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Messages - Orbweaver

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Not that I can think of.  Unless you count frustration over losing a tool he got some use out of and was on the whole very proud of.

I wasn't sure. Harry put a lot of his own thought, time, and "self" into building LC as he knew it to be accurate. 

Aside from being dead, I can't think of any such effect. On the other hand, in the same book, we see that Mab has kept Slate alive and has been torturing him for years, for no apparent reason other than a decision to wait until Harry accepted the position of Winter Knight before killing the traitor. According to Fix and Lily, this was detrimental to the Winter Court, yet Mab was doing it anyway.

I think that may have had more to do with the fact that the Sidhe cannot directly take a mortal life, although it may not have been a stretch to conclude that Mab could have set up circumstances in which Slate had no way to emerge alive (after all, Mab sent the hobs after Ivy). And I suspect her score sheet on the balance issue looks much, much different than Fix and Lily's does. I also suspect Slate's life, despite the physical and psychological torture he endured, was being put to another purpose (maintaining and/or fueling some of the magic at/around Arctis Tor.)

If Harry blew himself up with Little Chicago, all of that time would have been wasted. It's possible than Mab simply used her position as Harry's temporary godmother as an excuse to do what she wanted to do, which was preserve his life. After all, in Dead Beat, once she realized that the Darkhallow preparations had begun, she told Harry, "I must do what I might to preserve your life."

The Sidhe are bound by the letter of their agreements. Based on the statement Lea made to Harry, it sounds like Margaret only protected Harry's spirit- which means Mab would not have been able to use Margaret's deal to protect Harry's life, no matter how good her excuse was. Only his spirit. That doesn't necessarily mean she didn't have a different agreement elsewhere that allowed her to protect Harry's life, just that Margaret's deal was designed to protect him solely from spiritual attacks. Little Chicago does not fall into that category unless it was capable of harming him in more than a purely physical or psychological manner.

I know this runs contrary to all of the many, many times when Harry was almost killed and neither Lea nor Mab ever popped out of thin air to save him. The only guess I can make is that maybe it was a matter of simple awareness. Mab was talking to him and aware of the danger to his life in DB, so she had to act to help him. Maybe she watched him in his laboratory, and when she became aware that the flaw in Little Chicago was an imminent threat to his life, she had to act to save him. Which she already had personal reasons to do, anyway. Just a guess.

I believe Bob stated that Harry missed a power coupling near the stadium, which shifted the power flow around LC. Rather than having gone to the trouble of attempting to get through Harry's wards and into his basement without Bob or anyone else noticing, I think the culprit simply disabled and/or removed the actual coupling at the time Harry did his trial run.

After all, it's a lot easier to take out a power coupling than it is to go the other route. Harry's not the only one who gets into magical dust-ups, and if there was a magical battle going on in the area around the stadium at the time, the power coupling would have been one of the first things to go on the fritz. There are no shortage of entities in Chicago who need/desire darkness, and they don't even have to have been part of the supernatural community.  

The culprit for fixing LC might have done so inadvertently, which is a possibility Bob missed in his initial analysis of what happened. I don't think we can automatically point a finger at anybody.

Lea stated in Changes that it was her role, as Harry's godmother, to protect his spiritual self. With the Sidhe, distinctions like that one are very important.

Is there any evidence to suggest that if Little Chicago had blown up, it would have affected Harry spiritually?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Spoiler Tagging Titles
« on: July 01, 2011, 07:54:32 PM »
Titles cannot be spoiler-tagged.  People need to be more cognizant and respectful about the fact their subject lines can be seen on the main board.

And if a topic concerns GS spoilers ONLY, stick [GS SPOILERS] at the beginning of the subject line.  That way, folks don't need to use the tab ANYWHERE in the thread itself.  Everyone wins!

The issue is that a lot of folks are placing the book spoiler at the end of the subject line instead of at the first part. I thought that if the subject title could be spoilered, there'd be a lot less risk of people accidentally seeing something they shouldn't.

So there's no way to set it up that the titles could be spoiler tagged? Bummer.

Site Suggestions & Support / Spoiler Tagging Titles
« on: July 01, 2011, 06:38:57 PM »
With the number of people currently posting spoiler-ish titles in the Spoilers section (which can be seen from the front screen), I was wondering if it would be possible for us to simply spoiler-tag the title itself? That way spoiler tags would not be necessary inside the entirety of the thread itself, save when a different spoiler than the tagged title is being discussed. Might save some aggravation for those readers who aren't looking to be spoiled inadvertently.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: June 23, 2011, 04:07:20 AM »

umm ditto

some great pics of her on deviant art... aslo

Lea and Maggie Sr?

Dye her hair black, lose the tan, and you have Lara. In a nutshell.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups
« on: June 16, 2011, 03:29:09 PM »
I don't remember precisely when in the series it happened, but Ebenezar's confession to Harry about being the Blackstaff had a very profound effect on the way he thought and felt not only about his grandfather, but about magic in general. It'd fall into the Knowledge category.

