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Messages - nadia.skylark

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror and Harry's missing eye
« on: March 18, 2019, 12:08:45 AM »
I understand Susan but when did Harry lose an eye?

I think there was a WoJ that someone in the mirrorverse would have an eyepatch; I'm not sure if he said Harry specifically.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: March 18, 2019, 12:07:05 AM »
Here's a version of Summer Knight!Harry post-Changes where he got the mantle after Summer Knight. I figure the broad strokes mostly wouldn't change until Ghost Story: he'd still end up with Lasciel's shadow, he'd still find out that Thomas was his brother and help make Lara the power behind the throne, he'd still end up involved in Dead Beat (and still have to start working with Lasciel's shadow because Summer would be no help with necromancy), he'd still rescue Molly, still get involved in White Night), still end up rescuing Marcone and Ivy, Morgan would still come to him in Turn Coat, he'd still wipe out the Red Court in Changes.

Major differences would be:
-he wouldn't get made a warden in Dead Beat, and so would get involved with the war as Summer's representative (because the Red Court invades faerie territory in that book)
-as such, he wouldn't be training baby wardens, and would instead spend that time fighting on the front lines
-he would be able to react faster at the end of White Night, so he would still have access to the redeemed Lash
-the roles of Summer and Winter would be reversed in Small Favor, and it would be Summer raising a fuss about the Accords violation rather than the White Council
-as such, he still owes Mab two favors, and that's a lot bigger problem than it was in the books
-he'd do better against the skinwalker in Turn Coat, and Listens-to-Wind might or might not have had to step in
-Morgan would survive Turn Coat (Summer would help Harry with healing)
-he wouldn't kill himself after Changes

That's the point where things would go totally AU, so I'm not going to try to stat it out.

High Concept: A Dark and Stormy Knight
Trouble: Titania Hates My Guts
Other Aspects: Brothers and Sisters in Arms, I Hold With Those Who Favor Fire, Passion is Power, Protector of the Innocent, Stubborn as Hell
Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Superb: Athletics, Intimidation, Presence
Great: Endurance, Alertness, Weapons
Good: Investigation, Deceit, Performance
Fair: Guns, Rapport, Empathy, Craftsmanship
Average: Might, Fists, Survival, Burglary
Arcane Lore (lore)
Infuriate (intimidation)
Too Fast to Hit (athletics)
You Don't Want Any of This (intimidation)
Listening [-1]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Summer; stackable) [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Demonreach) [-1]
Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) [-3]
Inhuman Mental Toughness [-2]
The Catch (threats to those he loves) [+0]
Refinement [-6]
Marked by Power [-1]
Evocation (fire, earth, air, spirit, summer): +2 fire control, +1 summer control, +2 fire power, +1 air power
Thaumaturgy: +1 divination complexity, +1 biomancy complexity, +2 crafting frequency, +2 crafting control

I switched his spirit refinement for air because I thought it was more thematically suited, and I didn't give him strength/speed/recovery powers because per Paranet Papers I'm pretty sure he gets that from sponsored magic.

He also almost certainly has a bunch of refinements for item slots, and a bunch of really cool items, since per WoJ making items is one of his specialties and summer likes to give its Knights weapons rather than doing the Winter thing and treating them like weapons--I figure the Summer equivalent of Mab's "I'll try to kill you every day with no equipment" thing would be giving Harry a workshop full of magic supplies and some weapons training. (What kind of new equipment do you think that he would have?)

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror and Harry's missing eye
« on: March 17, 2019, 05:39:01 PM »
And what pocket of space time did this come from?

Pocket of space time? What? It's canon that Lea asked for Susan's eyes, and I have trouble believing that she would ask for anything that didn't have value. I'm not sure how space-time pockets enter into it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 17, 2019, 05:37:28 PM »
Think about what you wrote.  Both parties are warned about just this thing multiple times over the course of the story line.  Practically speaking, trying to apportion blame to them separately is  foolish. 

I have thought about what I wrote. From what I understand of what you've said, you are saying that Harry bears responsibility for what happened due to him having a daughter because he was careless about birth control. What I am saying is that even though he was careless, things would not have happened the way they did if Harry had known about his daughter. Therefore, more blame should be apportioned to the person who made the decision not to tell him than to the people being careless, because the carelessness was only a small part of the issue.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 17, 2019, 02:37:14 PM »
Hmm once the Knight's have offered redemption and been accepted or turned down they don't have much say in what happens to them. Michael and Sanya didn't seem to mind Harry kneecapping Cassius, so I don't see how they'd have a problem with imprisonment.

I'm not sure. You're right about Cassius, but on the other hand I'm reasonably confident that Nicodemus had been offered lots of chances for redemption by the beginning of Small Favor, but Michael and Sanya still couldn't go after him proactively.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Thomas make a deal with Leah?
« on: March 17, 2019, 02:34:51 PM »
It's one of the theories I've heard proposed for why Lea's kiss burned Thomas: that when Lea bargained for Susan's memories, she also ended up with enough of Susan's love for Harry to burn WCVs.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror and Harry's missing eye
« on: March 17, 2019, 02:51:08 AM »
That makes a lot of sense! I've never understood why the eyepatch was important, but if it's a reference to a deal that Harry made...

