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Messages - Melriken

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What if Deirdre was nemfected?  Still resisting, not giving in; but with a 2nd spiritual tempter/coercer in her head, trying to make her betray Creation and her father and all that?

It was a masterstroke by Nicodemus -- he removes a potent Nemfection from the ranks of the Fallen, and from Creation itself (so the Fallen can advance their own plans, which the Outsider plans would ruin); he saves his daughter from the Nemesis within her; and he gets a new Denarius that hasn't been in-play for a thousand years!

DF Spoilers / Re: Some personal theories I want to get feedback on.
« on: April 24, 2023, 09:23:03 PM »
We really need to see Nicky take out a purloined holy hankie and blow his nose into it noisily in front of the Knights.
Yes please.

This sounds like something he would do, even if he had to have a fake one made (because a fake one would help confuse the issue).

DF Spoilers / Re: Is the "Black Council" just ... Cowl?
« on: April 24, 2023, 09:19:52 PM »
You might want to re-read Storm Front. Lots of emphasis on the power of real names over nicknames and monikers. There is also an old WOJ about how if the White Council took on Mab, they would need all their wizards PLUS her True Name (so using Mab wouldn't be enough to actually control her).

That said, it isn't everything or nothing either. Harry bound Ethniu using that name. Is that her True Name? Maybe, but like Vadderung or Odin that name merely represents a facet of the whole being. So I doubt it. But perhaps it's enough when combined with other things (like Arma Christi and Demonreach etc). Maybe it's enough because they choose to bind themselves to a form, and by using a name and diminishing themselves into a single form, they leave themselves vulnerable to being controlled by a moniker. Perhaps that's why Vadderung and Drakul have held multiple identities over the years. Perhaps they see the value in being forgotten every few centuries and not allowing themselves to be at risk of being bound.
A true name is strong... 7th son or the nameless one wouldn't work as well as a true name.  But when Harry summon's mother winter mother summer is worried that he knew a powerful name and mother winter clarifies herself and says no not that one... 7th son or Nameless would work as a name in the sense that the poem from DB worked to summon the Erl King... it isn't his name, but it acts as a name to summon him.  His true name would be stronger and better, but the Poem gets the job done.  Similarly 7th Son would get the job done, though it wouldn't be as good as a true name.

Also Harry gives Chauncy parts of his name, and they can be used against him, but they aren't as good as Harry's whole name, which he doesn't give...

Nameless' mother did him a favor by not giving him a name, but I don't think it is as big an advantage as some people are making it out to be.  People act like the lack of a name is the same as the lack of a Threshold when putting up wards... they can't last more than a few days without the threshold to support them (never mind that Demon Reach and the Castle both have strong wards without a threshold) and I think the lack of a name is more like a weak threshold (because you are forced to use weak names) like a bachelor's or an apartment or like Mort's office in the same building as his home (he also has the Bachelor issue)...

Just to be clear - facts are statements of nigh-indisputable truth. I am not sure that applies here. Mostly people say fact when what they really mean is collective opinion on a topic. Neither I would say apply here, to be honest.

And while I agree it is most likely the White God that Nicodemus is referring to, it isn't fact YET. That would require some exposition like Nicodemus saying to Dresden "The Enemy I fight against is The Almighty himself" or something along those lines, or Jim saying in an interview that the Enemy that Nic was referring to was TWG. But we don't have either of those. We just have speculation - which is deliberate on Jim's part (otherwise he wouldn't have used the label "The Enemy" and just said whoever Nic's great enemy is).

He could mean Lucifer, or an Outsider/Old One, or some other being we don't know of. The point is, the identity of Nic's "Enemy" is up for debate still and will be until we get further evidence.
I will give you that he could be referring to Lucifer.  I should clarify... when I said fact it was with two stipulations. First that the options were Fact or Opinion. Within that dichotomy it is more accurate to say Fact. Second the fact is that Enemy isn't a reference to Nemesis rather than that enemy is a reference to TWG.

If the discussion were about Enemy meaning Lucifer or TWG I wouldn't have claimed it was a fact.

If the question wasn't asked (Fact or Opinion) I wouldn't have claimed it was a fact.

