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DF Spoilers / Re: What happened to the rest of the Alpha's?
« on: November 14, 2017, 12:05:34 PM »
I trust Murphy's instincts and she was suspiscious that she showed up at an inconvenient time.

Plus you know she doesn't think with her dick, and think awww poor little female needs help. Even post Lash Harry doesn't always get that right, although admittedly he saw through Roseanna, just not Hannah Ascher.

DF Spoilers / What happened to the rest of the Alpha's?
« on: November 14, 2017, 01:45:15 AM »
I've been thinking really that the Alpha's went from a pack of a dozen who went through at least two trial by fire's together, to about four or five at most.

The War Buddy Bond is tough to crack.

So what exactly happened to cause the Alpha's to split up. Because right now I'm thinking Billy's a pretty shit Alpha  of the Alpha's if he lets 12 pack go down to 4 after they've already been through some bonding experience together.

We do have this WOJ.
quote=Jim Butcher]Q:  What happened to the other Alphas?
A:  Like happens with a lot of kids after college, they graduated and went their separate ways.  Some of them wrote off the whole experience as the result of taking drugs in college.  One ended up super religious.  One ended up institutionalized.  Given Kirby’s death, Billy is going to try to track down some of the group[/quote]

What was the catalyst for this? People don't wind up super religious or institutionalised or in deep denial without some sort of catalyst.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone Manipulating Harry.
« on: November 13, 2017, 07:02:21 AM »
Mab is overrated.

DF Spoilers / Marcone Manipulating Harry.
« on: November 11, 2017, 02:31:44 AM »
Marcone Manipulates Harry to deal with all of his Supernatural threats. Beginning in Storm Front Marcone was trying to get Harry to work for him, but I think this entire time he just figured out a way to get Harry to work for him for free.

 Think about it Victor Sells- threat to his business and his life.
 The Hexenwolf FBI who were on a task force to stop him, the Lycanthropes Biker Gang who were a threat Organised Crime wise, The Loup Garou who was blocking his development project.

Bianca who had the best Escort agency in town who Marcone somehow managed to steal away from the White Court despite the fact that White Court deal in Lust (I suspect he gives them 10% out of courtesy).

Death Masks Harry tracks down the Shroud for him.

Blood Rites Dresden cripples the White Court and saves a bunch of kids. Dead Beat Marcone gives him a direct hint to someone who has hurt one of his employee's.

White Night Marcone gets Harry to make him a Freeholding Lord.

Small Favour- Enough said.

Changes Harry takes down the Red COurt which was in Marcones best interest.

Ghost Story Harry prevents a minor noble of the Fomor and previous enemy from posing a serious threat to Chicago.

Cold Days- Prevention of the Apocalypse.

Skin Game- Marcone gets his own private swiss bank (every mobsters dream) of Supernatural creatures, favour with Mab, gets back at Nicodemus and gets a box full of Diamonds.

Face it Harry you work for Marcone for free.

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes battle, we only saw the surface?
« on: October 24, 2017, 09:06:04 AM »
Consider the possibility that anyone around Harry and Eb when it went off would be caught in the shockwaves. Precision strikes have collateral why not dark magic missiles

DF Spoilers / Re: Favorite theory that they could discuss all night long.
« on: October 24, 2017, 12:01:30 AM »
Lash=Reaper is my definite favourite.
Then Mac=Angel or Manannan Mac Lir
Next is Harry's journey to the other side and what it portends as hinted at by conversations with Lash, Vadderung and Rashid.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is most like (Favourite DC superhero)?
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:12:40 PM »
Thank You Jonas!

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is most like (Favourite DC superhero)?
« on: October 23, 2017, 12:07:31 PM »
Don't recall what scene your referring to.... ooooooh... wait Flash is into BDSM? Really? WOulda thought Batman would be more th Sado-masichism BDSM type. Certainly fits the profile. Loves pain both giving and taking. Deep dark childhood issues. Playboy with multiple women. Billionaire. Hits every trope their is on the subject.

