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Messages - Con

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DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 25, 2017, 06:44:43 PM »
I said a little racist and I thought I wrote something about being progressive for his time, but I must of deleted it.

At the very least Tolkiens treatment of Eastern peoples and "Black Numenoreans" are a lil suspect as a race war against all the "white races."

However I do agree that the said white races have a diversity of cultures that have diversity of cultures within their cultures.

Theirs also evidence to suggest Numenor the Tolkien Atlantis was predominantly Black.

I just think within the books themselves their is a very west vs east attitude, which you can make arguments about the morality of the Ottoman Empire all you want but thing is Tolkien fought the Germans and came to respect them not hate them. Why couldn't he apply that to eastern peoples?

Though again it's implied that Aragorn himself gained respect for said eastern peoples when her travelled their fightin with and against them going as far south as Haradrim.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 25, 2017, 04:01:53 PM »
I have a slightly different view Kulkan is actually identified as Quetzalcoatl in Aztec Myth, Which then, as I think has repeated through reality/history a 'fall' happened based on the N paradigm, With the Help of Mayan Blood sacrifice He changed persona and the identity they named him as changed to Kukulkan too This fall/change I think happened repeatedly through history and can be seen in the Greek Gods becoming decadent Roman ones,  Sumarian into Etrusican, ect.

Thank you jonas for giving said ancient cultures proper respect

Of course thats my entire argument. It seems your just disagreeing on the order.

Seriously guys klingons and orcs what board are we on. They're different genres with different focuses. Besides tolkien was just a little racist. Star trek has more anthropology but still it's focus is intellectual. Dresden files is about heroism superheroism in fact. A closer fandom analogy would be marvel. But an even closer one is the actual aztec mayan and inca cultures for Red Court. Etruscan roman greek for white
 Slavic russian and lower germanic cultures for black court.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / jims cats are making an appearance
« on: September 25, 2017, 02:20:21 PM »
Jims cats are making an appearance in cinder spires. There are five of them. Ben is getting a personal assassin of one.

Check out the dragon con vid for the info. On my phone so I'll link it in the morning.

The 41 minute mark.

Commodore bontemp will be commodore bayards cut.

Ninja cut will be a shadow like Rowls girlfriend.

And benedicts cat zatara will be benedicts serial killer cat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 25, 2017, 01:27:50 PM »
White Court Vampires are Etruscans. This implies a lot of things, but particularly that Roman society was based off of Estrucan society as much as Greek. Early Romans were a mix of Greek colonies and the tribes Latin hills. They frequently traded and were at war with the at the time much more powerful Etruscans. Who frequently traded and fought with the Gauls of northern Italy.

Anyway Romans named many of their early gods after Roman gods. Minerva, Jupiter, Mars all original Etruscan jobs. Mars for instance never reall had much in common with the Greek god Ares.

My point is Etruscans had a major influence on early Rome, including huge influx on sexual peversity and kink. Presumably in the Dresdenverse this was where the White Court had their peak controlling the Roman Empire.

Seven Deadly Sins were formed by Catholocism in part as a response to what they believed to be the ultimate flaws of the Roman Empire and decadence, combined with a growing for chivalry to instill honour in early dark age knights and warriors.

It's possible in the Dresdenverse the White Court are the epitome of the Seven Deadly Sins which is back up by the three major houses, but also in Paranet Papers the RP, where theirs another minor house that feeds on Wrath and fight clubs.

It should be noted that I think it was Quantus who theorises the White Court have more to do with Greek spirit personifications. Eros, Phobos and so on and so forth. It's possible. but the Greeks personified everything into spirits.

Again if you take Paranet Papers as canon which I think it is as Jim reads through it offers advice and approves of it before publication.

The Red Court became powerful because they captured and imprisoned ancient Inca gods. I think it implies they did similar to the Ancient Mayan and Aztec gods. They imprisoned they ancient Inca gods and physical fed on them. You are what you eat.

I believe they did similar things to the Ancient Mayan and Aztec gods which is implied by the Red King taking on Kulkulan name and position, as well as Dresdens theorising he wasn't the original Kulkulan in one line where the Red King wasn't sure who Susan as a KOTC was under the invisibility cloak.

