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Messages - gojj

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DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:42:49 PM »
I like the stunt about being able to use enchanted items, but I think that if someone wants a mortal to use enchanted items, they should not receive the two refresh bonus. It just seems unfair to me that a mortal could (theoretically) throw around magic nearly as effectively as a Focused Practitioner, but at half the power cost and still be up a point thanks to the bonus.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:10:34 PM »
This seems fair to me, so essentially she is now a Minor Talent (game mechanic wise).

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:55:20 PM »
I don't think a Pure Mortal would be able to use Enchanted Items, they wouldn't know how. I haven't read all of the Dresden books yet so if there is an example of a Pure Mortal using one than I shall stand corrected, but I think the whole point of the two bonus refresh is to help mitigate the fact that they have no access to anything supernatural. Inventing a stunt as a loophole seems to be going against the spirit of what the Pure Mortal template is supposed to be, even if it doesn't break any rules.

Now if a Minor Talent, True Believer, etc. wants to get their hands on some Enchanted Items, then yes I like the idea of creating a stunt for that, but I just don't like the idea of mortals throwing around magic and still keeping their two refresh bonus, even if you do make the character owe debts and all sorts of story stuff.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:03:20 PM »
I think that you're putting too many restrictions on these stunts. A stunt can generally move a trapping under all circumstances or move an entire skill under some circumstances.

Thematic justifications are decent, except for the one for Little Lies. I don't understand how that relates to Investigation.

What does the Sleuthing trapping do?

 By itself, not much. I imagined it mostly for making decelerations regarding of investigations in general. For example someone could use Sleuthing to declare that out of two suspects in a murder, suspect A is fitting the profile of a killer from a few years back, who killed his victims in a similar way. It is mainly a prerequisite for the other stunts because I thought that some of them were kind of a stretch without it. If you think the other stunts can use Investigation without this stunt than there probably isn't any need for it, you could use scholarship, contacts, and investigation to do the same thing.
Would you like Little Lies more if it used Rapport for Falsehood and Deception instead of Investigation?

DFRPG / Re: Dresden-esque Wizard Needs "De-Dresdenizing"
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:38:09 PM »
Personally, I think it would be hilarious if your character was very similar to Dresden. You could have NPC's make fun of him for being like Dresden, maybe calling him a wannabee, poser, or groupie. If it goes on long enough you could even have an aspect like "For the last time, I am NOT like Harry Dresden!".

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:31:57 PM »
I'd be curious to know the boards' ruling as well- I had a wizard who decided her best friend (a man of God type) was just too squishy, and made him an armored jacket. In the end, after being rather unsatisfied with him having an item that depended on her stats, I had him take it as a weak IoP (with only Inhuman Toughness, and nothing else).

I wouldn't charge the man of god any refresh whatsoever, in my opinion it comes out of the wizard's refresh. Even though she is not carrying the enchanted item herself, it is still in use and therefore still costs her an enchanted item slot. I see no reason to bring Items of Power into the equation, those are something else entirely.

DFRPG / Re: Help me design some rotes!
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:24:11 PM »
Zone borders essentially subtract from athletics when crossing them. If you rolled a Great Athletics you could normally go four zones. But hang on, there is a fence (lets say border 2) right in front of you, now you can only go two zones after climbing the fence.

An area maneuver affects everyone in the area, so it is unopposed (no one can roll against it), so you only need to roll a Good to do it. Say you have Earth and you want to make the ground shake to throw everyone off balance. Your discipline is a 4 and you want to throw three power into it, you roll a -1 so you are able to control it. Now the zone you cast your spell at has the aspect (with one free tag) Shaking Ground, which you, your allies, AND your enemies can tag, so it is not always a good thing. Remember that this is only when you are not casting a maneuver directly at someone. If you make the ground shake, that's the environment, if you want to make the ground shake only under the enemies, that would be opposed by they're athletics and it is no longer an environment maneuver. I hope this makes sense. Maneuver against the environment = unopposed, maneuver against a person = opposed.

