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Messages - nadia.skylark

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DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 24, 2019, 06:27:10 PM »
Seems to me he doesn't reject hunting them so much as the apparent subtext of setting out to kill them.

I just don't get why he wouldn't just say something like "I'm glad to help you track them down and rescue Marcone, but I won't just kill them, Harry." It feels like he's refusing to even actively go looking for them prepared to fight. After all, the original context in which Harry asked for his help was for a rescue mission--Harry just got derailed when they worked out that Nicodemus was involved.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 24, 2019, 03:09:11 PM »
So  what?   That doesn't mean they lock up coin holding Denarians on Demonreach..  That seems to be the point of the thread..  The answer is they don't....  Do they help sometimes in going after other "enemies" of the Almighty?  Yes, but that still doesn't prove that they lock up Denarians on Demonreach...  Or deposit the coins there, if that were true, they would have handed over the lot the collected when they helped Harry rescue Ivy to Alfred, who failed to come forward... More to the point the Denarians wouldn't have been allowed on Demonreach in the first place after they kidnapped Ivy... Or even more to the point if they knew there were fellow coin holders in lock up, don't you think they would have freed them?

Sorry. I thought you were responding to my post saying one of their jobs was to protect the innocent.

That said, I think you somewhat misunderstood the topic of this thread. It is not claiming that the Knights lock Denarians up in Demonreach currently; it is proposing a hypothetical where the Warden might lock up Denarians in Demonreach in the future, and wondering if that would be a problem for the Knights. It also contains a detour dealing with why the Knights weren't willing to hat up and rescue Marcone at the beginning of Small Favor, given that it appears to be within their job parameters and it would have saved a lot of trouble.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 24, 2019, 02:21:34 PM »
No, it is not, they do protect the innocent when they can and when it coincides with what their mission.   That is why they walked away after Cassius gave up his coin even though Harry argued he was still a murderous bastard with Cassius gleefully agreeing that he was until Harry took a baseball bat to him.. That is why Murphy told Harry she could never be a Knight save for the one Knight she was one... Using her own judgement she couldn't let the Denarians just walk away after they had given up a coin and surrendered... She judged, not the Almighty, that is why she broke the Sword when she tried to kill Nic with is after he gave up his goodies.

Did you notice the word "secondary"? I'm not saying that they will do so at the expense of their primary mission, which is saving Denarians. I'm saying that they do protect the innocent in situations unrelated to Denarians, and attempt to protect the innocent from Denarians. This is why Michael helps SI kill a demon and arrest a sorcerer, why Michael works with Harry to stop harmful ghosts, why all three Knights work to stop Nicodemus from unleashing the plague curse, why Shiro rescues Harry from Nicodemus, why all three Knights help to rescue Maggie from the Red Court...I'm sure you get the idea.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 11:22:28 PM »
This is pointless.  We've covered this ground multiple times.  I'm done.


I am under the impression that the Knights' job is to "rescue the poor souls trapped by the Fallen" in Michael's words. I also believe that their secondary purpose is to protect the innocent as directed to by TWG, as evidenced by the many times we see them do that.

In Small Favor, we see the Knights both actively refuse to rescue a soul from being trapped by the Fallen and act in such a way that it appears they are not being directed to act such that it would protect an innocent from being tortured.

I assume I am missing something here, because this seems inexplicable to me. I had hoped that discussion would allow me to realize what I was missing, but I'm apparently also missing something in your posts...

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 09:36:19 PM »
The obvious answer is that it serves the narrative.  However I assume you want it from inside the story.


TWG didn't arrange to torture Ivy.  Nicodemus and his cohorts did.

Yeah, but he didn't arrange anything to stop her being tortured either, and you would think that it would be part of the Knights' job to interfere with stuff like that.

The Knight's themselves can't quit being Knights because it is painful and inconvenient.

They don't have to quit being Knights. In Death Masks, the Knights were perfectly happy to engage in rescue missions: Shiro went and rescued Harry. Michael and Sanya went to try and rescue Shiro. Them going to rescue Marcone would not have violated their purpose as Knights.

