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Messages - nadia.skylark

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DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 16, 2019, 12:32:10 AM »
But later, we see the difference between "let the world burn" and "let Molly burn."

He said that, and he did that, but that's because he was being an idiot without really thinking about what that would actually mean.

Well, yes. But on the other hand, if it was the only way to save his daughter then I'm not remarkably convinced he wouldn't do the same again, so...

Precisely, amen...   Nor did he really act upon that...

What? He was told specifically that if he kept pushing this, he might cause a disaster, and then proceeded to keep pushing until he caused a disaster. How is that not acting upon what he said? He didn't say "I'm going to set out to destroy the world," he said, "I'm going to rescue my daughter no matter what the consequences are."

What happened in the aftermath of C.I. wasn't because Harry really intended for the world to burn or failed to care if it did..  If anyone is to blame it is the Red King who set the whole thing up in the first place.  He never thought through the idea that both Harry and Eb were first rate wizards and if anyone one could foil his plans for revenge, they could.  Nor did he plan on the child's mother being there and willing to give up her life, which saved her child and wiped out the Red Court..

Victim blaming much? The Red King is responsible for a lot of awful things, but I don't think we can legitimately say that he was 100% responsible for the genocide of his own species. I mean, Harry did have other options: both Susan and the Eebs pointed them out. He just objected to them.

Also before this all went down there was no one warning Harry that if he succeeds in wiping out the Red Court some badder asses would step in to take up the slack.. 

Um, yes there was. Harry's "let the world burn" thing was said directly in response to Murphy warning him that if he kept pushing then really bad things might happen. He might not have known the specifics, but he was warned as to the risks.

Given all he's been doing to keep the Fomor at bay, I don't see a way killing Marcone wouldn't make things a lot worse for Chicago. Harry might hate his guts, but he's not quite that stupidly impulsive. Unless Marcone got N-fected or otherwise compromised such that he absolutely had to go, he's pretty firmly anchored as one of the lesser evils.

Or unless he thinks one of Harry's friends is N-fected and goes after them.

I know it would be really bad for Chicago, but I still really want to see it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 15, 2019, 06:35:14 PM »
Planning is everything....

No, planning is one component. I can plan meticulously how to blow up the White House, but if I don't then do so then I have done nothing wrong.

That what Death Masks is all about, Nic knew very well what he was going
to bring about, and he had goals...

This is why what Nicodemus did is the equivalent of (attempted) first degree murder.

Yes, and this is why context is very important,

If it were important, you would have provided it. If you can't actually refute my argument, feel free to say so rather than bringing up specious and unsupported points.

forgive my poor spelling, but it doesn't change what I said...

I never claimed it did.

One might have been said in the emotion of the moment....  Let the world burn, I am going to do what I need to do to save my daughter...  However I do like the world and I do care for the people like Molly who live in it.. However I am upset..

Let the world burn because I really don't care about it and if little Maggie inherits ashes that's perfectly fine...

Let the world burn because I really hate it and want it to burn, saving my daughter is a good excuse....

Saying,  "let the world burn," really murder? Now giving an old man the plague so he might infect a whole city or worse could be considered, committing...  Is there a difference between saying and committing?   

If all he did was say it, no. The issue is that he said "let the world burn," and then followed through on that.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: March 15, 2019, 05:54:15 PM »
Trying to write up Denarian!Harry.

High Concept: Wizard, Warden, and Reluctant Knight
Trouble: Oh God, what have I done?
Other Aspects: Legendary Wiseass; Impulsive, Powerful, and Skilled as Hell;
Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Superb: Endurance, Intimidation, Presence
Great: Athletics, Investigation, Deceit
Good: Alertness, Rapport, Empathy
Fair: Fists, Scholarship, Performance
Average: Might, Weapons, Guns
Arcane Contacts (lore): Use Lore instead of contacts to find and know people in the supernatural world.
I Have Just the Thing (lore)
Find Weakness (lore)
Infuriate (intimidation)
Listening [-1]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Hellfire; stackable) [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Demonreach) [-1]
Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Kemmlerian Necromancy) [-2]
Lawbreaker (1st) [-1]
Refinement [-5]
Inhuman Mental Toughness [-2]
The Catch (threats to those he loves) [+0]
Evocation (fire, earth, air, spirit, hellfire): +1 fire control, +1 hellfire control, +2 fire power, +1 spirit power, +1 hellfire power
Thaumaturgy: +1 divination control, + 1 divination complexity, +1 necromancy complexity, +1 crafting frequency