An area blast works similarly, except everyone in the zone rolls against the blast to dodge it, friend and foe. It also soaks up 2 shifts of power to blast an area. Another example: Jim the earth mage sees a pack of wolves running right at him, but luckily they are still one zone away. He decided to try to take them all out at once because if they reach him, he'll be in trouble. He has a Conviction and Discipline at Superb, so he decides to put in power equal to conviction. Normally this would be a Weapon five blast, but because he's blasting an area it gets downgraded to weapon three. Jim rolls and just controls the spell (rolls straight up), then all the wolves roll a Fair dodge. They all get hit with six shifts of damage (the difference between the caster's Superb Discipline  and their Fair dodge plus the weapon three).

Hopefully this answers your question, if not then their are others that are more experienced that I and can either explain it better, or link you to a topic where this was discussed (I did a quick search but didn't find anything).

Well, he's a young kid. Kinda rash and impetuous, but he has a good heart. He is dismayed by how good of a thug his natural power (Half shadow demon) and his kinetic magic makes him.

He prefers to avoid a fight if he can, and if he's going to fight it would be via ambush tactics. He has some serious staying power in a fight, but would rather avoid it. So his tactic involves bursting from the shadows, clocking a target with his bat, and disappearing into the dark again.

But he's not afraid of a stand up fight. He'll slug it out with the best of them, though he's not as tough as some of the baddies out there. He's a natural user of his magic, so without any formal training his power is unrefined, and usually comes in the form of unfocused blasts of force, when with the right training. he could be slinging superthin blades of force or paper thin walls that stop howitzers.

Than I would suggest a veil, a shield, a block (zone border), and either an attack or maneuver depending on how good he is with his bat. You can also leave your rotes blank for one session and keep mental notes of how many times a particular rote would have been useful, or if you have a nice GM he/she will let you change your rotes one or two times so you can "test drive" them.

DFRPG / Re: Help me design some rotes!
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:53:44 PM »
Well there are are four things that you can do with Rotes: attack, block, maneuver, and counterspell. Now I have never used a rote counterspell so I don't know how useful they are, but in my opinion they are not as useful as the other three. Now I would take an attack, two blocks, and a maneuver. Because you have spirit you can use on of your "blocks" as a veil, which are always useful and you already stated that you wished to keep a shield rote. Now the maneuver is entirely up to you, I would make it something that would be difficult to do with a melee weapon (since you mentioned that your character prefers melee), I would suggest an area maneuver, maybe you use your spirit power to make the air around character in the zone to almost vibrate, the raw kinetic energy pulsating to distract people, or using darkness to plunge the zone into a weird twilight. Area maneuvers are automatic with a rote (assuming your discipline is at least three which yours is) because you only need to make a three to cast it, also area maneuvers are harder to pull off with a melee weapon (maybe run around with your sword outstretched spinning in circles like a maniac?) in my opinion. Or you can sacrifice the maneuver for another block, this time make it a zone border, useful for dividing the opponents to take them down separately or buying some time to run away.

Basically design your rotes around your character. If you play him as a sneaky, attack from the shadows kind of guy then you'll probably want a veil, a shield, a zone border, and a maneuver. If you are more of the full on attack kind of guy, you may want two attacks (one can be a spray or a zone attack), a shield, and a maneuver.

[Edit: Just out of curiosity, how do you play your character? Is he the sneaky assassin, burly tank, heavy hitting warrior, resourceful diplomat, etc. Just curious]

DFRPG / Re: Equal-standing combat, how to fix?
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:48:49 PM »
Edited to add:
Okay, I give up.  What kind of melee weapon has a weapon 4 rating?

One-handed sword with Inhuman Strength? OP never said the weapon's by themselves were weapon 4, just that the warriors had weapon 4, I bit oddly worded but I assume that either his warriors have Inhuman strength or he's just throwing out numbers as an example.

