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DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:59:31 AM »
I think it's a stretch to say most of Mab's subjects aren't interested in humans, as most of the nastier ones seem to feed on human suffering and death. Summer and Winter are as much a balance to each other as Denarians and Knights of the Cross.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best adaptions of myth and folklore
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:46:04 AM »
I enjoy Grimm it just has the problem of a few supernatural tv shows of finding reasons not to kill off characters.

Death on Supernatural is... pretty pathetic in practicality as Death personifications go, so many characters keep being brought back to life. However he is intimidating. The scene where they entrap him in a circle reminds me of Harry in Dead Beat with the Erlking.

Raging Rudolph was amusing if slightly sickening

DF Spoilers / Re: "Conjure by it at your own risk."
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:32:41 AM »
You know I wonder if it has to do with Harry being Warden, and you ending up on DR if you conjure his name.  Perhaps he shares a connection with Alfred that grants a layer of protection.

I wouldn't doubt it's something similar to that effect. Certainly the Warden would need some sort of protection from evil primordial beings. Otherwise how would he be capable of capturing them and bringing them to Demonreach.

Plus Mab as the Queen Bee fighter of Outsiders, might give her key champion some protection against them.

Plus Soulfire from Uriel who is himself damn near close to a Primordial being.

Plus.. you know... STarborn. Definition of a magic user who can fight against Outsiders.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:29:18 AM »
I think Evil actions are in the actions themselves not in an ends justif the means scenario, where oh all of the horrible torture and murder Mab does is because she fights Outsiders. That's the exact same argument Nicodemus uses.

How is one evil less evil than the other?

Judge a person by their actions first, their friends second and their enemies third. Mab's actions are torture and murder. Her friends/subjects are torturers and murders. Her enemies in addition to Outsiders include the much more benevolent Summer Court (not saying they're holey good, but certainly better than Winter).

Why is Mab anymore "Good type of Evil" than Nicodemus.

People's main argument is that Lasciel is less predictable than Mab. Personally I disagree. Harry already motivated and moved one supposedly immutable being the Shadow who wasn't supposed to have any choice, why not another?

I'm not saying he would have necessarily succeeded but I think he'd have a better shot with Lasciel then Mab. Mainly because Harry has Uriel on one shoulder who would be a much more direct counter point to Lasciel than Mab.

DF Spoilers / Best adaptions of myth and folklore
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:20:09 AM »
Ok so I'm not going to make a poll yet as they're are too many to count, but personally I'm going to go with Rise of the Guardians.

Russian Warrior Santa with tattoos was brilliant.

Aussie Easter Bunny was good too, cause we do have a lot of rabbits. Though farmers hate them.

Sandman and tooth Faerie were Brilliant too.

Anyone else think Pitch Black would make for the perfect Outsider like Nemesis?

Jack Frost himself was great as a Canadian and counter point with the other northern figure of Russian Santa.

Santa's Yeti bodyguards and minion elves were great too. I want to apply it to the dresden verse and have Kringle have a Fae army of Yeti's and Svartalves in a toy factory fortress. He's the counter point to the Erlking and his Goblin army so it'd make sense.

Anyway what's your favourite modern adpation of myth and folklore. Other than Dresdenfiles. Special mention to Once Upon a Time.

DF Spoilers / Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:16:37 AM »
Ah I have heard of spring-heeled jack but only in passing on The Sanctuary.

Disney'll make a movie of it and revive it just like they did with Jack Frost in Guardians.

Love that movie. Gonna make a new topic about best adaptions of myth and folklore.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Conjure by it at your own risk."
« on: September 28, 2017, 03:43:11 AM »
I think part of it is when you someone someone by their true name, you have to have the will to dominate them in order to require them to be summoned. That's why Mother Winter was offended and needed to test Harry to see if he had the will to fight against her will. Similarly Vadderung had to demoonstrate to Harry in Changes he didn't have the Will necessary to challenge the Lords of the Outer Night as was. Yet he was able to with the full power of Winter Behind him.

Harry has gotten to the point where he is able to defy his will against just about anybody and anything. Except possible Uriel and even thats coming close by his fear during Ghost Story at the nickname.

Naming someone requires power over them. Harry has will power a plenty. Starborn, Soulfire, Winter Knight, Warden. Shark Face had to repsond to Harry's challenge of will power and reveal his own name demonstrating that Harry won that battle of Wills.