Oh come on. Green Lanterns skill set is too limited. It's all just imaginary images enforce by willpower. Admittedly Harry uses his willpower and emotions to empower his powers, but he has a hell of a lot of range across a different spectrum than Green Lantern. Notably in that Green isn't his only colour. He also has you know... magic. Plus Green Lantern doesn't have a city to protect and be Guardian over.

DF Spoilers / Re: Another clue from Nicodemus in Small Favor
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:28:35 AM »
He could be talking quite literally or at least as literally as a Fallen Angel can. I'm reminded of Harry's conversation with Lash.

Quote from: Proven Guilty Chapter 15
"I mean no insult by it, but you should know that your abiolity to comprehend your environment is very strongly defined by your belief in a number of illusions. Time. Truth. Love. That kind of thing. It isn't your fault, of course-but it does impose limits upon your ability to percieve and understand some matters"
"I'm only human," I said. "So enlighten me."
"To do so, you would have to release your hold on mortality."
I blinked and said, "I'd have to die?"
"Again you have only a partial understanding. But in the interest of expediency yes. You would have cease living."

Harry has died and has learnt a lot about Time and Truth since doing so, but alas that's a different topic and conversation, one which as some people have noted has been Beaten like a Dead Horse.

I think Nicodemus is being as literal as he can be. Harry is exhibiting too much emotion, too much self awareness, too much independent thought regardless of outside influence to be Nemfected. Basically he's being too much like himself and too human. If he was corrupted, he wouldn't be so much like himself he'd be playing word games and subterfuge who as others have pointed out in this conversation is brash and upfront.

So like Lash, Nicodemus is giving him a reverse complement and left handed insult y saying that Harry is still too human to have been influenced.

I wonder if his having dying and being exposed to those subjects since also makes him more vulnerable to Nemfected just like he's vulnerable too his Mantles. (Everything relates back to Mantles)

DF Spoilers / Harry is most like (Favourite DC superhero)?
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:10:18 AM »
So who do you think he's most like?

The most obvious would be Batman. Both Batman and Dresden have a primary city filled with organised crime, that Batman has a tense but occasionally working relationship with in order to focuse on fighting the various chaotic and more insane characters that threaten his city.

As it stands Dresden even has his own Alfred, his own Arkham Asylum and his own Batcave. As well as a League of like minded heroes whom at one point or another were his students to one extent or another.

Of course the primary argument against this is Batmans chief trait as co leader of the justice league which is that he's non superpowered.  There's also the fact that Murphy is notably the only member without any superpowers whatsoever, an interest in stopping crime.

Plus there's the fact that Murphy shotgunned Batman when she formed the Dresden League, when Harry died, not disimilar to how the Justice League by Batman is formed in some versions after Supermans death. Though this could also be how Batman was presumed dead and both the Justice League and the Batfamily had to survive without him when Batman is presumed dead.

So is Harry just too OP to be Batman. Which speaking of OP well Superman would definitely come to mind. Particularly how his enemies have to be increasingly OP'd to be a threat to him. Except perhaps Lex Luthor who prefers to use his intellect and way too complex scheme's to ever actually pull off to fight his arch enemy. Not disimilar to Nicodemus, although to be honest why Harry is his arch nemesis when it really should be the KotC is kind of a thematic imbalance, but only slightly as they have been a consistent enemy every five years like clock work.

What both Superman and Batman have in common is that they're guardians of their respective cities that increasingly are left vulnerable by his responsibilities on an international and even interplanetary level. The difference being of course that Batman entrusts his city to his former pupils and allies who are more or less capable of protecting it in his absence, while relying on the Justice League for the international level threats and to some extent the interplanetary ones, while leaving the intergalactic threats to the Green Lanterns.