And at the point of the conversation Ivy was not yet at hazard and no one was aware she was the target.  You know the outcome but in the book they don't.

TWG knows--He's supposed to be omniscient. Uriel really ought to know. I'm not assuming that anyone else does.

Michael chose not to confront the Denarian's without the ability to give them a choice.

Why couldn't he give them a choice? Why couldn't Michael and Sanya find the Denarians, knock their door down, and demand that they give up their coins and tell him where Marcone is? This is, after all, exactly what Michael and Sanya did do with Cassius in Death Masks--why not now?

Harry gave that to him and allowed Michael to hold his moral ground.

Yes. However, given that Michael's moral ground apparently requires him to not try to rescue someone who he knows is being tortured, I don't actually think that this is a good thing.

The timeline makes you keep track of not only what happened when, but when the protagonists knew what they could know.

Yes. At the point where the Knights refuse to go looking for the Denarians, they know that a person is being tortured, that Harry has given up Lasciel's coin, and that he has stated that he never took up the coin and yet got rid of the shadow.

So it is only after the Shedd that everyone is aware of Ivy and her hazard.

I've only ever brought Ivy up as a consideration before this point in terms of what TWG knows, since I don't really see Him not knowing about Ivy.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 06:53:51 PM »
But for those coin holders who have clearly gone off the reservation, I think the Knights could confront them even in their off hours - they would still not open with a random stab to the heart, but they could go 'Hey Nic, fancy meeting you here. Please give up your coin!' and things would devolve from there.

I've no doubt that if they ran into Nic on vacation, they would try to talk him into giving up his coin. The question I have is, if his response was to say "No, and I'm leaving" rather than try to attack them/any bystanders, could the Knights then attack him? Or if they found a Denarian frozen in Mab's garden and therefore unable either to cause trouble or repent, would that be a problem for them?

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 01:22:53 PM »
In so far as the text indicates no one has been put into stasis since Demonreach was built and originally inhabited.

Good point.

There is no good reason to put a fallen inside the fence.  Why would you take the chance?

Because the Church is corrupt and the Coins need to be stored somewhere secure.

And if you did, a Knight attempting a breakout would trigger the fail safe.

Meh, I feel like TWG could get around this.

I gave you a direct quote from Mab about Titania.  I really don't know how to make it clearer.

I guess we just interpreted this quote differently. I had thought Mab's "put simply" meant that it was a Summer/Winter thing--Winter was trying to save him, so by default he was Titania's enemy.

I didn't say that Titania knew of the events in the alley. I qualified the why as speculative.  Since the why was speculative I didn't bother with the how.  However possibly by the same mechanism that Mab employed on the attack on Marcone's panic room.  Your guess is as good as mine.

Fair enough.

I'll repeat, Harry said he couldn't track them.

I'm not sure Harry knew that at this point. (Also, I'm still not sure why Harry couldn't find them even if his tracking spells weren't working--none of the Denarians' precautions seems to have extended to something that would stop determined pixies, and we know that Harry has used the Za Lord's Guard for searches in other books. But I suspect that this is just a plot hole.)

Had TWG given Michael the heads up I fairly certain that Michael wouldn't have needed Harry or that Michael would have ignored the call, so I guess TWG was hanging back.  Uriel was hanging at the Shedd giving out keys to soulfire.  And we never see Toot after the first call.  Who knows why?

I'd like to know why. That's one of the things about this that makes me so uncomfortable--why would TWG help arrange for Ivy to get tortured? (Obviously, free will was involved in a lot of this, but Harry also made the free willed decision to ask the Knights for help tracking down the Denarians without involving others--he only chose to make it an Accords issue when the Knights refused.)

One sign of trust is when you listen to your heart instead of the little seed of doubt, so I guess in my mind that it was the third act after the Shedd that the seedling burst from its husk.

I agree about the trust thing--I just think that Michael was listening to his doubts rather than his heart when he refused to help track down the Denarians (or he was listening to TWG, but like I said above, that just brings up another problem).

Certainly Michael followed Harry's lead at the Shedd and raked in the coins. You are welcome to differ.

