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DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 01:45:24 AM »
Well, item-wise, to some degree it depends on whether you have Kemmlerian Necromancy or Lawbreaker or that's an issue, especially with your Specialty and Focus Item.

Aside from that, well, your defensive item isn't noted right, it needs a number of uses per session noted, and equally importantly, can be used for either Block or Armor on each individual use, for example:

Robes (8 shift Block or Armor 4, 3 times per session) (6 item slots)

This is also a hell of a protective item, and debatably overpowered in some games, so check with your GM if it's cool. If it is, then it's a solid choice.

I see, well currently it's an "on all the time" item. I dropped a load of enchanted item slots into it, I think I did the math correctly but not positive on that. To get this I set one enchanted item slot aside for the item itself, then with Lore 5, I dropped 3 enchanted item slots into that to bring it up to strength 8 from 5. Then halving that gets you an item that is on all the time right?

As for my speciality and focus item, those were just what I threw down at the moment. I am not dead set on them, but I figured kemmler works better with spirit. And yes, my character has both Kemmler and lawbreaker(fifth) now, we did end up moving up to 11 refresh to make it fit better.

I'll definitely bring it up with my GM, I'm glad to hear I did okay with it. The other thing is our party isn't very big, so I'm definitely trying to keep my eye out for things to get the group by in it. I don't really know how these games work yet, so maybe I am being overly cautious.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 01:28:33 AM »
Might anyone be interested in offering some suggestions on how to put my items together? Or does the current set up look okay? I'm also interested in some rote suggestions if anyone wants.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 03:13:12 AM »
Yep. There's a solid cap there. Also, if you're actually gonna use it, Lawbreaker is actually pretty nice mechanically. +2 Control to every single roll you make using Necromancy either Evocation or Thaumaturgy? That's not bad at all.

And front-loading it is definitely the way I'd do that, yeah. Indeed, my first post pointing out your lack of it was intended to suggest something like this...apparently very poorly. Sorry about that.

No worries, I may have misunderstood and I definitely misunderstood the rule to some degree. I was under the impression it was going to start dropping my refresh like crazy every single time I tried to do what my character does. Starting off with lawbreaker -1 means a bit of careful sailing until my first refresh point.

I still need to figure out how to set up my items, but my aspects and powers seem about complete now.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:49:13 AM »
Your link is broken.

Here's one that works:,18574.0.html

PS: The Sponsored Magic thing has been argued a million times and is not going to be resolved here. I suggest not arguing it again.

Wow, thread kind of exploded while I was gone.  Thanks for the working link, and I agree with you. I am not a fan of flaming old arguments that can't be resolved. I was merely pointing out my group's current view on the subject. I'm definitely much too tired these days to engage in long internet arguments. I'm perfectly happy to agree to disagree here.

Then the ultimate DFRPG authority has already ruled that your character is legal - that being the table you're playing at.  That philosophy is why there's a thread with official "suggestions" on the first law as opposed to one with a ruling.

That said, if you're replacing your trouble you might think about getting one of those "you've broken the law so often it changes one of your aspects" style thing from the Lawbreaker rules.

Something like:
I Have Power Over Death
I Can Bring Them Back
I Command The Spirits
I Raise The Dead
- to reflect how tempting it is to use forbidden power.  Your PC can do those things and the only reason she doesn't is because the White Council says she shouldn't.

And you might want to reflavour Kemmlerian Necromancy.  Call it "True Death Necromancy" or something like that, because the Kemmlerian Necromancy leads to really batshit crazy stuff.  Every single one of Kemmler's former apprentices came off looking more insane than Cowl and Kumori  - and that's saying something.

Why reflavour it? Because when you use the term on this board people will think about the default "become completely insane" power rather than the variation that your group is using.


Those are good points, it might be a good idea to reflavour it but my GM might want to leave it as is, I'll bring it up to them. And I will take you up on the aspect change, it's a good idea.

Personally I consider all of those characters to be insane.

The Kemmlerite were insane.  As in "Why negotiate when I can kill him then break into the morgue (killing a bunch of people) and get what I want" insane.  I see all of them as having all of their aspects twisted by the Lawbreaker power.

In White Knight it strongly hints that Cowl deals with the Outsiders.  That's only one more "I am above the concept of sanity" act that this loony does.

Even Kumori "I go around helping people" is crazy.  Read that conversation she has about how she will banish death from the world.  When Dresden points out the tiny little flaws in her plans (Hitler living forever, vast over population, etc) she completely tunes reality out - because she lives in a world where delusions can come true.

