didn't occur to Michael to tell Harry: thus, by definition, he was deliberately not sharing that information.

I can't think of another explanation. If you can, however, please say so.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 26, 2019, 06:27:55 PM »
Reread the explanations we've been giving for the last several pages, then. I don't see any reason to keep asking a question that several people have plausibly and competently answered already.

Fair enough. There have been answers for the first two questions posted. However, I've never seen an answer to the question of why Michael didn't tell Harry, and until I see a good one I'm going to continue claiming that it's a lie of omission. (The other questions were posted purely because I though the answers might change based on what explanations people thought of for the last question.)

I don't think she can command Harry to use wizard magic.  I believe she can control his physical body, and use of Winter ice magic.  Wizard magic requires real belief to do.  So Harry would become no different than any other Winter Knight, losing his value to Mab.

This makes a lot of sense.

There could be one thing that gives Harry more free will.  The Fallen's words that lead to Harry becoming the Winter Knight, and having Kincaid shoot him, caused his lack of free will.  To balance the scales, Uriel gave his free will back.  Harry, unlike other Winter Knights may have a form of angelic protection from Mab's total control over him.  But I'm not sure.  Even Harry admitted that Mab could make him a meat puppet but it would make him virtually useless to her.

I'm not sure...I think what Uriel did was tell Harry a bit of "cosmic" level truth, rather than giving him any particular power. Knowing he has free will will certainly help him keep it, but I think it's sort of like Lea's magic feather trick.

I was talking about a quote where Jim was talking about the third favor ending his obligation to Mab.

Do you think you could dig up the quote/source? I've never seen this one.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 26, 2019, 06:16:23 PM »
I've been rereading Grave Peril.  I will say this.  Michael could have been mistaken but he is totally against lying.  He gets after Harry for it repeatedly.  Michael wouldn't do it on purpose.

That's my position.

No, Michael didn't fully trust Harry though Small Favor until he was positive the shadow was gone, mainly because no one before Harry had ever rid themselves of the shadow without taking up the coin and rejecting it.. He also says he never lied to him, his fear was that Harry was lying to him.  Michael may have been mistaken or not about if Harry gave up his magic the shadow would leave, but he did not deliberately lie to him about that.

So why did Michael believe that Harry giving up magic would get rid of the shadow, what changed his mind, and why didn't he tell Harry? (And please don't say "because God said so"--I'm well aware of the possibility, it just annoys me so I'm disregarding it.)

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG: why Nicodemus wanted the knife
« on: February 26, 2019, 06:11:44 PM »
A fun theory I just thought of is that the knife is more of a Saint's weapon (a wizard who uses Faith Magic).  It would be one heck of a foci tool

Just imagine using it as an athame in a ritual!

DFRPG / Re: [DFA] stating black court and Fomor
« on: February 26, 2019, 06:10:36 PM »
You also might want to add some custom stunts to represent the Fomor's weird equipment, and something for water-breathing/swimming.

Of course, now that he's Winter Knight, she doesn't have to request anything of him, she can just outright command it.

Well, she can't command anything. We know she can't command him to harm those he loves, and I've theorized that there are commands that he can refuse without Mab even having the option to force him to obey (namely, killing people unaffiliated with the Courts and outright lying).

Does anyone else have ideas for things Mab can't command him to do, or things she can't try to force him to do if he refuses her command?

Jim has explicitly said that the deal to become the Winter Knight supersedes the three favor deal. He said that same deal initially offered to Harry to become Winter Knight was the deal made in Changes.

However, the books do not say this. The deal Harry made in Changes has completely different consideration than the first Winter Knight deal. Mab never mentions the earlier deal. There is no "I'll throw in saving your daughter as a kicker." Harry says I'll be your Knight if you give me the power and knowledge to save my daughter, and I get to be me at least until it's done, and Mab will never order him to raise a hand against, or whatever the phrasing was, his loved ones. (Note it doesn't say anything about the Lady or Mother or even a different Queen).

If we were to apply the English common law or most modern contract law based on it, both the three favor and Changes Winter Knight deal would be in place.

