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Messages - babel2uk

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DFRPG / Re: What is the complexity to Transform Objects?
« on: October 30, 2010, 10:52:35 AM »
3) Gold was first synthesized from mercury by neutron bombardment in 1941. Gold costs as much as $35000 per Kg while mercury is much cheaper. In addition, Tungsten has a cost of $30 per Kg. Osmium has a cost of $12217 per Kg. Tungsten can and has been turned into Rhenium which then can and has been turned into Osmium. A wizard could circumvent the required nuclear reactor by using a powerful transmutation spell and then buy Tungsten and Mercury and sell Osmium and Gold.

But for the gold you would need 6 times as much mercury, the result would be radioactive since while you can do away with the reactor arguably the transmutation process would have the same results. And the hat making industry discovered the down side of working with large amounts of mercury. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that there are some big down sides that may explain why it's not common practice.

DFRPG / Re: Benefit to Overshooting a Control Roll?
« on: October 27, 2010, 06:11:04 PM »
Sorry, was commenting off the top of my head as I said, and realised the error a while back but haven't been near a computer to correct it. Was mis-remembering Shifts of Power as just Shifts. Which are two entirely different things. Power has to be decided before the spell is cast, so yes, the only real benefit of massively high discipline is the attack based portions of Evocation - but that probably does include certain manoeuvres on living beings (who should feasibly get some sort of 'dodge' attempt against certain types of manoeuvres).

DFRPG / Re: Benefit to Overshooting a Control Roll?
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:58:31 PM »
Off the top of my head:

Getting more on your control roll means having extra shifts that you can apply to your spell effect to boost it in certain ways.

In the case of an attack you can use those extra shifts to attack separate targets (by splitting your roll between them) or to make it affect everyone within a particular radius (2 shifts per zone of effect). So if you've rolled 8 on that Weapon 2 effect you can hit everyone in the same zone with a weapon 2 effect that they have to beat a difficulty of 6 to avoid. And remember that if they get less than 8 the difference is added to the damage as per a normal attack.

For Manoeuvres you can make the aspect you're creating last longer by spending those extra shifts (1 shift per extra exchange).

For Blocks you've got the choice of adding to the strength of the block, covering more than one person (you can cover all allies in the same zone for the cost of 2 of those extra shifts), or extend the duration of the block by 1 exchange per shift.

So yes, low power high control can be beneficial.

DFRPG / Re: How many is too many?
« on: October 26, 2010, 03:20:17 PM »
Edit: Had a question. Answered it myself. Ignore this post.

DFRPG / Re: How many is too many?
« on: October 26, 2010, 03:05:29 PM »
Actually, if the conviction is assumed to be 5, then a Weapon:6 Spell costs 2 mental stress.

sorry, brain freeze. I saw the Weapon 6 bit on the spell and still used the final roll as the power for working out stress there. d'oh.

DFRPG / Re: Delayed-activation spell/ enchanted tattoo
« on: October 26, 2010, 12:08:03 PM »
I'd be inclined to treat is as a potion using the Sunburst in a Hankerchief as a model. It's kinda like you'd got that contained under your collar, and when the vamp pulled the collar down to bite they get a facefull of sunshine. I think, for the amount of use you're likely to get from this - unless you're actively going to be cruising vampire clubs - then the potion model works best. I'd be inclined to assign the slot rather than just leave it open though - it feels like cheating to have something like that as a pre-designed effect and then conveniently ignore it just because you need the slot for something else. At the same time it feels a little bit silly to have to spend refresh on something like this if it's not something that's going to get regular use. (Obviously if it does then you can consider turning it into a power).

Flavour-wise you could have the ink of the tattoo flowing out with the blood and wrapping around the vampire's throat under the skin. That also gives you a reason to treat it as a potion - when it's gone, it's gone. The guy needs to restore the tattoo in order to use it again - I'm thinking here of the tattooing working something like the tattooist's ink in the last season of Heroes - where you pierce the skin and it runs in to become a picture.

DFRPG / Re: How many is too many?
« on: October 26, 2010, 10:38:04 AM »
Why undodgeable? Assuming your targeting someone of equal standing, they could easily have an athletics of +6. Add supernatural speed for a +2 and the same +1 roll you had and they just need to tag one aspect to tie your +11, and then I don't take any of the +17 damage.