Red COurt feed on blood to the point that it's an addiction and several have shown they find sexual pleasure from feeding. It is a physical addiction to them but I don't believe it has any direct impact on their Morality. Keep in mind the real world Cartels in the same region do everything the Red Court does and are all perfectly human. I would still have major problems if any federal government launched a genocide against all cartel members and gangs. Which has been done before.

What makes the Red Court different is the fact that they have become dark gods. (Mostly retired according to Vadderung). In all ancient cultures gods provided a service, of good fortune in exchange for worship and sacrifice. Some Pantheons were said to abuse this relationship, and according to Thomas as well as a lot of mythos the Dark Gods were defeated by other Gods. Those Dark Gods were put Outside of reality, but are still powerful enough to launch invasions and incursions into reality every so often.


Black Court okay I'm keeping this one short because internets about to run out.

The most common and prevelent theory is as people have mentioned.

Dracula tried to impress big daddy Drakul who might be an Outsider himself trapped in human form.

Dracula tapped into the Outside in an Acnsion ritual gone wrong and became Black Court. Still tainted with the Outside. The Outside in its nature is outside reality, evil and wrong.

We also know Black Court power up from mass killing. That is by any definition Evil.

More later

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 25, 2017, 10:20:07 AM »

I'm talking about the magical, spiritual, emotional, mental and consciousness of a soul being a powerful tool and fuel source for Hell and demons.

Islamic theology and pholosophy believes Lucifer mad a deal with God that he would get ten thousand years to prove humans deserve to go to hell which would be proven by the number of people who go to hell.

Judaism believe Sammael/Lucifer was the Angel of Death and punishes evil doers in the after life or delivers them to heaven. Earliest form of the Reaper myth along with Charon. It was him in the bible that slayed the first born of Egypt.

I'm wondering if in Dresden verse Lucifer is gathering as many condemned souls as he can for some sort of purpose.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 25, 2017, 09:21:21 AM »
hmm I wonder if thats the purpose of the mass killings by the Denarians. So that people in strife and crisis commit evil acts to doom their souls, so that they're sent to Hell where Lucifer and other demons get a power boost.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry/Marcone Relationship
« on: September 24, 2017, 01:26:31 PM »
-_- Harry is clearly the scion of Odin

DF Spoilers / Re: Grimm Fairy Tales
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:25:36 AM »
Not when it's been freshly translated.source

 It's like profiting off of Shakespeare because you wrote annotations in the margins for dumb bored teens in highschool. Your still profiting off of people's long dead work and selling it up market for your own profit.

DF Spoilers / Re: Grimm Fairy Tales
« on: September 24, 2017, 05:46:16 AM »
All the translations I've got a super kid friendly and super christianised

DF Spoilers / Re: Grimm Fairy Tales
« on: September 24, 2017, 04:14:50 AM »
Isn't it illegal to charge so much 200 years after publication?

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 24, 2017, 04:12:42 AM »
First on the TWG mantle topic. I study Ancient History. The god Yahweh started out as a head of a pantheon of gods that allowed temple prostitution and baby sacrifices. Overtime Yahweh became such a central figure that he became The God with other members of the Pantheon being relegated to Archangels and lower tier Angels. Down to the descriptions of Seraphim being identical to minor deities previously.

If we are to take this chronology of events being similar in the Dresdenverse, than at one point TWG was just as an evil son of a bitch as Kulkulan.

Or conversely TWG as we know it which has it's origins in pre-Hindi sense of a Supreme Being, came from the East overthrew Yahweh and took his place. Which is close to the actual truth. Myths of a more benevolent supreme being with different tiers of lesser deities, was better than all the cruel gods of the Middle East. They came from India through trade, and were particularly appealing to the Slaves of Egypt, who did have trade with India at the time. Even our idea of a soul comes from India. Other religions of the time had the belief you were a Shade of yourself after death.

On the subject of Mab.

I think a lot of people are underestimating her cruelty. No one can inflict the sort of suffering Mab inflicted on Lloyd Slate unless they enjoy doing so, no matter how balanced it was in response to betrayal. We've also seen through the facade that she's as cold and calculated as she tries to present herself several times. Finally even if she herself isn't directly ordering it, she still rules a Queendom of viscious bloodthirsty killers 40 thousand of theme. You think among those 40 thousand you couldn't find thirty to match the Denarians, how bout sixty... how about all 40 thousand of them.

