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Messages - Oblyss

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DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:55:24 AM »
No, I get why you need to do the spell, and why being interrupted is important. But why is precisely when you spend the Fate Points important? Your FP total winds up the same either why is the timing of that particular expenditure relevant?

Because the fate points are going unused, they get refilled back up to my total adjusted refresh each new session right? I've been ending sessions with one fate point still available, and between sessions a refresh happens that would give me that point back correct?

I could either spend it at the start of a session towards my spell, then I am out of fate points for that session when I am inevitably going to be attacked and make horrible rolls I can't fix with that fate point now.

Or I could spend it near the end of a session, I go a little bit without it, then session ends, refresh occurs. I get it back right when next session begins.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 31, 2012, 12:34:59 AM »
No, I think you're right. From description you have to be in Phase 2 on p. 262, not Phase 3. You could get interrupted during that phase and still maybe be okay, depending on the nature of the spell, and could take multiple sessions. You should be able to Invoke any Aspects you have at any point during that phase (though you could invoke each one only once during one using 3 FP to use your High concept three times).

So assuming you're still in that phase, you're good to spend FP when you like...though to be honest I'm finding it difficult to figure out why it matters that much. You get 1 Fate Point per session regardless of when you spend them so...little unclear why this matters.

Okay thanks. And the reason is because I'm a wizard that only gets one refresh per session hah. Excluding the ones from my compels, but I've been having to use them a lot to get by. I've been using dice that we figured out favored 1, yay. Changing to a dice generator program from now on. But anyway, it's just a helpful boost to the spell with unused fate points. I understand the limitations on this method.

Edit: Also the reason is, while my character is trying to prepare for the spell. A bunch of thugs have been attacking them, so the spell's been put on hold during the complexity stage. The new few hours she won't have time for it and she'll have to consider dealing with a red court face.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:13:16 AM »
Thanks for the extra tips you two! I'll keep that in mind.

Another thing I'm trying to figure is, I'm currently working on a big 31 shift thaumaturgy in my game. And currently I'm trying to meet the complexity while thugs have been attacking me. So we've gone a couple sessions still preparing the ritual, and I've had tons of fate points go unused at the end of every session.

My GM doesn't think I can spend these fate points to boost my lore on the ritual each session, and that I "have to spend it all at once."

My take on this is that they are confused about meeting complexity and gathering power. Am I wrong?

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 29, 2012, 12:08:17 AM »
Leaving them open is the reason they're crazy good, IMO. Lets you do almost any effect you want more or less on the fly. Very handy.

I see, thanks!

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 29, 2012, 12:03:41 AM »
New question.

I've been looking into potions, and one guy says they are crazy good. So I'm considering taking a few slots out of other locations to open up for one or two potions.

I don't know what kind of potions I should use though if I do that, I know I can leave them blank and try to roll my Lore to decide on the fly. Though one good idea seemed to be stat boosts to discipline, conviction and athletics.

DFRPG / Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:56:04 AM »
Ninja turtle parodies

That is hilarious. I only just started playing so I don't have many stories yet.

The first mission was to help a changeling girl escape her father, Jack Frost, who wanted her to turn full faerie so she wouldn't die of old age. And the problem was, she had managed to get herself indebted to him.

My wizard ended up managing to negotiate her debt with him saying that he wouldn't force her to become a faerie, she wouldn't choose to become mortal, and she'd come live with him for a year or so to give him time to convince her to become faerie and see life there isn't so bad.

We got back to the church where she was hiding and started talking and explaining how it was in her best interest. She finally agreed. Then my character said, "Well in any case, he never agreed that she had to go live there immediately."

My GM suddenly face palmed.

Then in one of the next sessions, I had human thugs trying to assassinate me. This involved my car not starting, later finding out it didn't start because the ignition was rigged with C4 and my wizardness broke it.

Then they caught me stealing bones from a museum and tried to shoot me up. I later found their friend's hide out, knowing the secret knock I decided to blow the door down anyway and do a Dresden style entrance like at Marcone's diner.
(click to show/hide)

I tried to intimidate them, the GM said they were too dumb to know they should be scared and tossed me a fate point. Negotiations for information fail. I threaten them some more and Rod says, "Ha! You can't hurt me!" Then he held up a crucifix in my wizard's face.