I probably shouldn't have claimed it was a fact, or at least not claimed it as hard as I did.  I should have said it was more a fact than an opinion.

Enemy isn't a name for Nemesis. Adversary is. And that line can't be read as a reference to Nemesis even if Enemy was a name of Nemesis because the coin isn't left, the fallen isn't left, and dead mortals don't fear Nemesis...

I find it unlikely that Enemy refers to Lucifer, I find it impossible that it refers to nemesis.

DF Spoilers / Re: Some personal theories I want to get feedback on.
« on: April 24, 2023, 07:53:08 PM »
Raising the dead tends to generate a lot of psychic noise,  not saying Cowl wouldn’t do it, but he would hide it amongst a lot of other necromancy like during Dead Beat or Battle Ground, he was very busy during Dead Beat so I would think he might have tried raising someone during Drakuls little shindig.

Maybe he brought back Kemmler….

Maybe he did it before….
I like the thoughts, but I think Kemmler is outside the limits...

I would expect you could Raise anyone in Chicago beyond (like papa Murphy) but not anyone who has passed on from there.  And my guess is that the power required is proportional to the distance between the body you are Raising and the Spirit you are putting into it and the difference between the two...

It is much easier to raise the dead as they are dying then if you wait, and the longer you wait the harder it gets... if you don't actually have the body you want to raise you can still do it, but need a replacement body (Corpse Taker style) but the closer that body is to the soul you are stuffing into it the easier.  But at some point you can't raise someone because they moved on, and that period varies by person (Lots of people who died more recently than Papa Murph passed on, but you could still go get him).

Then again the afterlife isn't clear in Dresden Files... Harry was a walking Soul in GS, but everyone thought he was a ghost, and everyone thinks ghosts are echos not souls... so how wrong is everyone?  Are ANY ghosts Echos or are they all really souls like Harry? Are some one and some the other? Is sanity the difference? IE a ghost is an echo, but a soul can use it like a body and ghost insanity is what happens when a soul loses it's hold on the echo.

If you can find a ghost can you give it a body with necromancy? is there a practical difference between that and raising the dead?

I do agree with the thought that at least one of the times Kemmler came back it was with help... but would Cowl be one to do it? He doesn't seem to really like Kemmler in DB.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Night of Bad Dreams
« on: April 24, 2023, 07:30:33 PM »
This presumes pregnant/recent mothers inherent tiny oracular capacity is boosted by pregnancy, which if you think about it would be a pro-survival trait, and would be self-selecting genetically, as mothers with a stronger boosted oracular capacity would survive and pass this onto their children  This may be where the human talent for magic arose from, especially as it is matrilineal.

The talented were also especially affected which would be consistent with my theory. Harry has previously split the timeline in Grave Peril, but the effect was not so pronounced because an Apocalypse was much more distant. Conversely in binding the Titan Harry split the timeline again leading to the Apocalpse being pushed back, again not producing the immediate oracular backwash the destruction of the Red Court created.

We are headed to the BAT but Harry’s decisions can bring it forward or push it back a bit, by creating new time-lines. Harry’s journey is to the one where he eventually wins the BAT, so sometimes two steps forward means taking one step back, such as killing the Red Court, Harry brought the Apocalypse forward, but it’s one he can ‘win’. Where he failed the Apocalpse was delayed due to the Red Court waiting to build its strength, but was where he totally lost.
I like this theroy, it rings true to me.
I think going after Eb, after Harry's bloodline would have hit the root bloodline that birthed magic into humanity. It would have effectively killed practitioners as a thing at the root.
That is a terrifying thought, but I am not convinced that the curse can ripple through the dead that far...

As in it can hit a sibling even if the parent's are dead, but I doubt it can hit cousins or second/third cousins without steps between... It's a question of connection between two living people... it is able to hit Eb from Harry with one dead connection between them, but from Eb to anyone other than Harry might be 3, 4, 5 or more connections all dead... I doubt it can skip very far through the dead.  The Red Court didn't really have dead links, and the curse could work around them when they did exist.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Archive (Mechanics)
« on: April 23, 2023, 05:03:28 PM »
While it's uncomfortable to think about, it's entirely possible the Archive would compel its host to have a daughter as soon as biologically possible and safe.
if this were the case I would expect a compulsion against suicide which we know doesn’t exist.  I think any compulsion in the archive is extremely weak and easily resisted so as to not count as black magic.

