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Messages - Theonlyspiral

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Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:36:02 AM »

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:19:56 AM »
Someone did an awesome one like a month or two ago. I wish I remember how to get to it.
I saw two online today...a Music Video and a casting trailer.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:21:12 PM »
No-one really agrees on anyone.  The closest is "Matt Bomer as Thomas", but not even everyone agrees on that.  And to make a fan trailer, it would take a lot of work to hunt down actors and actresses in clips that could be 'Dresden' related. 

<forlorn sigh>
I was thinking of taking Clips and Pieces from various actors and doing a kind of Super Cut.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:46:35 PM »
I picture Morgan as Daniel Craig...Having just gone through this whole thread I am suprised we don't see more fan Trailers on Youtube.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:28:54 PM »
In terms of a minor Character... Steed the English warden will forever be a young Timothy Dalton in my head.

« on: January 29, 2013, 07:32:12 PM »
According to the announcement they're targeting a $10 PDF. On the other hand they targeted one Volume for the first DF:RPG

Sorry, I'm Canadian. It's my national duty to out-polite everybody.

Sorry if that bothers you.
And you're doing us proud!

So I had a thought in the shower this morning. I was pondering using the Formor in a game and it hit me: The magic could provide Water Evocation. A gift of the Formor wanting to get itself out. The player with it would have to track 2 sets of Sponsor Debt: one for the Ley-Line construct keeping the prisoner in, and one for the Fomorian Giant below. What do people think?

So it either costs 3 with a +1 Discount for Thaumaturgy, or it costs 2 with a +1 Discount for Thaumaturgy? But overall there is no debate that it works fine as a sponsored magic?

« on: January 24, 2013, 02:56:15 AM »
Well you all managed to convince me...I was clean! I had the kickstarter monkey off my back and now I've backed 3 more projects today.

This is the version I am running by my group on Friday. The discount is for the power not providing any form of Evocation. What do people think?

Description: Tapping into the Ley-Line construct in Nose Hill Park, you've managed to channel a portion of it's great energy...however now you are bound to be a keeper of that which sleeps beneath.
Sponsor: The Ley-Line Prison that hold a Formorian Giant.
Agenda: The prison was constructed to keep the giant imprisoned, and you are now responsible for keeping the prison secure. Occasional dark impulses favoring the Formor and it's release bubble up...but how bad could it be?
Evocation: The Gift of the Conflux provides no Evocation magic.
Thaumaturgy:The Gift of the conflux provides the ability to use Summoning and Binding Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy cast with the Gift of the Conflux can be done with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Gift of the Conflux gives a +1 bonus to Complexity and Power for Summoning and Binding. Additionally you may use your specializations when using Summoning and Binding at the speed of evocation.

If you're sure the restriction is harsh enough for a reduced price I'll yield to someone who knows more about the game than I do. So something like this is how you would do it?

Description: Tapping into the Ley-Line construct in Nose Hill Park, you've managed to channel a portion of it's great energy...however now you are bound to be a keeper of that which sleeps beneath.
Sponsor: The Ley-Line Prison that hold a Formorian Giant.
Agenda: The prison was constructed to keep the giant imprisoned, and you are now responsible for keeping the prison secure. Occasional dark impulses favoring the Formor and it's release bubble up...but how bad could it be?
Evocation: The Gift of the Conflux provides the ability to tap into the magic of Stasis and Imprisonment (if drawing upon the ley-lines) or of Entropy and decay (If drawing upon the prisoner).
Thaumaturgy:The Gift of the conflux provides the ability to use Summoning and Binding Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy cast with the Gift of the Conflux can be done with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Gift of the Conflux gives a +1 bonus to Complexity and Power for Summoning and Binding.
Restrictions: The benefits of this magic can only be used within the City Limits of Calgary.

What sort of Elemental sponsored magic would work for something like this? I spent most of last night trying to figure something thematically appropriate and I just couldn't.

I was unclear on whether or not Thaumaturgy specializations still applied when using Evothaum. I erred on the side of caution here. I've never actually seen Evothaum in play as I've only got about 3 sessions under my belt with Fate and we haven't really had to hash everything out in play yet.

I figured that seeing as the Campaign is limited to the city and some limited time in the Nevernever it's not really a meaningful drawback. I mean yes hypothetically it's restrictive but if the restriction doesn't come up in play once is it really worth a rebate?

Quick question for you Deadmanwalking...

Would you say most of the "Brutish" Denarians (Feathers, Ursiel ect) would basically be the same as Magog just with an aspect switch? Or do you think there's more variety among their ranks? I ask because frankly this is one of the most helpful threads here and you know what you're doing.

DFRPG / Re: Is the fate system the best for the book series
« on: January 22, 2013, 03:41:38 PM »
You're a goober.  But I won't hold it against you.

Lea is said to be second only to Mab as far as sheer power is concerned among the Winter Court.
Ignoring (obviously) the Mothers. I cannot see any way that Mab (never mind Lea) could outgun Mother Winter.

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