None of those were slobbing at the mouth insane, but they were all insane.

PS: Edited to address:
Cowl believes himself above good and evil, above sanity and insanity.  He cooperates with raising the Dark Hallow because he knows he will make a Just God.  He works with capital E evil types.  The Proto-ghouls, the murdering women who have a touch of talent, the... well, almost everything he does portrays someone who considers himself amoral and asane - which shows how insane he is.

Looking at it another way - if he really has left all mortal moral judgements behind, then he's operating at a level that can't be considered sane.


I don't see that as insane at all, corrupted yes but insane to me is an entirely different bag of stuff. Well, I'm not saying they're perfectly sane. But I'm also not saying they're any more insane than an average healthy individual can be. I think whenever you give someone powers like that, you're opening them up to all kinds of ideas that to us seem insane because we live in a non magical world. Where as for them, they can accomplish the impossible. That's one of the definitions of thaumaturgy in the rule book.

I'm not saying they're right either. I'm just saying most of them don't seem to have lost control of themselves by any means. Of course the corruption in the RPG isn't just about sanity, it's about how much freedom over your core nature you have. Which means you can be perfectly sane but just not in control of your fate anymore.

Huh? Lawbreaker doesn't make you insane, it makes you the kind of person who does that. It makes you arrogant enough to believe you have the right to do that kind of thing, and gradually subsumes everything else in your life into your use of that kind of Magic (as it changes your Aspects). All of those sound like perfect descriptions of the people in question.
Well my character would go 'insane' or however you'd like to put it, losing control of themselves for simply doing the type of magic they've been trained to do for years due to only having one refresh. It doesn't seem right that they'd drop down every time for simply using their main magic.

Though I am refreshing myself on Lawbreaking power and it may not be as bad as I previously thought, I was under the impression that it would have crazy refresh cost repeatedly instead of a limit cap on each law. It might actually be good to include it at the start, I'll bring it up to my GM, they'll probably agree after we discuss it. Am I correct on this? The refresh cost caps at -2 for each law then it merely changes your aspects?  If so that would be a good way to start off, one violation wouldn't instantly make me turn into an NPC and it'd symbolize my character being young and fighting the corruption, but becoming more in control after a milestone passed. They'd still corrupted from then on out (aspect changes) but not in fear of losing control of themselves, only changing into something else.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:44:42 AM »
This is almost certainly an error (or a result of the difference between PCs and NPCs), not an intentional statement on how the Laws work. Adding Lawbreaker was one of the last things that got done in OW (and considered more important on PCs than NPCs anyway), and nobody noticed its' absence on Kumori. No, really, I know, I was the one who pointed out it's absence on Grevane. They immediately put it in. Nobody did the same for her.

Indeed, I'll link you:,16539.msg784716.html#msg784716

That said, if you want to and it's fun for your group, go for it. That's by far the most important thing. Way more than any pedantic rules argument.

I disagree, I think the loss of free will involved in Lawbreaker very neatly models the reality of the books (which is what the game's trying for, obviously), and is quite fun in its own way.

But running a game without it is certainly viable. I would advise consistency, though. Either have it or don't or put a number of times you need to do X to get it, no applying it sporadically...that'd get weird.

Well here's what I've also read on it.

Actually it’s a pretty excellent question and one that is NOT explicitly stated to my knowledge. It is generally assumed when it comes to the Faerie Knights but there are exceptions. Linked below is a thread on the DFRPG site that debates the various approaches. The book does reference it and I’m pasting that here for clarification:

This quote is from the post-its on p.236
Technically, the Laws of Magic only apply to mortal spellcasters. I haven’t seen either of the Sidhe Knights at the meetings or ice cream socials.

But I think this could be a fertile ground for stories in someone’s game. Like one of the Knights whacks a Council-allied mortal, and there’s a movement inside the Council to apply the Laws to the situation, but the Accords get in the way…Sort of the reverse of what happened in the Death Masks case.

Stars and stones, Billy, my life is complicated enough here without pulling more politics into it!
And this quote is from p.241
As enforced, the Laws of Magic are applied where human victims are involved, but similarly, they’re primarily applied where human spellcasters are the ones doing the deeds.
FORUM THREAD,18574.0.html

Myself, I agree with a number of the positions.

1) If it is only Sponsored Magic (not a mortal wizard tapping Sponsored for more Oomph) then it really doesn’t come from them and the soul/moral consequences of the Lawbreaker talent doesn’t seem appropriate.