I busted out laughing at that point, the rest of the scene was less of a joke. Even my GM declared that Tod must be "On a mission from God" rolling +4 on all his dice to avoid my enchanted bullets(I had at this point been punched in the face for 3 straight stress, and this is also what lead to me training my athletics up a bit higher and reconsidered my life choices. So I was less worried about breaking the first law, but I was aiming low..)

I managed to get some spirit armor up before any more blows hit me, and at that point they realized they weren't going to hurt me again and they decided to talk. Which eventually ended up being:

"Oh we were hired by the local red court leader."

So that's how today's session ended. And now my wizard has 8 hours to plot an assassination of the Local Red Court leader and frame someone else for it if they want to kill her. We've set it up so she's not an important/smart vampire, but she's a mouse trap set by actually important red courts meaning they'll come down on whoever kills her.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:37:58 AM »
I wouldn't call it clear.

When I first read that, I thought it was a special exception to the normal consequence-inflicting rules. 20 shifts for killing, no questions asked, to provide some extra incentive to kill instead of filling consequence slots with various permutations of TIRED and BLOOD LOSS. (And maybe a SEVERED LIMB for the extreme slot.)

And if I drag my enemy in to my sacrificing room after a massive brawl where I inflict every possible consequence to him, I want some shifts.
I'm kinda with you on this part. I think if you're the one who inflicted the consequences on him then you definitely would get full shifts. I think it's a lot more gray after that and I wouldn't know.

As for rabbits, the book says you only get 2 points for killing them "with a spoon". I imagine because they're both unintelligent, weak, small, young. Not much magical energy to them due to all of that.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 27, 2012, 11:43:39 AM »
Technically? Yeah, that works fine.

But there's a catch: 20 Shifts is if they still have all their Consequences. It's based on inflicting said consequences. Mostly, enemies get taken out or even more often concede instead of taking Consequences...but if you're planning on capturing them, they may concede (with death their concession) or (potentially much worse) fight through all their Consequences. So doing it reliably is pretty much not gonna happen. They start fighting to the death real quick.

As a one-off? Yeah, it'll work fine and technically breaks no Laws.

Cool thanks, that's good to hear. Obviously not something that'd happen often, but I wanted to ask because I do see it coming up.

My group's city is infested with vampires and I think it may come up at some point, and my character might be able to use Black Courts really well for this. Other courts, possibly. I'll keep the catch in mind that they need all their consequences for it to be 20 shifts.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 27, 2012, 10:45:01 AM »
Had some new questions come up, and figured I'd just add them to this thread instead of a new one.

I've finally got a couple sessions under my belt and having a good bit of fun. Almost died in the first battle my GM sent a fetch at me and I made mistakes regarding how many shield uses I had.

Anyway, still trying to learn thaumaturgy's rules and such, but one thing I noticed had me curious. It says you can sacrifice a sentient for 20 shifts to lore in thaumaturgy. Now, obviously most of the time this violates the first law and such. Though I was curious if you used something like a red or black court vampire for the ritual, does it still give you the 20 shifts, and does that count as lawbreaker? I'd say no on the lawbreaker, but I have no clue about the 20 shifts.

Except that it
(click to show/hide)
Edit: I also understand this is speculation, and that in this book it was mostly a matter of linking rather than power summoning.

 Would this be a "good law abiding" way for my character to get quick and powerful thaumaturgy spells off, if they could pull it off? Even if it counts, I imagine you'd have to do something like toast them with a big shift evocation unless you had them prepped in some way.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:56:10 AM »
Cool thanks!
Pretty sure that's everything for now then.

So far the city creation has been pretty fun, we decided to throw vampires(Aspect: Red, White and Black all over) in the mix in philadelphia. For the white court we went with House Malvora, and after looking at some stuff around the city we found out there's a big Prison that's a tourist site now "to visit and get spooked", and it turns into a haunted house on halloween.

The reviews for it online are always "Really convincing monster actors!" I got a huge laugh out of it.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:34:23 AM »
Yep. That's all correct (though powering some stuff with raw death energy might be hard to justify). Sponsored Magic's pretty cool, but then it oughtta be for 2 Refresh.

