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Messages - RonLugge

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DFRPG / Re: Sword IOP Question
« on: March 06, 2016, 06:56:36 PM », a weapon you can make appear and disappear at will, even when possessed by another? That's worth +0. Ten heartbeats, FYI, for a person with an average heart rate, is about 10 seconds--well within the time of your average action in an exchange, with plenty leftover to act, and that's if you're not running at a high heart rate because you're in the middle of or are about to be in combat.

IF you required a full exchange to summon the weapon, I might give +1 rebate back for that.

I've always played with 'an exchange takes 3 seconds', so...

DFRPG / Re: How effective is a threshold?
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:34:24 AM »
So what would happen if an item anyone could use or potion was given to or taken by someone who's home it is or was invited in?  Would the suppression of its power by the Threshold lift or would it still be in effect due to being brought in by someone uninvited?

Trying to parse your question, but the point is that the *bearer* of the item must be invited in, or the item grounds out on the threshold.  When you're invited in, anything you're carrying with you is invited as well.  Something of a two-edged sword.

DFRPG / Re: How effective is a threshold?
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:03:37 PM »
Would you rule that Harry's duster wouldn't give him the magical protection that's been ensorcelled into it while he was inside a home, with a threshold, that he hasn't been invited into?

In a heartbeat.  There's a reason things that go bump in the night respect thresholds, after all.

DFRPG / Re: How effective is a threshold?
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:28:47 PM »
Personally, I would not have potions or enchanted items be affected by a threshold at all. They're static magic bound into some inanimate object and inanimate objects can't be invited in. When their effects are used, no one is actively drawing on any magical power, as the magic is already set and self-contained.

From a balance perspective, crafter type wizards are already a tad bit too powerful.  I don't think handing them more power is a good approach.

From a reality perspective... the item itself may or may not be invited in, but the bearer definitely can be.  Using a magic item simply makes it an extension of your own abilities.

DFRPG / Re: How effective is a threshold?
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:27:22 AM »
In each case, I'd subtract shifts from the effect equal to the threshold rating.  So if you had a 4-shift kinetic ring attack, and walked into a house with a threshold of 2, your weapon:4 attack is now weapon: 2.  If the threshold was 4, well, I'd allow the (technically illegal, since spells 'must' have one shift) weapon:0 attack.  A threshold of 5 would shut down the ring entirely.

As for the potions... again, just subtract shifts.  If that makes them stop working, well, oops.  No more potion effects.

DFRPG / Re: How often to actually give Significant Milestones
« on: February 24, 2016, 06:17:30 PM »
I'm not sure I like the idea of a mandatory 2-stunt minimum, myself.  Glad it works for your group, but... A lot of my characters would deeply, deeply, *deeply* resent that 2-stunt 'tax' on their available refresh.  And it suddenly makes a lot of character types even harder to afford, like wizard or Knight of the Cross.

DFRPG / Re: Toughness, Recovery, and The Catch
« on: February 08, 2016, 05:15:37 PM »
I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I think your extra stress boxes go at the end of your track.  Like this:

Does it make a difference?  The books have the extra stress tracks at the end, I think.  It might just be an ease of bookkeeping issue.

It makes a HUGE difference.  Don't forget that your first stress box is worth 1 stress, the 2nd worth 2, and so on.  So your biggest stress boxes are all off to the right -- which is where your toughness sits, granting you bigger & better stress boxes.  A seven-stress fire hit, bypassing his catch, would in fact inflict 00X(00) + a moderate consequence.  (He had the consequence right, so I'm wondering if he was just noting things... really weird).

DFRPG / Re: Soulfire Question for PP
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:16:17 PM »
I dislike Mental Toughness, so my house rule is it doesn't apply to self-inflicted mental stress (so, spellcasting). By extension, the Refinement requirements are eliminated and anyone with a good reason can take it (which I call tiered "Will" rather than throwing "Mental" in front of "Toughness"). (Demonic Co-Pilot is not self-inflicted stress, technically.)

While I don't like the renaming, I have to admit this sounds like a great way to rebuild mental toughness into something reasonable.  Mental Toughness:  just like physical toughness, but with a locked in [+0] catch of self-inflicted stress.

The spellcasting version...  any power I look at and go 'that's a must have!' I tend to eye with suspicion as being a tad bit too powerful.  And when even a crafter specialist wizard eyes an evocation-oriented power (for the extra uses/scene for his items), well, you might just be looking at something too powerful.

DFRPG / Re: Death Not-Curse
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:51:04 AM »
Definitely a completely different action of magic in that circumstance--Lily's magic had nothing to do with it; rather, it was laying down her life in front of her son that did it. She did nothing but sacrifice herself--the magic was "older than time" or whatever Dumbledore says.

Besides, are we really bringing in the terrible Harry Potter magic paradigm into Dresden now? Blegh.

I think he's using it for a narrative concept, rather than saying the mechanics transfer over.  It's a place where it makes narrative sense to place a blessing on someone rather than take out your killers.

DFRPG / Re: So here's what I played with...
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:18:52 AM »
The clockwork court was fun.  I will have to... 'borrow'... them for another game.

DFRPG / Re: Sponsors and debt
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:21:56 AM »
Well, more to the point, Harry might not have had an aspect that gave him Hellfire - since gaining it was an accident (or a compel)...but any consequence or debt that he took once he had it gave lasciel extra leverage on him.

As a friend pointed out to me, harry keeps his 'Tempted by Power' trouble through the entire series for a reason.  That's the aspect that ties into his Hellfire.  He's tempted by it's power -- yes, he's trying to do the wrong thing, but tapping into hellfire is still a bad idea.

It's a pretty weak aspect to represent it, but that also touched on his 'accidental' and 'involuntary' access to it.  If he'd used it enough / willingly enough, eventually he may have been forced to change another aspect to represent it.

DFRPG / Re: Construct Creation
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:55:07 PM »
I wouldn't let someone add 20 complexity to a spell by killing a nameless NPC.

Why on earth not?

If a player does it, he now has Wardens on his tail.  And they are very, very, very good at their jobs.  If an NPC does it... well, there's a reason players are (presumably) trying to kill him.

DFRPG / Re: Construct Creation
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:27:57 PM »
Paranet Papers gives good guidelines for creating undead, but fails to address the question of Constructs(eg. Golums, Animated Statues etc. It seems like the same basic parameters should apply, but it must be more difficult or no one would turn to Necromancy.

You're overlooking that necromancy has built-in shift boosters to help you out.

Need a zombie?  Kidnap a homeless bum and make him your zombie... and while you're at it, get an additional 20 shifts of power by killing him (thus inflicting a mild, moderate, severe, and extreme consequence, gaining the additional 20 shifts of power).

DFRPG / Re: Paranet Paper PDF Procurement Procedure?
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:06:19 PM »
So, I just got the book in the mail. Is there a PDF version available for download? I find them much easier to search through.

Their free PDF policy covers books bought at your 'friendly neighborhood game store' -- not online.  You may have to purchase again.

DFRPG / Re: High Fantasy Conversion
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:05:17 PM »
Just sat down and started working with it, and discovered a small 'flaw' with inherent flexibility.  Instead of adding +3 refresh and setting pure mortal to 3, we've changed it to adding +2 refresh and +4 pure mortal.  Otherwise, the 'inherent flexibility' became flatly better for power-based races, with the exception of not having access to mythic abilities.

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