What do you think? I need some help with the aspects, and I didn't include any enchanted items because I don't want to have to reread the crafting rules.

I upped Harry's social skills and gave him a couple of lore stunts to represent Lasciel's influence on him as well as hellfire, but I'm not sure what to do about his battle form. I feel like Lasciel might manifest like Anduriel, only with fire instead of shadow and not all the time, but I'm not sure that's realistic or how to write that up if so.

I also gave him Kemmlerian Necromancy and Lawbreaker (1st) because Jim has said that Lasciel would be Harry's black magic tutor if he'd taken up her coin in Changes.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 15, 2019, 03:33:44 PM »
Page please, book, please....

Are you incapable of reading? Because I specifically said that I don't have the books with me--they're in storage.

Did anyone tell him if he wipes out the Red Court the Fomor would move in before hand?

Not specifically. But he was told that something really bad was likely to happen.

That was an unintentional consequence, not what he planned..  Harry did not have an agenda to destabilize the supernatural world..

If I shoot a gun through my apartment wall and kill someone, I may not have had an agenda to kill them, but I am still legally liable for murder/manslaughter because I have acted in a way that shows incredible recklessness and disregard for human life.

He never pre-planned to reverse the bloodline spell, the spell was set up by the Red King in the first place. He is the one who didn't care or was so arrogant he didn't think it possible that Harry or anyone else could reverse it, and that he and all the RCVs could die as a consequence.

The fact that the Red King was arrogant/didn't care does not actually absolve Harry of all consequences of his actions.

Sure, Harry could have just surrendered and let his daughter, himself, and his grandfather die..

You know, I actually responded to you saying essentially the same thing back on page one. Here is my response:
I don't think there was a better way at all, but that doesn't change the fact that it was horrible.

Perhaps the natural balance between vamps and humans wouldn't have been destabilized, but then again what would have been the consequences if Eb's bloodline had been wiped out?  A bloodline that includes a starborn..

And Harry knew none of this, so it has no relevance. If I shoot a gun through my apartment wall and end up hitting someone who's trying to rape my next door neighbor, that doesn't absolve me of my recklessness or my disregard for human life, because I didn't know that it was going to happen.

Context please, what the author is saying, not you.. That is why if you are going to use quotes you need to sight chapter and verse that goes along with them, otherwise things can be twisted...

First: Spelling. It's "cite," not "sight."

Second: You are free to post the text surrounding my quotes if you feel it is important. I would do it, but as I've said, I can't. If you don't cite it (or provide reasons why you can't), then I will consider your argument regarding citations invalid and assume you're bringing it up to cast unfounded doubts on my argument because you can't think of anything better.

Third: Yes, please cite what we know of starborn, and what evidence you have that losing one particular starborn would be so disastrous.

The difference isn't that Nic didn't care about what the plague would do, it is he planned to do, if it worked it would do what he intended for it to do, it was part of his agenda..  Getting the artifacts is on his agenda, killing his daughter is a step towards that...

This makes no sense. It's Harry that didn't care about the consequences of his actions, not Nicodemus. The difference between Nicodemus and Harry is the difference between first degree murder and 2nd/3rd degree murder (I'll look up legal codes when I'm not in class).

Edit: I looked it up. What Harry is guilty of is the equivalent of somewhere between second degree murder and voluntary manslaughter (it turns out that 3rd degree murder only exists in a few states).