One other major difference is that so far as to my knowledge neither Batman or Superman have sworn allegiance to nor served any evil cruel torturous or murderous beings in exchange for power. At least not for any lengthy period of time. Although arguably each has done so at one point or another I guess. Batman with Ra's al Ghul in particular. Don't know Supermans lore well enough to pick an example off the top of my head. Did he ever swear allegiance to Zod?

Anyway in the end those are my two votes and why.

(It should be noted that Harry's smart mouth and pop culture references also make Flash and Hal Jordon prime candidates)

DF Spoilers / Psychology, Pietrovich and DuMorne
« on: October 20, 2017, 01:12:44 AM »
I was just wondering given that Psychology was just being invented by Carl Jung and SIgmund Freud at the time that DuMorne was an apprentice to Simon Pietrovich and in particular Psychology's effect on pre, during and post World War 1/ Russian Revolution. Several of Jung's notable theories took particular hold in Russia. Arguably the Soviet Union had more success with psychological experiments then the CIA did.

All of this seems a hell of a coincedence given DuMornes proficiency with min magic and enthrallment. Combined with what we know of Pietrovich in Paranet Papers. Not too mention the popular theory that Cowl is Simon Pietrovich himself.

How much influence did early Psychology have on Pietrovich and his apprentices at Archangel during this time. And did it contribute to DuMornes Enthrallment of Elaine.

Certainly DuMorne shows great psychological insight in perfectly manipulating Harry and Elaine as first loves, and despite Harry's well justified complaints DuMorne did teach both to be quite remarkable Wizards equal to or better than most Wardens. We also do know from Ghost Story that he does have happy memories of DuMorne and loved him a great deal.

I imagine The White Council would have been nervous about this growing practice of mundane meddling into peoples minds, souls, hearts, consciousness, fears, desires, dreams and subconsciousness. We know from Paranet Papers Simon Pietrovich got increasingly involved in mundane affairs around this time, we also know that a certain apprentice mind thralled an assassination attempt on Rasputin (where incidentally he was made Winter Knight) they certainly were the White Councils source of information in Eastern Europe.

The Brute Squad of Archangels had it's beginning here in World War 1 and the Russian Revolution and were active up until Kemmlers final defeat, when Justin DuMorne picked up a spirit of intellect as an aide. So given how active they were during psychology's rise in the late 19th and early to mid 20th century. 

To what degree did SImon Pietrvich, Justin DuMorne and the Brute Squad of Archangel know of or Employ Psychology?

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: jims cats are making an appearance
« on: October 06, 2017, 01:21:57 PM »
I completely agree.

They're like aspergers little predators.

I can't wait till Rowl meets a Big Cat

DF Spoilers / Re: Archangels to Fallen Angels
« on: October 02, 2017, 07:14:37 AM »
Too bad Remiel's (thunder) day wasn't Thursday.  We might have had something there.

Siiigh* Vadderung can't be everyone you know.

DF Spoilers / Re: Archangels to Fallen Angels
« on: October 01, 2017, 04:01:00 AM »
What are the meanings of the other proposed archangels?  Raguel, Sariel, Remiel, etc (there are other proposed names on the wiki page)
Raguel means friend of god, Ramiel means Thunder of God and Sariel means Prince of God.

Raguel's purpose seems identical to Raphael's without the healing element.

Ramiel is only ever mentioned once in a passage of 20 angels so I'm not sure why he is prposed as one the seven archangels there might be more information on him elsewhere.

Sariel seem to be another translation of Sammael down to his roles as an angel of death, psychopomp and leader of fifth heaven they must be the same angel. Given the translation of the name and Lucifers role of Prince of Hell, I believe there to be a connection. Though according to wikipedia he's also identified with Azrael.

Cinder Spires Books / Re: TV? Or Movie?
« on: September 30, 2017, 09:04:27 AM »
I look forward to a Stardust esque movie someday. Mostly I want to see more worldbuilding first. Plus it depends on whether it'll be 3 6 or 9 books depending on what Jim and his publisher decide.

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