Nice Poetry man.

I've got a personal theory that he had either heard of, hired or worked with either Monoc Securities or Kincaid in the past. And got a first time free consultation, like a lot of security businesses do.

I desperately picture 2 or 3 scene's between Kincaid and Marcone/ his people off screen. The first being simple exchange of badass nods.

First between SIgrun gurd and Kincaid.

"Sigrun" Kincaid smirks with a twinkle in his eye's "Been awhile how have you been."

Sigrun returns the smile. "Since the hotel room in Venice, or the battlefield in the Congo?"

"Either, or. Whichever you preferred"

Sigrun grins and goes to return the banter. Hendricks grunts and growls uncomfortably. Sigrun settle for a wink. Kincaid winks back.

"Kincaid" Marcone Nods. "Don Marcone" Kincaid nods back.

The next scene Marcone tries to hire Kincaid for a job as he's not sure Monoc Securities are prepared to do it.

"Kincaid I wish to hire you again"

"Contracts not up with Ivy, Don Marcone"

"It's not immediate, but sometime in the future, within the next couple of years or so"

"What's the job"


DF Spoilers / Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« on: September 27, 2017, 03:06:31 PM »
Hades as Erlking... huh can't believe I hadn't thought of that.

Mostly I still refer to the meaning of anagram Erlking and Kringle

DF Spoilers / Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« on: September 27, 2017, 03:25:24 AM »
I'm not sure that applies; I've always thought that it was mortal memory that counted, for the Oblivion War and other things. Like Mab working with Disney (conjecture by Harry in Cold Days) to spread fairy tales in the last century. She should have all the Sidhe belief she needs, what with the millions of soldiers hanging out at the Outer Gates. I figured similar rules apply to Cthulhu.

Confirmed by Thomas in the Short Story Back Up and COnfirmed by the dedication in the Grimm book in Cold Days. Mab spread fairy tales.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Molly still have her soul?
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:53:59 AM »
As late as Proven Guilty Lily stil exhibited signs that she was still humanish or had human traits. A willingness to help beyond Fae Balance for instance, as well as old jokes between Friends. I would argue that Molly is like Harry in a battle to save her soul on multiple levels, and is in a lot of ways in more danger than Harry is, particularly since she isolates herself from her family who are her bed rock. Seriously outliving them is going to suuuuuck. Assuming she makes it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:41:14 AM »
I think that latter case of being shot might be more of the shock factor. psychological shock.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 25, 2017, 11:02:58 PM »
There's a direct correlation the loss of their loved ones being the trigger though?

DF Spoilers / Re: Vampires and Evil, a philosophical rabbit hole.
« on: September 25, 2017, 08:35:50 PM »
Bunnies screw for fun. Elephants and Wales commit suicide so big meals for Skavis. Deer for Malvora.

The problem isn't the emotion. It's the Soul.

 Arguably Elephants and Wales do have enough of a Soul in every definition that counts, but Whampires need to feed on souls that will fuel their soul so that thei darkness can feed off their soul.

I think thats what causes the slow descent into evil for White Court. Their soul is being fed on, just as they feed on other souls.

Think of Ghost Story the entire book is about Harry's Soul. At the end Uriel comments it's hard for half born half immortals. They deal with the pressures of immortal, along with the free will and soul of a human.

Humans souls have both good and bad in them (which is WOJ btw). We can make the choice of good and evil.

White Court have demons inside them that feed off of souls, particularly when they haven't fed on someone elses soul.

Having a soul eater in your body that either nibbles away at your soul or you feed it others. Thats bound to have an effect on someones morality.

Apply it to real world addictions all of which arguably tear at a person soul. Drug addiction you become a shell of who you are and evantually die. Sex addiction your incapable of forming relationships with fellow humans on a funcional level, which is damaging to the soul as humans need to interact to feed their soul. Just ask Bob.

Finally the big one Killing. Killing does become an addiction and sooner or later life holds little value to you. At best you have a callous disregard for it. At worst you actively seek to end life to feed your addiction.

All of these are damaging to the soul and result in a corruption of morality.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Dresden
« on: September 25, 2017, 07:42:28 PM »
WOJ is that the silver Denarius are mostly Augustan with some Tiberius Denarius. If we take the Calender as literal truth to the year, they would technically only just now have roughly passed 2000 years

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