Second-degree murder: any intentional murder with malice aforethought, but is not premeditated or planned in advance.

Voluntary manslaughter: sometimes called a crime of passion murder, is any intentional killing that involves no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed". Both this and second-degree murder are committed on the spot under a spur-of-the-moment choice, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second-degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.

I'm not sure which it is: I would consider "malice aforethought" to be Harry's "let the world burn" thing, but he was already emotionally disturbed at the time, so I'm not sure how that would play out legally.

(Also, to be clear, I'm talking about the genocide thing, not Harry's murder of Susan specifically.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 15, 2019, 01:55:22 PM »
The quote, yes, everyone remembers it but context is important...  Without  context it can be made to mean almost anything...   Harry said it, is is memorable, but then did he coldly go on to plan the burning of the world?  Obviously not, but then what stopped him?

The context was that Murphy was saying that the supernatural world was on a precipice, and Harry's actions might be what pushed it over.

However Harry didn't let the world burn. Did he?

In context, yes he did. Harry destabilized the supernatural world, allowing the fomor to move in causing what appears to be a massive loss of hope around the world (based on Ghost Story and what Butters says in Skin Game about the state of things).

It has always been my contention that Harry's actions in Changes caused as much damage as Nicodemus's plague would have. It may not have been his intention, but he was warned about the possible consequences of his actions well before he acted, and specifically chose not to care about them.

I'd really like to see any of the Senior Council cut loose, just to see what they can do.

I'd also like to see Harry finally take down Marcone.

DFRPG / Re: Mirror Magic (sponsored magic)
« on: March 15, 2019, 11:30:15 AM »
This I'm not so sure about. Clearing stress boxes isn't really much of a thing in this system; I think it would be better to be able to hand a mild physical consequence off to the mirror.

Just re-read this and realized that you might have thought I meant physical stress. It's actually supposed to be clearing mental stress to help with spellcasting.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 15, 2019, 11:26:09 AM »
Huge difference, the end may be the same, but there is a difference..

I'm not saying that there isn't a difference; I'm saying that the difference is not as large as people might think.

Oh and please give page and book so things can be read in context..

Sorry, can't. All my books are in storage. Also, I kinda figured that anyone who's on this forum would remember that quote--it's pretty memorable.

One of the come backs that Uriel had to your quote... Ghost Story page 458

Thanks for finding more support for my claim! The fact that an archangel steps in to help convince Harry to regret his actions really demonstrates what I'm trying to say here.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 14, 2019, 10:39:24 PM »
It is also running at the mouth at what he'd be prepared to do, big difference between that and true pre-planning... Pre-planning means you are planning for what may happen on your mission..  Nic knew beforehand what was needed at the second gate, blood sacrifice, and coldly planned for it..

True. In my mind, the difference between what Nicodemus did and what Harry did is the difference between buying a gun, stalking someone to figure out the best time and place to kill them, and then following through; and buying a gun, deciding to bring it with you when you rob a house, and then shooting the homeowner when they come at you with their own weapon. The burglar may not have planned to murder anybody, but they accepted the possibility when they brought the gun with, and they'll still get charged with some degree of murder.

(Obviously, Harry had good intentions. But given we don't know what Nicodemus's long-term intentions are regarding the artifacts, I tend to consider it a non-issue when comparing the two.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 14, 2019, 01:50:07 PM »
The difference between your two examples is something called pre-planning.   Nic planned all along to sacrifice his daughter to get into the vault.

This may be somewhat blurry. Harry may not have intended specifically to sacrifice Susan, but the whole "if the world burns because of what I do, then me and the kid will roast marshmallows" thing was pretty indicative that he was prepared to do something problematic.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: March 14, 2019, 01:41:24 PM »
The third and sixth, unfortunately, are pretty useless for evocation and pretty narrow for thaumaturgy. You could have them broaden the Lawbreaker's evocation a bit; perhaps Sixth Lawbreakers can use time as an evocation element.