I'm not sure how much lead-following was involved there--Harry was mostly unconscious or elsewhere for the parts that Michael was involved in, and Coin collecting is the Knights' job.

Note: I know it can come across like I hate the Knights or want to think badly of them. I don't; I actually really like them and want to think well of them--that's why it's so disturbing to me when they appear to be acting problematically. If I didn't care about them being the good guys, I wouldn't bother discussing things like this.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 05:47:00 AM »
Michael's first appearance in the book is after Titania's hitters attack Harry at Michael's house. The Denarian's don't show up until Harry finds Gard at the safe house.  At that point no one knows were the Denarian's are.  Contact is made through Ivy after the Accords protocol is invoked.

The timeline goes:
-Harry is attacked by Gruffs at Michael's house.
-Harry meets Mab and loses his fire magic.
-Harry finds Gard wounded and discovers that the Denarians are involved.
-Harry goes to Michael's house and asks him to help track down the Denarians.
-Michael refuses, so Harry initiates Accords protocols.

At no point, from the time Harry loses access to his fire magic to the time Michael refuses to hunt down the Denarians, does Harry have any reason whatsoever to use his fire magic in front of Michael.

At that point there is nobody to search for other than Marcone.

Given that my question is "why won't the Knights agree to hunt down the Denarians for the purpose of searching for and rescuing Marcone?" I'm really not sure what the point of this statement is.

Michael's suspicions come into play after the events at the Shedd.  Nic uses them to play on Harry's mind.  And Harry did not use fire magic at the Train Station while with Michael.

No. Here's the quotes:
Small Favor ch. 15
"So," I said, "I think we've got to move fast, and get Marcone away from them before he's forced to join up."

Michael frowned and folded his broad, work-scarred hands on the table before him. "What makes you think he's going to tell them no?"

"Marcone's scum," I said. "But he's his own scum. He doesn't work for anyone."


"Guys," I said, "I know that your first instincts tend to be to stand watch against the night, turning the other cheek, and so on. But he's here with maybe twice the demon-power he had on his last visit. If we wait for him to come to us, he'll tear us apart."

"Agreed," Sanya said firmly. "Take the initiative. Find him and hit the snake before he can coil to strike."

Michael shook his head. "Brother, you forget our purpose. We are not given our power so that we can strike down our enemies, no matter how much they might deserve it. Our purpose is to rescue the poor souls trapped by the Fallen." 


Michael smiled, but it was brief and strained. "My point is that we can undertake such an aggressive move in only the direst of circumstances."

"Faerie stands poised on the brink of an internal war," I said. "Which would probably reignite the war between the Council and the Vampire Courts--and in the bad guys' favor, I might add. One of the most dangerous men I've ever known is about to have involuntary access to the knowledge and power of a Fallen angel, which would give the Denarians access to major influence within the United States. Not to mention the serious personal consequences for me if they succeed in making it happen." I looked back and forth between the two Knights, and held up one hand straight over my head. "I vote dire. All in favor?"

Michael caught Sanya's hand on the way up, and pushed it gently back down to the table. "This isn't a democracy, Harry. We serve a King."

ch. 38
"That's the real reason you didn't want to hat up and go gunning for the Denarians right at first, the way I wanted to. You were worried I was leading you into a trap."

"I didn't lie to you, Harry." Michael said. "But I'd be lying right now if I didn't admit that, yes, the thought had crossed my mind."

These quotes demonstrate that Michael started distrusting Harry before the fire magic thing gave him a reason.

(Also, I take back what I said about the Marcone thing not being brought up. Apparently it was brought up, the Knights just...disregarded it. What the hell?)

Read the book.  Had you, you would know that she did.

Be less insulting. I have read all the books multiple times, and it was my understanding in Small Favor that Titania's interest in the situation was that she was countering Winter and trying to get revenge on Harry. I read nothing that indicated to me that she cared about Marcone in particular.

The why is speculative.  She hates Harry. The most obvious reason might be that she took revenge on Marcone for saving Harry behind Bock's Books.  Gard warns Marcone then.  As a bonus she knows Harry will be appointed Emissary for Mab, which gives her a reason to strike at Harry.

