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Messages - Foxed

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Thought it was Zeus and Thor, and Hermes and Odin.

I specifically remember my Caesar, and he claimed that the Celts worshipped the same gods, but Mercury was the leader (psychopomp, god of magic, nice hat).

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:45:03 AM »
Just watched The OA. Aside from my questionable taste in fantasy, I thought Brit Marling could be a good Lea (red hair dye is a dime a dozen), and that Brandon Perea could be Carlos.

Also really want Jason Isaac in there somewhere. Marcone, maybe?

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:16:17 AM »
I just can't see the solution being "My God, the person who died over ten years ago!"

That said, if Petrovich comes back into the narrative (for instance, someone thinks they've seen Simon out in the world, the Fomor have something that is distinctly made by Petrovich, etc.), then THAT would confirm it for me.

As of right now, I'll stick with living suspects. Christos is in a good position to have Dresden get to know him better only to then discover he's Cowl.

I think it would be mostly a balance thing. Gods versus monsters. Aesir versus Jotun. Olympians versus Titans. Heaven versus Hell. Summer versus Winter.

Two things: this is an interesting theory. I myself had placed the Jotun as the defenders at the Gate and the Aesir as the protectors from the defenders. That is to say, that Odin was replaced by TITANIA, not Mab. My thinking was that the Aesir cut a deal with the Tuatha de Denaan and the triune goddess. With faith in these pagans waning, there was an imbalance between Aesir and Jotun. By combining the Fae with the mother goddess, there was enough power to defeat the Jotun, but the power gained by the Gate responsibilities forced the triune goddess to split into two. That, plus pinning their power to a cyclical, scientific phenomenon, created a pretty solid balance.

So I think there was no Winter Court before they became the defenders. Just Mother (Unknown, but dead now), Maiden (Mab), and Crone (Mother Winter).

Second, some posters are misinterpreting the Hades/Satan thing. Hades is the ruler of his domain. The CEO. Satan is an Officer. He has a board he needs to answer to (... Legion?). that's the difference.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:08:02 PM »
Sackhoff has a good 6" on Murphy.

Jaime Camil as the male Eeb.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 24, 2016, 12:59:35 AM »
So Ian McShane is slaying it at Mr. Wednesday in the American Gods trailer.

What do we think of him for Vaderrung?

Has anyone ever compiled a list of all the stuff that is "off" in PG? Just a bullet point list of the things that dont add up to the rest of the series or dont line up with the events of the big picture?
After reading the series so many times, I kind of think that PG doesnt take place in the same timeline/reality as the rest of the series. Just to name one thing really quick: Why does the sign in Mac's say "Accorded Neutral Ground" instead of the "Accorded Neutral Territory" like all of the other books post GP?
Maybe Ill try to set up a list like that and post it on its own thread after reading it again...

Did you read my Proven Guilty Mysteries thread? I tried to answer most of the issues using PG and Doylist and Watsonian speculation (some narrative feel stuff, some knowledge from later case files).

I tried very hard to find a theory that makes more sense than TT Harry, but I did not. Time travel makes the most sense for that novel.

The issue I have with Thomas is that, if Thomas knew Harry was going to time travel back at some point, why was he so sure Harry was dead after Changes?  Instead he would have been convinced Harry wasn't, because he hadn't traveled back yet. 

Elementary, my dear Griff. TTH explains to Thomas enough about not mucking around with the timeline that Thomas shadows Harry and rescues him when he needs to, and then does his best to stay out of the decision making process.

So when Harry dies, Thomas thinks that the timeline had indeed been mucked with and IT'S ALL HIS FAULT.

Also, as for other accomplices, I nominate Thomas. He shadows Harry for much of the plot, and when he joins the party, it is noticeable how apart from the group he is. Thomas doesn't really do anything to affect PG.

I would recommend looking into whether Harry had any off screen time in PG. My theory was that TTH was mentally time traveling*. This clears up a little bit more of the mystery, although it's possible that Harry doesn't spend enough time off screen to believably be participating in a separate plot with TTH at the wheel.

First, the crash becomes blindingly obvious as we meet TTH's first accomplice... Lash. That very scene makes a very important point about how good Lash's illusions are, and nobody can definitively prove that another car hit Harry. As to why, I deduced that the concussion PGH suffers prevents him from noticing any oddities during TTH's visit.

Second, obviously TTH needs to fix Little Chicago with Lash's help. Her act about how it's broken is an act, nothing more.

* Mentally projecting himself into his past body. See Slaughterhouse Five. Listen. Harry Dresden is unstuck in time.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: March 21, 2016, 03:22:19 AM »
Him I like. Definitely the right look for Dresden.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: January 16, 2016, 06:09:22 AM »
Pace is too gentle for Harry. I could buy Thomas maybe.

The late Alan Rickman would have been an excellent Bob.

If we're shooting for Storm Front Dresden, dude who plays Rafael on Jane The Virgin would be an excellent Harry.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: December 27, 2015, 11:04:16 PM »
Well I just saw Star Wars.

Oscar Isaacs for Ramirez, please.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: October 28, 2015, 02:18:00 AM »
Paul Blackthorne as Malcolm Dresden.

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