Plus all these arguments that Mab keeps her bargains. She only does so barely so long as it suits her than finds away to loophole out of them. Dresden was never once capable before becoming Winter Knight at beating Mab at... deals, legality, outwitting her. She owned his ass at every turn.

Dresden had managed to defeat Nicodemus twice, and change the essence of a Shadow. THat is far more experience outmaneuvering Nicky and the Heads then Harry had at outwitting Mab.

DF Spoilers / Grimm Fairy Tales
« on: September 24, 2017, 02:14:08 AM »
I've downloaded half a dozen versions on kindle I've yet to find one with anything 'grimm' the definitional word in them nor one that isn't heavily Christianised. At least one tale is consistant in that it replaces a powerful Fae Godmother with the Virgin Mary. There's also tales about a girl in heaven who unlocked the thirteenth door when she was told not to but she was 14 and curious so she did and the Virgin Mary cast her down from heaven, muted her and kidnapped three of her children until she repented.

Yet to find the legendary Grimm and Gruesome tales of Cinderella's Step-sisters cutting off their own feet. I've download 1810 and 1812 translations, but I still seem to be getting the watered down version. Even though a couple are clearly academic standard discussing the merits and nuances of a particular word in German translated to English. Love those footnotes.

Anybody got any idea where I can find the legendary Grimm and Gruesome Fairy Tales that Mab commissioned?

Also so far very little mention of the Sidhe or any beings that could be them. Though I see a few Toot like sprites pop up now and again.

DF Spoilers / Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« on: September 24, 2017, 02:04:14 AM »

Lara took the strategy she used as a Venatore and inverted it to combat an enemy on this side of reality. The Archive likely didn't have much to say on the matter one way or another, past maybe a smirk of seeing someone new figuring out that trick.

What makes for interesting thought experiments, as Con is suggesting, is to think through other examples where that tactic has been used in the DV, and test the waters to see if we can spot any other likely Vanatores.

Thank You Fro- (seriously?) Froklsnt

I'd also add that Lara just as likely got the idea from Mab fighting the Venatores through her publication of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Which I've been reading by the way, they don't describe many of the Sidhe we've seen, don't even mention Mab. Though there are admittedly a few Toot like sprites that pop up now and again.

But I'll make another seperate topic about my readings of them.

But yes I think the Fomor from their description of 'dark gods' from various pantheons, are that they are defeated gods who the Venatores may have had a hand in their downfall or at least lack of remembrance in humanity.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:42:33 AM »
Nic has all but confirmed he fights Outsiders.

And I agree with Anubissama that Mab is not least Evil. Add to the fact that she commands thousands of evil beings. Add to that fact the revelation in Cold Case. Mab is not the lesser evil. Jim calls her the most predictale evil despite the fact that the Fae are notoriously not predictable. Dresden had personal experience with the Denarians and had bested them twice. Their number of evil beings is thirty not thousands plus a couple dozen squires. Dresden also had knowledge of how Lasciel worked through her shadow who turned into Lash.

I like to believe that with his use of soulfire Harry could have done something similar with Lasciel. or atleast provided some interesting contrast as mentioned above. Soulfire and Hellfire.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 08, 2017, 05:02:03 AM »
I just miss Lash man, and yes, I agree that Lash and Lasciel are two different beings and entities, but I still think both would've appeared to Harry in a battle for his Soul if Harry had gone Denarian.

Plus I dislike Mab as a character. Now if Leansidhe were to become Queen or be the primary go between Harry and the Queen that would've taken my interest which would make more sense come to think about it. Mab spends far too much time with just Harry and on the mortal realm when she's got a Faerie Queendom, A Rival Summer, The Outer Gates, The Various factions of the Accords and Mortal Matters to attend to.

I think given Lloyd Slate was primarily Maeve's errand boy it would make more sense if Lea were the primary go between. Given that the Winter Lady and Leanansidhe have both been said to be the second most powerful members of Mab's court.

But I digress. I miss Lash and would've looked forward to discovering the differences between her and Lasciel. Plus Harry neeeds to get laid dude... like a lot... Anita Blake level. I find Murphy cute but not as sexy as seductress Lasciel.

I would argue Harry becoming a Denarian would be more reason for the Sword to get involved not less.

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