2) It’s going to depend on who the Sponsor is! No Warden is going to claim jurisdiction over a Knight. (And that is explicitly stated in several offers of knighthood to Dresden that they would love to have a Wizard that was not bound by the White Council’s rules. It is also stated that the Wardens would be off his back… it was a conversation with the Faerie Ladies in McAnally’s I think). But the power of the Sponsor and the origin of the Sponsor are going to be very important in the decision-making of the Warden.

3) Is the Sponsor a member of the Accords? If so, then they and their minions do not have to answer to another member except under those terms. What do the Accords say about it? No fricking idea, they’re a plot device.

4) What kind of Sponsored Magic? After all, Kemmlerian is simply magic that delves deeper than others into darkness. Kind of necro-methampheta-magic. Anyone who has dug this deep is no longer worried about the Laws.

5) This is a decision for the group and the GM. Remembering that the use of Magic to break the Laws is something internal as well as external in the game. It implies a blot on your soul, a change in your perception, a step down the path to NPC/madness. Do not use Sponsored Magic as a way to get around the personal effects of the Laws. In fact, if you have someone who is doing so and it's considered "legal" due to the Accords, I don't think it's too far of a stretch to apply the actual character effects to the character. After all, in the end, they simply represent the character becoming less human... And, in the end, isn't that what many of the Sponsors want? Downbelow would love for the person to become less and less human. Same with the Fae. What better temptation from DownBelow than "Burn everyone you want, the Wardens can't touch you."

I honestly just do not see a necromancer having to worry about going insane easily from using the type of magic they specialize in. Cowl, Grevane, and company would have been braindead if it were the case. And also for my group it is not a case of "x times before you break the law" it's just a case of "You can do this without breaking the law, but not this."

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:24:55 AM »
Personally, I think the Lawbreaker Power shouldn't be mandatory for people who break the Laws. Because having a Wizard PC break a Law and suffer the consequences for that is fun, and the mandatory-ness of the Lawbreaker Power interferes with that story.

So I recommend you just ignore the thing that says you need to take Lawbreaker. Don't let the oddities of the rules get in the way of your game.

Requiring that breaking a Law affect your Aspects is pretty cool, though. Aspect changes are a great way to represent corruption.

Well that's the thing, I just don't see anything that actually says it is mandatory. It all seems to be a pretty vague area regarding sponsored kemmler and the laws. Currently my GM has ruled that I'll be more 'resistant' to lawbreaker corruption under specific circumstances, but not immune to corruption by any means. And that the sponsor agenda (Death) will constantly be hanging over head. I also do not doubt at some point my character will become a lawbreaker. Though they aren't going to set out to do it.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:12:41 AM »
Not by any of the rules they don't. Some people would argue that they don't...but I've never agreed with them, and think that's thematic hogwash.

There's also the fact that I'm pretty sure you need to be a Necromancer (ie: have Lawbreaker - 5th) before you can even become a Kemmlerite...just logically.

Kumori doesn't have lawbreaker and she's clearly a necromancer and has used the abilities. In any case, I wasn't looking to butt heads on it. I understand some people might be against the idea but my GM and group think it to be a fun concept and no one sees any mechanical issues with it in the rule book. I was hoping more in input from more experienced players about the selection of skills/items and such for a wizard in their position for someone new to the game.

You could be a necromancer who hasn't gone all the way corrupt yet.  Say that you worked mainly with an animals or find the points to pick up a level or two law breaker.

In the books, Kumori is a non-Kemmlerite necromancer who isn't evil.  Crazy and in denial about it, sure, but not evil.


I do understand people's suggestion that lawbreaker would make more sense, and I do agree. I just also feel it's not completely necessary, and I'm working on the 10 point refresh otherwise I'd have been happy to throw that in as well. Though I will talk to my Gm and see about what they want to do, I understand it's not completely unthinkable to bump the refresh up by one for everyone at the GM and group's discretion. I'll ask what they think, but I'm not going to argue if they want me to leave things as they are.

Thanks for suggestions though Richard, they're a good example. As I mentioned already I'm taking some inspiration for my character from John Constantine from Hellblazer, the "hero" of the comics. Though most people would describe him as being a bit of a bastard rather than a hero, though they wouldn't describe him as a villain either. An "Any means necessary" type trying to do the right thing, but also a little too selfish for self sacrifice.

