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Messages - CottbusFiles

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DFRPG / Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:43:16 PM »
sure sure,

it's just my opinion that a high flow of fate points creates more interesting and dynamic storys. If they are not flowing than they don't function as good as a pacing mechanic and aspects loose A LOT of their power i think. If you "surrender" your game to aspects, compells and fate points you can get a lof extra oomph out of the system i think.
Right now i'm thinking about it in the same lines as the Checks in the GMs turn. You actually want to kick yourself in your mousenuts and make stuff harder for you because you get so much reward from it. Aspects and Compells behave the same way i think.

I was actually thinking about the box on page 100.

DFRPG / How to word that IoP
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:09:37 PM »
Hello Dresdenphiles

I had this idea for an item of power. It is a modern sports bow but "blessed" by the erlking. I have no idea how to word it...

It should have a few abilities.

Weapon 2, nothing fancy there
A power that allows you to take 1 mental stress to enchant your arrow. In game terms it allows you to manuveur with it in all kinds of ways. Think the trick arrows green arrow or hawkeye use but with magical nature. Pay 1 stress and shoot a newarrow or a flamming arrow that sets something on fire or that turns into a rope that puts a "rope over the chasm" aspect and so on. It could also be used to engulf the arrow in goblinfire to overcome some catches. - Not sure how to price or word this. I was thinking -2 maybe.
A ritual that you can use with this bow. If you have something from your pray (blood, hair, fingernail clipings etc.) you can set up a simple ritual to make this your pray. This would make the bow deal 4 damage against that target as long as you continue the hunt and let you track it in some way. - here to, not sure with the price and the words.

What do you think of this item? 

DFRPG / Re: How do you handle Declarations at your table?
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:57:17 PM »
Free action. One or two per action if they make sense.

DFRPG / Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:54:21 PM »
Hey again. Interesting discussion you had in episode 2. I think one of the problems you have is that your GM maybe doesn't compell enough.

For the situation with J.B. you could have started with a scene compell of Freelance Security Consultant and have her check out a neighborhood for her client. It just happens that this is a dangerous neighborhood. You could than have compeled her Chosen of the Dolydd Dwr Aspect to ask her wether she wants to fight them like her patron would want (fatepoint) or run away (costing a fatepoint).

You could also have had compelled Faris high concept to make him stuck in customs while Oliver get's to J.B. on time. Without the compel Faris could have been with him.

From what i have seen there aren't enough compels in your session for my taste. It is great that some player compel themselves willingly but it is also a JOB of the GM. I think it is even written in the book that it's your obligation.
In this episode we had like 1 hour without a compel, 15 minutes without one should be a limit.

This is different from traditional RPGs i know that but it is the strengh of the system.

For you players, try to shake the story and the flow up with Fatepoint delcarations like "i find this guys lare" or "my contacts tip me off that there have been cultist seen at this and this place"
Try to really use the tools the system gives you and not just the bites your GM throws you.

It is still a really entertaining podcast and i really much enjoy it. The fact that Orriana uses a bow is just added awesome.

DFRPG / Re: AP Podcast - City on the River
« on: January 22, 2012, 04:50:45 PM »
woho! thank you. I was really waiting for you to post you next episode and was a bit worried you would podfade

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic: Reynard the Fox (Trickster Spirit)
« on: January 05, 2012, 08:52:40 PM »
I would just go with Glamours, it gives you all the trickster things you want to do

DFRPG / Re: Removing Stunts for Refresh / Powers
« on: December 22, 2011, 02:21:54 PM »
You could also take some colour from the stunts and let them reflect in her use of magic.
If someone has two weapon stunts, make him use the sword in his magic and his formula with terms from swordplay.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Tutorial, Part 1: Aspects...
« on: December 22, 2011, 02:14:29 PM »
I don't agree about the rarity of GM initiated compels, but part of that is when I compel my players they stay compelled. I've always disliked the attitude that a compel lasts for a short period of time. If I offer a compel it does not pose a limitation immediately that can be cast off on the next round, it lasts until it is no longer relevant, so in your "Blind in one eye" example I would compel once, and that would effect his shooting for the rest of the scene. I wouldn't compel again, unless different limitations became apparent or the stakes were raised (in which case I probably misjudged the severity of the compel initially).

I felt strongly against that but thinking about it, this makes it easyier for players and GM to remember and you don't have to remeber every single compel every round. On the other hand, you get a lot less FPs that way. There may be reasons to compel the same aspect again. You could compel him in the beginning to limit his shooting but then if maybe a Silph comes flying and he can't see it from the corner of his eyes - new compel. This is just fair to the player i think.

DFRPG / Re: Movement and timing in combat
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:33:37 PM »
Yes, that is my interpretation as well.

I assume that all movement as a supplemental action must be taken "in one go" (thus not split up as a "move-attack-move" thing).

Maybe with a Stunt like "Flyby-attack" or "Running Sweep"...

DFRPG / Re: Rules for Pets and Allies
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:30:38 PM »
I still think that hiring minions is a valid thing for the Ressource skill. It's not different than buying Armor and a Motoricle. Hiring a Hacker to make this Sholarship/Burglary rolls is not different than hiring a Wizard to make this discipline rolls.

If you limit this than Ressources becomes a lot less powerfull (it is a powerfull skill to beginn with but stil)

DFRPG / Re: How should I develop my character's powers?
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:26:13 PM »
I personally find it strange that Dracul doesn't have Wings and maybe Hulking Size (shapeshifting), just something to think about.

DFRPG / Re: A Beast Change Character Idea?
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:14:47 PM »
I was thinking about something like

Inhuman Strengh and Toughness during the Day and Glamours and Supernatural Senses in some way for the night.

I'd like to have my "combat form" only during daytime where it is not so convenient to slug it out on the street.
In the optimal way the powerset would both be better at the alternate daytime.

DFRPG / Re: Can i have a Pegasus as an IoP
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:49:24 PM »
Tallyrand's idea works pretty well.  That's what my group has always used for characters who have a specific NPC friend/partner/spouse/contact who shows up occasionally in the story - stat them out, give the main character an aspect naming the NPC and their relationship, and use invokes and compels to control when that NPC shows up.

Alternative, since this is sort of a pet/mount rather than a human NPC, you could try writing up a custom "Awesome Pet" power or something like that which would define exactly how strong the pet is allowed to be.  If you went that route, I would say you could have your pet be in any scene you want (within reason) WITHOUT needing to invoke your aspect, because you already spent refresh on the pet power.

Having a power like that makes more sense i think. Having a character whos pet is maybe a big part of what he does but has a lot of other powers or survival stunts etc. and a low refresh would have problems bringing his pet into play. Any ideas on how to write up such a power? It could be put to good use on a demon summoner

DFRPG / Re: Can i have a Pegasus as an IoP
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:08:39 PM »
creatures are not items

Than how do i do it?

DFRPG / Can i have a Pegasus as an IoP
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:49:04 PM »
or any other strongish mythological creature?

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