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Messages - Heartsonycgr

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Please let me know what you liked about our con and what you didn't like. We are always trying to improve.
God of MarsCon

Have Jim & Shannon back next year!!!!  ;D :o ::)

Seriously, it was absolutely wonderful...a small friendly well run Con with awesome guests.  Your rapid re-accommodation of Jim's venues was wonderful and greatly appreciated.  Food was great (as you predicted, could do most/all eating from Con Suite), got to meet my JB Forum buddies (thanks for making an appearance here as well to answer our questions and give advice). 

Super job and thanks for keeping costs down and making it such a wonderful time!

But sometimes things are delicious.  :P
Delicious people are for cuddling and hugging, not for chomping on me at least...I know you can't help yourself, being a Rampire and all...

Very true.  Have you ever considered a career in vampirism?

Nope...tho thanks for asking.  Not really into harming things unless they are trying to harm me first...  ::) ;D

Heart = I love
Sonyc = my show dog kennel name
GR = Golden Retriever :)
Hee hee


He's addressing me...inside joke. :) hey it's not the miles that count, it's how young you feel!  ;)

You rock Shecky.  Have I told you that today?   ;D

I second this motion!  ;D

Thank you, Heart, for not throwing any of your holy water on me.  I appreciate it.  ;D

Of course, no problem.   ;D  With your people vanquished, you must be quite lonely.  Of course, you can make more of you....hmmm.  Jim now has a way to resurrect the Rampires!! Uh oh...  :o ;D

Did you look real close at most of us? No dear you were fine as fine can be and it was my great pleasure to meet you.

I have found my's to fellow geeky, nerdy, creative, pleasant, imaginative SF/F nuts!  Yeah! :o ;D


[whispers from prone position] I am not worthy...I am not worthy...

Or at least not too creepy, eh? ;D

Whew...just recovered from MarsCon!  Long days, long drive and worth every second of effort.  Fabulous meeting fellow forum folks, Jim & Shannon are awesome, dressing up in costume for the first time in probably 40 years (tho we didn't win, with Serack's help it was an awesome costume...enjoyed his glowing runes, too, Matt's awesome scarred hand & a host of other cool costumes--sadly I missed the Za Lord bunch!).  The GS reading was great--Jim could do his own audiobooks if he had time...Shannon gave out handmade glass bead beautiful.  Got some new books thanks to the folks here.  All in all one of the best times I've ever had!  ;D

Hey, Blaze, Pris was wearing your cloak...looked awesome!

@ Serak: Ha ha.  No heartsonycgr doesn't stand for heart so NY cougar... :). Stands for heart = I love sonyc = My show kennel name gr = Golden Retrievers. :D.

Can't wait.  I am SO ready for the con.  Though I give no promises about being in any state to be all perky and happy when I get there.  This week has been hellish.

Just get there...I'm sure we can all help elevate your are, after all, the bearer of good things.   ;D

So I should go easy on the Twizzlers on the trip down if I want to make good time.
Yep! :)  Unless you go with the red kind...I LIKE the red kind...  ;D

But, licorice is awesome.

And, as a bonus, it's also a diuretic!!  ::)

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