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Thomas make a deal with Leah?
« on: March 17, 2019, 01:52:18 AM »
She might also have wanted to know it what was between Harry and Susan was true love, and kissing Thomas after she'd absorbed Susan's feelings about Harry via her memories was a convenient way to test it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 17, 2019, 01:50:54 AM »
It's one thing for Susan and Harry to say, let's have a child, and then plan for that.  It's an all together different thing to have a child by accident. In Harry and Susan's case, she is a half turned vampire involved in a guerilla war and Harry is a wizard who has been attacked multiple times at his home.  It is so dangerous for the child, that Susan fosters her out.  Before everything is said and done, the foster family is brutally murdered.  And perhaps hundreds are killed at CI as the Reds prepare the curse. 

The events of the book were generally foreseeable. Not the bloodline curse specifically, but that the Reds would use the child in some fashion if they became aware of her.  Harry after the event hides her from the White Council for fear that they would use her as well.  And Harry has hid the fact of the existence of his brother for the same reasons.  Harry got careless about risks he was aware of and others had to pay.  That doesn't make him evil, but he can't escape the responsibility.

I think it's more Susan's fault than Harry's. Sure, he got careless, but he had every reason to expect that if Susan did get pregnant, she would tell him. He might have some responsibility, but I'd give him 10% to Susan's 90%.

How he reacted to his daughter being in danger is a different issue.

DF Spoilers / If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 16, 2019, 05:40:58 PM »
...would the KotC try to break them out? I've heard a theory that the way to trap the Coins in Demonreach is to trap their bearers with them, thus subverting the "meant to be in circulation" issue--they are in circulation, it's just that their hosts can't do anything. The problem with this is that a coinbearer trapped in stasis on Demonreach couldn't repent (I don't think), so it seems like something the Knights would have a problem with.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:00:24 PM »
I mean "Victim Blaming" seems like a questionable way to refer to someone having kidnapping a Girl and attempting to murder her entire family backfire on him.

I'm not saying that what he did wasn't awful, just that he isn't the only one responsible for what happened: Arianna, Martin, Susan, and Harry all have some responsibility as well.

And Harry's only other 'option' was to give up his daughter to the vampires and let them familicide him. What a great choice, I can't imagine why he didn't go for it.

Susan pointed out in the beginning that Harry had enough allies to potentially force the Red King to return his daughter for a big enough bribe, and Harry didn't contradict her--he just objected to that option because he didn't want to pay the Red King off. (At least, this is how I remember it going. I don't have my book with me, so I can't check.)

DFRPG / Re: Mirror Magic (sponsored magic)
« on: March 16, 2019, 05:01:26 AM »
I guess that could work. Honestly, though, I'm not a fan of the whole "you're overpowered until you get screwed over" paradigm.

Would it be better if it cost a point of sponsor debt? I don't want it to be too overpowered; I just want to make a power designed for characters who like to game the system*, and encourage character development away from doing that too much. A character with this power doesn't have to deal with a sponsor telling them what to do (ex. faerie queens), doesn't have to deal with dark powers like necromancy, and isn't tied to a location. Seems awesome, right? Until the character realizes that they're being driven to delude themselves, all their friends are upset with them because the character keeps lying to them, they can't have wards on their house, and on top of that if their house is attacked (or if they so much as trip and bump the wrong thing during a ritual) they risk fracturing their mind.

The power is supposed to have as many downsides as upsides--they're just not supposed to be obvious to characters when they start using it.

*By "game the system," I mean doing things like Constantine's trick of selling his soul to three demons, or trading your firstborn child to Summer only to turn around and make a deal with Maeve to get her handmaiden pregnant in exchange for something. Also, this power should probably not be taken by any character whose player is not willing to have the mirror destroyed in gameplay.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: March 16, 2019, 04:49:21 AM »

Yeah. Lasciel really wasn't impressive in that book.


Thanks! Also, can you help me figure out how to phrase the concept of "I'll protect you even if you hate me" in a way that sounds good for an aspect?

And what do you think of "Dubiously Necessary Evil"?

Pretty sure this was meant for the other thread, but anyway.

Yes, it was.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: March 16, 2019, 12:36:09 AM »
As I recall Lasciel fights Harry in Skin Game. Can't remember what form she takes, but I'm sure if you dig that book up and look at the end it'll have something useful for you.

She just makes Hannah naked and covered in a few wisps of purple mist. Didn't really seem to suit Harry.

Do you have any aspect suggestions? I want to include something about his friends and family, but Jim has said that Lasciel would work to isolate him, so I'm not sure what to say about them.

Also, as an alternative to allowing you to specify a second target for thaumaturgy done with the mirror, do you think it would work for it to let you gain shifts equal to your conviction without having to roll to control it (sort of doubling your innate power, rather than the power of the entire ritual)?

DFRPG / Re: Mirror Magic (sponsored magic)
« on: March 16, 2019, 12:33:12 AM »
I assumed it affected a track of your choice.

Regardless, I think the consequence-based approach is better.

Thanks. So, modification is that it lets you clear a mild mental consequence.

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