This might be a reason. Was there anything is Small Favor to indicate that Titania knew about Marcone saving Harry?

Again at no time is anyone aware of the location of the Denarian's until Ivy arrives.

Sorry, I phrased this poorly. What I meant was that they could have gone looking for the Denarians before Ivy got involved, and since I am of the belief that they were already on Demonreach at the time (they had to transport the stuff and do the setup for the circle after all, and it would make sense to get as much as possible done before they captured Ivy) there was no reason for TWG to be worried about collateral damage if they found them.

Demonreach is first introduced in Small Favor.  Why would they look there?

Because TWG told them to, because Harry sent a bunch of pixies to look everywhere, because someone worked out that they'd need access to a Ley line to put up defenses good enough to baffle everyone's tracking spells (I'm not sure if this is true or not)--any number of reasons. The point is that they should have been looking.

You don't seem to understand the timeline of events. For instance they hold a council of war after dropping Gard off and discuss how to find the Nickleheads.  And are attacked on the way back to Michael's house by Torelli's people.  At which point they go to the Train Station.

I understand the timeline just fine. It's you that seems to be confused. You seem to think that I'm arguing...something other than what I'm arguing. I'm not sure what.

What do you think I'm saying? (Apologies if I'm missing something obvious in what you're saying. It's 2am here.)

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 02:38:15 AM »
Nobody realizes that the Archive was the target until after the Shedd was closed in the magic circle. And nobody knew there were at least thirteen Denarian's in town.  With two notable exceptions.  Mab and Uriel.  And they weren't talking for whatever reasons.  Can you see why Michael wasn't instructed by TWG to attack?

No. Not unless TWG wanted Ivy to be tortured, because if Michael had been proactive when Harry asked him to, then Ivy would never have even been in Chicago.

Nobody forgot Marcone.  He was the key which started the game clock.

If nobody forgot him, then why was the fact that he was being tortured not brought up as an argument for why Michael and Sanya should hunt down the Denarians in town?

Without Harry's help the Knight's didn't have a chance in hell of doing anything, they aren't suicidal.  See where there were 13 Denarian's in town.

They would have had Harry's help. Harry was the one asking for their help in the first place!

Michael's suspicion of Harry was from Harry acting out of character in not using fire spells.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I remember it, between the time Mab took away Harry's blasting rod and the time Harry asked Michael to hat up and go Denarian hunting, there had been no reason for Harry to use fire magic around Michael because all Harry had done in Michael's presence was drive up to his house and talk to him in his kitchen.

Marcone was bait


and a payoff to Titania.

What? Why does Titania care about Marcone?

The Archive was the target and as such Uriel was on the playing field in the Shedd.


The rules of the game kept Michael out of the Shedd, had he been there the Denarian's wouldn't have been. 

I'm not talking about the Shedd; I'm talking about before Harry even calls the White Council over the Accords breach.

Everything played out in the way you would expect.  The Hobs were the first cutout, designed to kill Ivy, the second cutout was Uriel in the Shedd to help Harry if things went sideways.  With all the pieces in place the assault happened in the safest place, on Demonreach Island where all the participants could go all out.

But why couldn't everyone have tried to find the Denarians at Demonreach before Ivy was kidnapped?

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 12:52:10 AM »
This is Michael's objection to Harry's plan.  In terms of how and when the Knight's act it is often communicated to them in some fashion.  This is discussed over and over again in the books.  Michael and the other Knight's are where they need to be when they are needed.  They work for a god.

...and Sanya's plane being "coincidentally" delayed wasn't enough of a sign for them? (Thanks for the quote, by the way.) The more I think about this scene, the more issues I have with it. Possibilities for why it played out the way it did that I can see are:

1) Michael distrusts Harry (which he admitted) ... and yet goes along with Harry's second plan rather than waiting for him to leave before planning a rescue mission with Sanya.

2) Michael objects to Harry's plan, but still trusts him enough to let him lie to the White Council (which it has been pointed out to me is out of character, and furthermore Michael admits later in the book to thinking Harry has been subverted by Lasciel).