Author Craft / Re: Fictional curse words
« on: June 16, 2011, 12:04:06 AM »
I had a character who, in place of blood, had a more concentrated force of "consciousness" flowing through her veins- liquid memory.

Her curse was, appropriately, "ashes of blood". It generally came out of her mouth whenever she was shocked, upset, or frustrated.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: More Suspect Members
« on: June 11, 2011, 03:52:39 AM »
erp derp, under 18 bla link is legit - real person, link is to a DA accountfilled with dresden fan art that i'm reluctant to look at because i have a sinking feeling it's not in my range of DF related interests, if you get my meaning.

lj's real too. >.<

Ack. Well, I'm not always sure, but those two looked like they were there solely to promote something other than the DF. Although the 'artwork' is... uh... graphic. Yeah, that's the word I wanted.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: More Suspect Members
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:08:48 AM »
More from moi:;u=15571  healthy weight loss;u=27045 Baby Gifts Outlet;u=15262 Russian Brides;u=29514 Pure Energy;u=743 Live Journal;u=28556 Do not cllick if under 18 or don't tell if you are;u=26282 CCNA Exam Answers -  CCNA Exam -  CCNA Exams;u=27174 Thesis Writing Services;u=27250 Clark's Shoes;u=26911 Same as ^;u=28323 Paco Gil's shoes for sale;u=16483 Live Journal;u=26661 Movies and Entertainment News;u=27997 Agencies Immobliere;u=14296 Choose Beautiful Russian Girls Free;u=15946 How to pass a drug test in an hour for free;u=6660 Ink & Tea;u=201 Spilled Ink Designs;u=28007 Car Finance;u=29052 Essay Papers;u=24051 Home Loans Refinance;u=29872 Area Rugs;u=26975 Out of Band (some kind of video sales);u=29596 Polar FT7 Diamondback Cobra 20;u=28624 bàn giám đốc ḥa phát, tủ sắt ḥa phát, hn (I can't read this, but it has nothing to do with the Dresden Files or Codex Alera.)

That's all the A's from me. Will work on B's later.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: More Suspect Members
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:32:30 PM »
A few of my own botfinds:;u=27677 "Clearance Furniture Sale" and "Check Out My Grandparents' Profile";u=29436 'Coral Springs Family Law';u=29340 'Invoice Factoring';u=28614 About four separate ads.;u=29458 'Coral Springs Divorce Attorney';u=27832 'Network Marketing Opportunities';u=29029 'bathroom remodeling Eden Prairie';u=29797 'limestone tiles';u=22128 'No Cost Refi';u=29275 'Flower Delivery';u=28765 'Veterinary Technician Schools';u=12994 'Adult Games';u=12655 'video porno de jenny rivera';u=28074 'Rolex Air King Watches'

Gee, this one looks familiar:;u=29441 'Coral Springs Divorce Lawyer';u=28394 'Facebook of Sex' 'Adult Facebook';u=26404 'Virtual Secretary Services';u=25883 'Ambit Energy';u=6960 Email is apparently for a magazine.

The baby's awake, I'll get to the rest of the A's later. :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:57:15 AM »
I just figured he was kinda hacked off that his ascension ritual got messed up, plus a hefty bruise on the chin.

Cowl was also noted as "moving stiffly", so it could be that Harry permanently invalidated him.

Or maybe Cowl's superiors didn't take well to the fact that Dresden managed to outmaneouver him. Cowl managed to survive several death curses before he attempted the Darkhallow, at least according to himself, so the backlash of energy wasn't outside his ability to handle. (That might depend on the potency of the death curse and the manner in which it was administered, but given that Harry has almost never managed to hurt Cowl in any significant way, it seems very likely that Dresden only indirectly managed to hurt him.)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:20:42 AM »
He lives in Missouri, near Kansas City. The St. Louis area (where the recent tornadoes hit) is on the opposite side of the state.

I'm sure the tornadoes will no longer be an issue by August.

Can't really tell Mama Nature how she should behave, but thanks for the vote of confidence.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: April 25, 2011, 05:53:38 PM »
Here's to hoping Jim stays safe on his trip to Missouri. I have relatives there, and the swath of destruction being done by tornadoes right now is terrifying, considering I'll be visiting in August.  :'(

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »
My vote for this particular book goes to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. There is a *huge* industry built on ghostly encounters, and given the title of the book, Jim would pull in a crowd. :) 

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: The Book of Don't
« on: September 28, 2010, 10:03:24 PM »
Mickey or Paynesgrey, you might want to ask Shecky to take a quick look at the content involved in the first post of the thread. I noticed a few spelling and grammatical errors that could be corrected without a lot of muss & fuss... not the least of which is that in the first quotation block, Ashton's name was spelled Asthon.

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