Here's the WoJ:
Now, prior to Cold Days Dresden still owes Mab one favour, does he still owe her that favour or did the events of Cold Days make up for his obligation?
Technically yeah, he still kind of owes her that one favour, but on the other hand, he also sort of owes her his complete loyalty, devotion and obedience so the extra favour is, you know, it’s like “yeah okay, he also does have a hand grenade in his hand while he’s sitting on top of a nuke that’s about to go off”, so you know, technically she could probably mess with that if he somehow got out of being the knight, But uh, generally speaking that didn’t just get wiped away, Mab keeps very good books and that’s not something that’s going to be, she does not let things slide, it does not happen.

So it sounds like both deals are still in effect, it's just that the Winter Knight deal is so much bigger that the three favors deal is mostly irrelevant (outside specific circumstances that we're discussing).

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 25, 2019, 10:08:45 PM »
It occurred to me that Lasciel could have not been effected at all by the circle, but was letting Harry think he had the upper hand. I'm not saying I believe it; it's just a thought I had.

Very possible.

Personally, I believe that the circle had nothing to do with how restricted Lasciel was from interacting with Harry--I think what caused that was Harry's choice to attempt to lock her away, and it would have had the same result no matter what method of containment he chose to use.

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG: why Nicodemus wanted the knife
« on: February 25, 2019, 06:44:38 PM »
Hmm. I think the Knife was in Harry's coat pocket... which Butters put on before he ran out to fight Nicodemus. I can't really check right now to be sure—does Harry hand it off to Michael or someone else?

I'm fairly certain Harry's got it now. I think I remember a discussion at the end of Skin Game where Michael acknowledges the corruption in the Church as a reason Harry should keep the artifacts.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 25, 2019, 05:28:26 PM »
So picking up the coin wasn't accidental or unwitting

I think the Knights, at least, believe that picking up the coin without knowing what it is still gets you a shadow in your head--that's why Shiro stops Harry from touching Ursiel's coin before he knows about Denarians and why Michael says that if his son had touched the coin he would have been raised by Lasciel as a weapon against his family.

However knowing the Enemy, Harry may choose to kill her if he cannot cure her.

Exactly. It is something Harry would agree to if Mab made it her third favor, but not something she could order Harry to do as her knight.

Yes, she can.

I'm not convinced of that. While I agree that she can force him to do most things, I think forcing him to try and kill a mortal unaffiliated with the Courts might be like when Aurora's plant construct tried to attack Murphy--because Murphy was someone Aurora couldn't kill, her construct couldn't either. I'm reasonably convinced that Mab taking control of Harry's body like she did with the letter opener would be the same thing.

So yeah, perhaps Mab can command Harry to do anything she wants, however she cannot force him to do any of it, it is still his choice.

I think the issue is that Mab can force him to do things, but she can't force him to choose to do them, and it's the choice that is important. At least, that was what I understood from the end of Ghost Story.

Given Mab's limitations and the reason why the faerie Knights exist, however, I doubt that Mab could force Harry to kill a mortal unassociated with the Courts or outright lie. That might be a way for Harry to fulfill his third favor to Mab, but on the other hand I have a hard time thinking of a situation where Mab would need to force Harry to lie outright or where Harry would refuse to kill someone as Mab's Knight but would do so to fulfill a favor.

The answer may end up lying in Mab's promise not to order him to harm anyone he loves after all--if Elaine is infected with Nemesis, for instance, Mab would want her dead but could not command Harry to kill her.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: February 24, 2019, 04:54:50 AM »
I loved your version of Harry Dresden!

I'd love to see a couple of other versions, if you're interested:

Captain of the Wardens!Harry
Senior Council!Harry
Summer Knight!Harry

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Michael lie?
« on: February 24, 2019, 04:11:12 AM »
I'm trying to reconcile two seemly different points of view.  If what you assert here is true then it would be impossible for the coin to pass the Shadow to a host. Since to put the Shadow in, the Fallen must act outside the coin.  While Harry could be accused of willingly cooperating the child can't.

I think the issue here might be that "willing" is not the same as "knowing". If the child had touched the coin willingly, it would have allowed the coin to place its shadow inside him even though he had no idea what he was doing. Does that make sense?

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