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 22, 2023, 04:53:13 AM »
Nameless isn’t a necromancer so wasn’t going for the darkhallow…

If Justin Dumorn was a member of the circle (black council) it would also explain how Cowl knows about Bob.  Nameless can’t have ever possessed Bob or Bob would have told Harry and cowl can’t have possessed Bob before DB or Bob would have told Harry… but Justin knowing cowl solves it and is likely.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is the "Black Council" just ... Cowl?
« on: April 22, 2023, 04:15:09 AM »
Given the way Harry uses a ton of different names for mother winter… and clearly not all of them… I think 7th son and nameless and several other titles would work as names… not as well as a proper name, but I don’t think not having a proper name is that great of an advantage.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Night of Bad Dreams
« on: April 22, 2023, 03:42:55 AM »
It was caused by the booodline curse that killed the red court… all the death and black magic sweeping the world gave people bad dreams.

What's Nic gonna do, with Harry's words about his daughter's fate fresh in his mind?  Go, "Ha-Ha, that wasn't the fate or the Enemy I meant!  Checkmate, you damn bleeding-heart!" ???
As I said, even if you were right you would be wrong.

Nic took the coin and left the human soul of Diedre in Hades.  The entire conversation is about the human portion not the fallen.  The human portion is vulnerable to nimfection. Everyone agrees. The soul is not vulnerable to nimfection, in hell or hades underworld… your argument can’t support itself.  If he was talking about nemesis the comment is meaningless because the dead don’t worry about nimfection… and the human part would be vulnerable regardless and the fallen portion isn’t part of Nic’s comment…

Numbers 22:31 actually specifies nothing about the appearance of the angel:  "Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell facedown."  Between the terror of the donkey and Balaam himself "falling facedown," I think this speaks to an inherently-frightening appearance, not even slightly normal or human.
We know that he was standing (legs and feet) and had a sword drawn (arms and hands) and that the author didn’t feel the need to specify anything else about him (generally human and normal height etc)

But I think we are generally in agreement… just wanted to explain why I referenced passages like that.

Sorry, but ... you just demonstrated that it was only your opinion, not a "fact:"
It is my opinion, Harry’s opinion, Hades’ opinion, and Nic reacted emotionally to it as a father to the truth, and realized that Harry was a father because of it…

The word Enemy referring to TWG is as close to a fact as anything in the books.  You can take any fact in the books and create a theory that states that that fact is wrong and everyone is mistaken about it... and one of those theories may even be right (for example everyone thinks Ghosts are Echos and not souls, everyone could be wrong (and Harry WAS a soul in GS and everyone thought he was a ghost)) but those theories can't be used to support other theories, they don't provide support.  They might be true despite their lack of support, but until they are supported they don't provide support.

Regardless Nic took the coin with him so we are talking about Diedre’s safety not the safety of the fallen so it doesn’t speak to this theory either way.

Edit: Sorry Mods.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is the "Black Council" just ... Cowl?
« on: April 21, 2023, 05:09:59 PM »
I found where I was thinking about the possibility of the Circle being only Cowl...
Quote from: Melriken link=topic=54834.msg2358319#msg2358319date=1681837314
Cowl has his fingers in ALL the pies of the Black Council and is it's most active member (he may be it's only member and is just using the name 'The Circle' to trick people into thinking there is a large organization with power behind him).
Just for reference (and the link to that thread)

DF Spoilers / Re: Is the "Black Council" just ... Cowl?
« on: April 21, 2023, 05:07:07 PM »
The name of the organization is The Circle.  It is possible that Cowl is the entirety of the leadership of the Circle, but I don't lean in that direction... I did consider it (I think in that other thread) but it doesn't really ring true.

Kumori is likely Circle.

Peabody was likely Circle.

Vittorio was likely Circle.

Bianca was likely Circle.

Any Nimfected members of the Circle don't need to communicate with each other to coordinate, so spies would only have access to conversations between Nimfected and patsies... makes the conspiracy harder to find.

Just Cowl is possible, but I doubt it.

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