[Edit: I misread Op's first post as well, and now feel quite dumb]

DFRPG / Re: Potions Anyone?
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:06:15 AM »
Also, how often do you actually spend time on the list of ingredients?

I can't speak for others but with my group we only mention ingredients if someone thinks of something funny . But overall I think listing out ingredients in unnecessary and would just slow down the flow of the game.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: September 05, 2011, 09:25:18 PM »
I made a line of stunts (one stunt is a prerequisite for the other 5), and I'm wondering what you think of them. I think that some work better than others and nearly all can be named better (I can never think of a good name for a stunt, even if I can explain why I think the stunt makes sense).

-1: Professional Detective: Add Sleuthing trapping to Investigation **(This is a prerequisite for)
-1: **Make them slip up: You are adept at angering your suspect just enough to make him/her say something they wouldn't have normally. Roll Investigation for Provocation when questioning someone (not for random insults)
-1: **Little Lies: Lying is easier the closer to the truth it is. Roll Investigation for Falsehood and Deception when part of a truth is in the lie
-1: **It’s part of the job: Sometimes looking like someones else is just part of the job. Roll Investigation for creating a disguise (not sure about what the limit on this would be)
-1: **Look behind you…: Following someone is easy, doing it without their knowledge is the trick, and you've got that trick down. Roll Investigation for Shadowing when following a suspect
-1: **I will find out what I want to know: Roll Investigation for Interrogation when interrogating a suspect

All of the ** stunts are using the Sleuthing trapping. A character with these skills would naturally have very high Investigation, giving them a foot in a few social and stealthy trappings, but not enough to make those skills obsolete. These let the character do their job well and allow the player room for specialization. Maybe they want their detective to be fairly combat oriented, or a stealthy, alert infiltrator, or able to talk rings around even the best debaters.

DFRPG / Re: Character Request Game
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:31:38 AM »
Template: Were-Form
Aspects: Have to solve the puzzle, I know this town, I've got friends in low places
Important Skills: Investigation, Contacts, Rapport, Deceit
Stunts: Good cop: In good-cop-bad-cop, I'm the good cop. Roll Rapport for Interrogation
Powers: In addition to required: Inhuman Strength and Toughness, Claws

Figured his human form would be the information gatherer while his wereform would be for self-defense, in case the person he's investigating is a supernatural baddie.

Template: Were-Form
Skills: Resources, Deceit
Powers: In addition to required: Diminutive Size, Addictive Saliva

DFRPG / Re: Supernatural toughness
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:57:41 PM »
I can't find anywhere where is explicitly states that you can't in the book, but it is my understanding that backlash bypasses armor, natural or otherwise.

DFRPG / Re: Psionics in Dresden
« on: September 04, 2011, 08:41:00 PM »
I think Channeling:Spirit fit's this rather well. Just instead of describing it as "I blasted him with pure kinetic energy", simply say "I picked up a rock with my mind and shot it toward him".

DFRPG / Re: Smith and Wesson 500
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:55:54 AM »
I don't compare weapons to each other directly specifically because the system doesn't have enough room to do so (battle axe is more dangerous than longsword, but both are two handed weapons, so both are Weapon 3, etc).

So, for guns: Most pistols, regardless of type, are Weapon 2.  Big ones, DEagle, Magnums, etc. are Weapon 3.  Weapon 4 is reserved for explosives, anti-tank weapons, cannons, etc. this a battlefield scale weapon?  No?  Then it's Weapon 3.

Even high powered sniper rifles are just Weapon 3.  That extra damage comes from stacking maneuvers and declarations.

If you want it to do more, use Guns to make a declaration, place an aspect.  Now your giant calibre pistol is plot relevant and not just a fancy gun.

Bingo. Yes this is a large gun, but it is still an oversized handgun and therefore weapon three.

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