3) Michael doesn't think they should interfere, despite "coincidence" indicating that TWG wants them to, but can't let Harry face the Denarians alone (the former part seems highly problematic; the latter part has canon support).

4) TWG has indicated to Michael that he should not go after the Denarians directly despite the fact that it would be a rescue mission, but has not expressed an objection to Harry's second plan (which...did He want Ivy to be tortured? Was it some twisted way to see to it that Ivy would get more free will than she would otherwise have with the Archive? Is getting Harry access to soulfire that important? What?)

5) No one cares about Marcone. The Knights are only responsible for rescuing innocents (possible. In Skin Game, Michael says he can't help Hannah at the Gate of Fire because she's not an innocent, that she chose to put herself in danger. On the other hand, the Knights' explicit job is to save the Denarian hosts from the Fallen, so they can't only be interested in innocents).

6) Everyone spontaneously, inexplicably forgot about Marcone (which seems poor writing--there ought to be a reason).

All of these, to my mind, are problematic. (Another possibility is that Harry never told the Knights about Marcone--I don't remember whether he did or not--which is still problematic, but is not a problem for Michael, it's just Harry being inexplicably more idiotic than usual.)

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 23, 2019, 12:24:22 AM »
They travel around the world to do their job.  They may not have a hit list they're working through, but it's not like it's a coincidence Shiro and Sanya show up to do Knightly things despite not living in Chicago.  Or hell, Susan and Murphy went out explicitly to fight some bad guys in Mexico, and the Swords didn't sulk about it.  The point is, they don't just have to wait for the Denarians to come to them.

Good point. Let me rephrase: when do we ever see the Knights do anything proactive, not counting times when their traveling results in them "coincidentally" walking right into the middle of a situation, that Harry does not prod them into doing?

And if they do go after Denarians proactively, why was Michael so willing to let a guy get tortured rather than try to track the Denarians torturing him down?

I swear, every time I resolve one issue I have with Michael, another one comes up. For an uncomplicatedly good guy, I seem to notice a lot of stuff about him that is problematic.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 22, 2019, 11:18:43 PM »
In Small Favor Michael's objection is to attacking the Denarian's without warning. Which is what Michael and Harry quarrel about.

That can't possibly be the issue. In the same book, Harry notes that Michael has no problem killing enemies from behind when needed.

I don't have my copy of the book right now, but I'll have access to it later tonight and will post a quote of the section under discussion (if someone wants to post it earlier, that would be awesome).

All of which is I think getting away from the original argument that the Knights just hang around and wait for a bit of Denarian evil to fall in their laps.  They can be proactive.

When do we ever see them be proactive?

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 22, 2019, 09:33:47 PM »
That what their job is, they both explained, to give Cassius a chance

This is why I think they might be required to not leave Denarian hosts in Demonreach--the Knights' job is to give the Denarians a chance to repent, and I don't think that they can do that if they're in stasis.

If they aren't doing anything then the Knight's can't, or are not required to, act.  This is Michael's argument, more of less, in Small Favor.

The problem is that at the time Michael says this in Small Favor, the Denarians are doing something--they are imprisoning and torturing Marcone! (Granted, Marcone is not an innocent, but in Death Masks Michael makes it very clear that it's not the Knights' place to judge.)

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 22, 2019, 07:28:32 PM »
As for Michael thinking Harry had taken up the coin, he thought that Harry still had the Shadow, not that he'd gone full on Denarian.

Nope. When Harry told him about Lasciel, Michael's response was an offer to help him set aside the Coin, and he was surprised when Harry said he'd never taken it up.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: March 22, 2019, 03:30:22 PM »
Also Knights just don't let coin holders go...

Are we sure about this? I mean, it's one thing if the Denarians are actively doing something horrible, but if the Knights ran into one of them on vacation or something, would they be permitted to try to kill the Denarian even if he/she refused to give up the Coin? I mean, Michael spent 3-ish years thinking that Harry had taken up Lasciel's coin, but didn't do anything about it until Harry actively approached him.

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