Necromancy doesn't necessarily have to be about killing and reanimating. It can also be about controlling ghosts and the likes. Maybe not even ghosts, just death energy of some kind or another.

You could look at it like this: every action has an equal but opposite reaction. So every spell you do is not one action, but a pair of action-reaction. Now most wizards learn to use magic a certain way, what I would call the action in the simile. Necromantic magic seems to work the other way around, creating what would usually be the reaction, so the action occurs. Granted, this will only translate very roughly to magic, but I hope you get my point. Necromancy, without killing or raising anyone or anything. Harry says so himself, Magic springs from life, Necromancy from death. Kumori says something along those lines as well, and she says that Necromancy can be turned to do good.

In some applications, the necromantic method might even be better than the magic everyone else is using. We don't have much to go on there, but I think that could be something that would let you walk the straight and narrow, while still having necromancy.

Spinning off this idea, every warden of the white council will probably feel the necromantic energies around you, that doesn't seem to be something that can easily be hidden. However. once they soulgaze you they will find out, that you never killed anyone, never intend to, that there is something about the necromantic energy around you, that might not be inherently bad, and they will definitely see, that you never broke a law. Add to that a sponsor, and you are good to go.

I would keep Kemmlerian Necromancy from your sheet, though, because that definitely is the darkest dark of necromancy and will, like Deadmanwalking said almost certainly come with a lawbreaker. attached. If you do put it on your sheet and use it, you will end up on the dark side, and if you don't use it, you have two points of dead weight in your refresh pool. Refinement would be the better way to go there, I think. If you want to have a Kemmlerian background, put it in one of your aspects, so if you really want to go there, you can draw upon it that way.

Speaking of aspects: I think "walking the line" and "if the ref doesn't see it, it's legal" are basically saying the same thing, and I feel that the second one is way more fuego than the first, and might make for a better trouble aspect, while conveying the same message.

Thanks Haru! There was some very good points you brought up. I'm definitely going to consider these things. And if I switch the trouble aspect out it would give me a good rearrangement for the rest of my aspects so I think I will definitely take you up on that.

I agree with all your points on the necromancy, it's definitely not going to be a secret from the council, just for now she's not going to be a top priority on their list. They're more or less watching and waiting. They feel any of them could take her out if they need to, they're seeing if she can be useful to them. The war is going on so they're definitely trying to make use of her, at her expense. And if she gets herself killed doing it, it's one less headache for them. Most of them will definitely not be comfortable around her.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:22:29 AM »
Nope. Check Our World. Both Grevane and Capriocorpus have Lawbreaker 5th.

You can still get lawbreaker with a sponsor, but standard sponsor benefit seems to allow for negating some law breaking unless I'm mistaken.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:09:14 AM »
The big issue with this character mechanically is the Lawbreaker Stunt and her lack of both it and the Refresh to buy it. By background, she should have Lawbreaker - 5th [-2], unless she has only ever used Necromancy on animals (enormously unlikely, I'd personally say impossible, for a Kemmlerite) and possibly other Lawbreaker stunts as well (if she's ever killed for instance). So, that's a definite problem.
I thought the sponsored magic rules keep lawbreaker stunt from being involved as long as you're using the sponsored magic itself to break the laws. The trade on this being the sponsor agenda, otherwise a necromancer would go insane in ten minutes of being one.

Edit: And I just checked Kumori out in the book and she doesn't have the lawbreaker stunt, though it also doesn't list her as having Kemmlerian necromancy. It says it's "unsure if she has full access to it". But I'm pretty sure we see her use necromancy on a human in the Dresden books as well.

Thematically, having an ex-Necromancer seems possible, but a Kemmlerite? Much less so...though I suppose if Kumori came off as sympathetic it's possible.
It's of course not the most likely of stories, but it's one I find fun and my GM's on board with it. They seem pretty interested the story of the Warden out to get her.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 14, 2012, 11:15:59 PM »
I'm also a little confused about one point.  Kemmler bought it for the last time in 1961, and while I get that your character is younger in relation to Kemmler's other apprentices (Cowl, Corpsetaker, et al.) assuming the game takes place in the modern day that would still put your character in her mid seventies.  Perfectly normal for a Wizard of course, but it also means that she's been a part of the Council for over fifty years now.  Has she continued shady? 
My idea was that a one of Kemmler's apprentices had a stronghold somewhere and was recruiting wizards to train in the ways of Kemmler, to be cannon-fodder/scapegoats against the white council or whoever.  So my character isn't a direct apprentice of Kemmler, but of one of his apprentices. This also all took place in Europe, and she later came to America. I may be wrong, but so far this seems to work out well enough. My GM hasn't pointed out a problem with it, but while we're both big time Dresden readers I wouldn't say we're infallible experts.