I like the idea of time as an evocation element! Would it be reasonable to have the third give some sort of bonus to empathy? It fits thematically, but it's not spellcasting, so...

The solution to a player taking over the story by being stronger than the other PCs is not to have them take over the story even more.

Good point. The idea was to convince the player that they needed to stop abusing the Lawbreaker powers or they'd end up dead, but I can see how that might not work out (even if that's absolutely how it works in-universe).

DFRPG / Re: Mirror Magic (sponsored magic)
« on: March 14, 2019, 01:33:47 PM »
Doubling the mechanical power of a spell often does a lot more than double its power story-wise, though.

I think it would be more flavourful if, instead of doubling power, it allowed you to select a second target. Even that is probably overstrong, especially for magic with another extra benefit, though.

I don't think that's likely to lead to good gameplay.

So, if I change the power to allowing you to select a second target, would that fix the gameplay problem, or do I need to modify it more?

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: March 14, 2019, 03:21:40 AM »
I'd say that the problem I was worrying about was more that they'd add a few more Lawbreaker powers.  Then they have a +2 or +3 to any attack they make, so long as they're aiming to kill. I'd probably intervene and have the Council or a Big Bad arm wrestle them into a less overt use of their magic but it's still remarkably powerful.

I'm pretty sure this problem has a built-in solution: the stronger they are, the more likely they are to get killed by the White Council. Players abusing Lawbreaker powers? Throw a warden hunting party at them. They dodge that? Well, whatever problem they're trying to solve has also attracted the attention of the White Council. They kill the wardens sent after them? Well, now they've attracted the attention of Blackstaff McCoy, and so on.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: March 13, 2019, 01:31:36 PM »
I think it makes sense there is a mechanical refresh penalty.  Besides, there are benefits to the power, so it's not really a big loss.  Power at a price, right?

Well, that's the problem. If I'm roleplaying a character like Harry, I'm not breaking the Laws, so I get no bonus. Therefore, there are no mechanical benefits to spending the refresh.

I think it's still too broad.  All attack spells, on all possible targets is huge.  Evocation grants 3 elements.  Break a single law and that's essentially a +3 power for only one refresh and a few RP consequences.

Well, refinement is +2 to anything to do with the elements it's boosting. This would be +1, and even though it applies to all the elements, it only boosts attack spells, not shields or maneuvers. Also, it's explicitly +1 power, so you still need to roll to control it.

For things like necromancy or biomancy... it gets a little harder, too.  Raising a zombie via thaumaturgy technically isn't an attack spell, so what is the equivalent?

The equivalent is, it doesn't have one. If it's not an attack, it doesn't get the Lawbreaker (1st) bonus.

Also, as I was saying before, the power reads "Gain a +1 bonus to any spellcasting roll whenever using magic in a way which would break the specified Law of Magic".  This suggests it's the breaking of the Law itself that grants the bonus.  If the Law isn't broken, you don't get the power, therefore, you shouldn't get the bonus for targeting non-humans.  Unless somehow the scope of the Law itself widens if you break a law, which we now it doesn't. 

I think that what should give you the bonus is doing things that put you in the same mindset as breaking the Laws. Breaking the Laws is supposed to change the way you think, so I figure it makes sense.

But someone with Sponsored Magic (Outside) boosting every single spellcasting roll with Seventh Lawbreaker is probably still getting too good a deal, especially when you consider that they're getting to ignore the pyramid system.

True, but I'm pretty sure that if you use the RAW version of Lawbreaker (7th), you're still getting the bonus every time you use your sponsored magic, since using it is reaching beyond the Outer Gates.

With all that in mind, I think it's best to write out the details of each proposed broadened Lawbreaker before passing any judgements.

Do you have any suggestions for Lawbreaker (2nd-4th, & 6th)? I've already written up my idea for Lawbreaker (1st), and I figure Lawbreaker (5th) should just be +1 to necromancy since necromancers are supposed to be scary powerful and you'll get a lot more consequences from the White Council even if you avoid technically breaking the Laws.

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