I'm still learning the magic rules, so I may be off here, but I understood that you have to beat the attack roll on defense not attack+weapon.

Beat is the important part there. You need to get 12 or more to avoid taking any damage. If you equal the 11 you take a 6 point hit.

I think it's still a 7 stress hit on the caster though for casting the spell (assuming a conviction of 5), though you could reduce that assuming you have a power focus (obviously the level of power focus is limited by your Lore and the number of focus slots you have available).

DFRPG / Re: New Playable Races......?
« on: October 25, 2010, 02:15:06 PM »
I'm not sure if I understand the question here. As written, the rules pretty much cover the various supernatural creatures as individual entities rather than sub-species of humanity. As WillH says, between Aspects and Creature Features there's very little that can't be modled.

If the question is more generally can the Fate system handle different character races I'd point you in the direction of Legends of Anglerre - which is a Fantasy version of the system and has other possible character races including Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Centaurs, Dragons and Fauns. As well as a section on creating your own races. Mainly that's done by aspects and powers that members of that race may take (they don't have to), and several stunts that are only available to that race. I don't think any of the racial build pieces are compulsory, you just don't get the benifit of them if you haven't bought them.

Yeah, the aspect thing really wouldn't work. All it would do mechanically is add 2 to your dodge roll when you spent a fate point. So you'd actually be making the coat less effective.

Personally I think the system as it stands pretty accurately reflects the majority of the magic used in the books. And I think it's absolutely fair that an 'always on' enchanted item (that holds a spell effect) isn't something that just comes 'free' with the ability to use magic. I make that distinction because a Focus Item basically falls under the description of 'always on'.

DFRPG / Re: Is there anything elements CAN'T do?
« on: October 24, 2010, 03:31:52 PM »
Aspects really are the way to go on this. I'm fairly certain that at some point in the rules it explicitly states that Aspects replace the mechanic that in other games would be Situational Modifiers. It seems a bit pointless and over complicated to bring back in the very thing that Aspects are supposed to replace.

DFRPG / Re: Item Crafting resembles D&D Spellcasting
« on: October 23, 2010, 05:59:59 PM »
Actually Harry's escape potion specifically did work through a threshold. That's specifically what it was used for in the novel...

Wasn't that just his Threshold (which is extremely feeble) and maybe his own Wards (if they were still up at that point) - which would let him through in any case? NB I'm not saying it couldn't go through thresholds, just that the use in Storm Front is a bad example.

DFRPG / Re: It Came from Cthulhu...
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:38:38 PM »
if you tie two character's together through "Guest Starring", then you are essentially bringing a Group Aspect to bear right there, albeit only between two characters.

Only if both characters take the same aspect and indeed only if both characters use the same story in the aspect generating section of character creation - the aren't obliged to, just because the story was a defining moment for one character doesn't mean it was for another.

DFRPG / Re: Item Crafting resembles D&D Spellcasting
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:42:08 AM »
The "artificer" build would still *definitely* be a Wizard of the White Council.

I respectfully disagree. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to do with power level of effects, bearing in mind that there's nothing that the Artificer can do that a full wizard can't with a degree more situational flexibility. I just think that proper wizards - ones with Evocation as well as Thaumaturgy, would likely regard the Artificer as a poor cousin - "Yes he's powerful in his own limited range, but without Evocation he's not a true Wizard". He might be a borderline case that some would support inclusion of, but I don't think the White Council as a whole would actually recognise him as a full Wizard - and if they did I'm fairly sure that he'd be snubbed by quite a few of its members.

DFRPG / Re: Item Crafting resembles D&D Spellcasting
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:17:20 AM »
Actually you're right. One focus item slot is four potion slots.

Can you point me at the reference for that - I looked through and could only see that 1 focus item slot = 2 enchanted item slots. I couldn't find anything about potions getting more, though I too remember seeing that somewhere.

DFRPG / Re: Fate Points economy flow.
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:14:36 AM »
The way I read it is this:

Any aspect that is attached to a character is invokeable or compellable, regardless of how it got there. Scene aspects are assumed to be 'on the character sheet' of everyone involved in that scene.

Any time you spend fate points to invoke or compel an aspect on another character's sheet (be they temporary, permanent or scene) they get the fate point that you spend. The only aspects you can invoke without giving your fate point to the person you're using it against is when you are invoking your own aspects for advantage over someone.

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