Also, do you have someone who took responsibility for your character like Eb took Harry in?  If she defected it might not be necessary, but maybe have a previous mentor on the Council who took a risk on you.  That could get you an aspect related to your mentor.

That's a good question! I actually did consider that idea, but I haven't set it in stone yet. So far it seems to be an "either way" thing, and that maybe they did and maybe they didn't. Off the top of my head, it doesn't seem to make as much sense as Harry Dresden and Ebenezer for Dresden Files book plot reasons regarding the two, but it's not impossible either. I may take you up on this as it would make for interesting play, to have one Warden unofficially hunting her, and another older council member looking out for her to some degree as long as she doesn't do anything too over the line.

Plus, necromancy is a gross violation of one of the Laws of Magic. Unless she only practiced animal necromancy, and even then, it's a major gray area.

You are correct, though the game is taking place during the Red Court war. Where the rulebook says that wardens investigating shady evidence is going to be "more rare" than before. This is where her one aspect is going to come into play "If the Ref doesn't see it. It's legal."

She's going to have one Warden spying on her a lot and trying to find an excuse to kill her, or give her jobs that'll get her killed.

As for the White Council as a whole, we decided it was going to be the sort of thing they didn't ask to many questions about. Sort of like Inglourious Basterds with the Americans making a deal with the Nazi officer. He gets off "scott free" in return for his part of the bargain. They don't trust them, but they're willing to work with them under supervision in return for what they offer. They aren't placed in any sort of area of actual trust or position to betray them back as well.

I imagine there was a half dozen soul gazes on her and hours of interrogation before they even considered the deal and someone argued it was a good trade on her behalf. It's probably came down to them sweeping past actions under the rug, to a degree. And saying if she ever breaks a law and they catch her they will drop the hammer hard.

DFRPG / Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:01:29 PM »
Hey everyone! I just started getting into this game and I have to say the system looks really amazing. I've never seen such a open ended magic system before and it's definitely been a little paralyzing with what all you can do with it. I'm still trying to learn everything but me and my best friend are starting up and we're still working on our characters and the city.

Before I type up a wall of text here's the gist of it:
 I'm doing my first Dresden RPG session soon, and I'm playing a female White Council necromancer that's not good or evil, and is probably going to take some inspiration from John Constantine in some ways. So while they may not be evil they are going to be doing a lot of questionable things. Their trouble aspect at the moment is, "Walking the Line" to reflect this. My GM suggested this one, but we're both new to aspect ideas.
I'm looking for some help on stuff like skills and items mainly, and suggested aspects, but I'm open to any suggestions on the other parts as well. It looks like they're going to be in a tough position so I want to try and make them statted out in a way to be able to handle it.


My friend's the GM and we've been working hand in hand on my character and some others. I decided I wanted to play a younger Kemmlerian Necromancer that's with the White Council now after making a war time deal for a pardon, by betraying the Kemmlerites that were training them. Also with their situation being taken under advisement. "Oh well they're just a kid, they didn't even know about the white council until after they were trained as a necromancer." They're of course more in their twenties in age.

My GM is all fine for this, and of course we've both agreed that while it works out, they are still going to have half the council at least convinced they are evil psychos waiting to snap. And the only reason any of this works out is because the Council was in a desperate situation and my character offered an easy out to solve the problem for a minor headache. We've also agreed that means there's going to be a bunch of old school wardens out to kill my character first chance they get. Specifically we got one named "Warden Adams" that's going to more or less be the "Morgan" for my character, but less reasonable.

My character's the only wizard in the group, and there aren't many others. So far there's also a Dragon Knight beholden to Ferrofax.

Here's my second character sheet:

I've got one aspect marked as "Placeholder" and I'm still trying to decide a good one to put there, I'm also open to suggested revisions on the other ones including the high/trouble aspects if a really good one is offered.

Anyway, I apologize if I made a mistake in my post. And I appreciate any suggestions people may have.

DFRPG / Re: Campaign and Character Ideas (And some art too!)
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:39:17 PM »
Love the art! Do you mind if I ask a somewhat off topic question Keliren? What font did you use on your sheet? It looks very nice and clean! I had also decided to use photoshop on my sheet but my default fonts aren't very attractive at the moment. Thanks!

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