Okay I see thanks for all the help, and touching back on my aspects I started to settle on this.

High: Your Friendly Neighborhood Necromancer
Trouble: If the Ref doesn't see it. It's legal.
Any means Necessary
Death Serves Me (lawbreaker)
Politics is my favorite Game
I'm not always such a smart ass, sometimes I'm asleep.
I'm Everybody's Friend ... Until I'm Not

I just started considering smart ass because I thought it might make for some fun situations. Though I don't know what these games are like yet, and the last one seems like it might help my character not alienate everybody they come across.

The alternative for either of those last two I figured would be an Ebenezer type NPC for my character that helped them out in the transition.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:06:47 AM »
That was one of the major changes between the pre-release and the final draft.  It can be fun going through the two versions and seeing what else changed.

Then guessing at why it changed.


I can imagine.

Also looking at this bit:

In addition, if you already practice evocation, you may use a sponsored power source to “supercharge” an element you’ve already specialized in. So Summer magic might combine with the air element to give a “breath of life” effect; hellfire might combine with fire to produce, well, hell-fire; and Kemmlerian necromancy might combine with the spirit element to inflict potent visions of death upon a victim. This sort of combination allows the spellcaster to use his existing evocation specialization bonuses with the new power source.

Okay so, any evocation type I have specialized in, I can supercharge in with kemmler and use my necromancy specialization bonus for control of it? And then I just faintly explain how that works out in flavour? I don't need any rationalization past that?

So for me, currently it would be only applicable for spirit, but later say if I specialize in fire. Would I be able to super charge my fire with kemmler, and use necromancy bonus to control it? And then say I fueled flames with the power of death? Maybe give it a new green/black/blue/pale-white color to go with it.
(click to show/hide)

Not quite, your basic 1 slot Item would be 5 shifts, 1 use, or 4 shifts, 2 uses. So the 2 slot version is only 4 uses, not 5.

But since the better one's allowed, I'd go with that.

Oh okay thanks, I'll go read up on that section so I know what I'm doing.

Currently here's my idea for this item:

Kemmlerite Gauntlet
   (8 shift Block or Armor 4, 5 times per session) (6 item slots)

I'm still trying to decide if my character is going to be going around in robes or a more Constantine-esque outfit, but I thought a medieval gauntlet would be really cool on either one. The idea being this is some enchanted item she stole from the kemmlerites on her way out, and of course by this point it has lost any power it once had, and is now solely being refreshed on her own magic. It's just a flavor thing and has no real power on it's own.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:28:39 AM »
Yup, that's the current version. With that and your 6 slots you can make the item I suggested above (which I'll repeat here):

Robes (8 shift Block or Armor 4, 5 times per session) (6 item slots)

Which is both more powerful, and, IMO, more fun. Less boring anyway.

Oh sorry, I saw that though my GM said they want me to reduce the armor down to 2. So right now I have it set up like this.
   (4 shift Block or Armor 2, 5 times per session)  (2 item slots)

Is that correct?

Edit: The GM said under these rules the armor 4 is okay since it's limited use.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:09:13 AM »
Okay, I found a newer version. The one I had was indeed outdated, the new book says this.

You may increase the number of uses per
session by one by reducing the base strength
of the item by one. So if you have Good (+3)
Lore, you could create an enchanted item with
an effect strength of Good (+3) that you can
use once per session, or an item with an effect
strength of Average (+1) that you can use three
times per session. When doing this, the base
strength of the item may not go below 1.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:55:12 AM »
Uh...the current rules have no proviso for always on items (which strikes me as a good thing, IMO). If you're using a version that does (likely the Early Bird PDF, which has such rules, but is very very obsolete)...then that doesn't quite work. See, Armor is always half the shifts of the effect, so you're halving 8 twice to get an armor rating. Or to put it another way, it'd be a permanent 4 shift block or permanent Armor 2.
I'm a little confused then, my book says this.

The uses-per-session limitation may be
removed by halving the base strength, rounded
down; so if you have Good (+3) Lore, you could
create a one-use-per-session item with an effect
strength of Good (+3), or an always-on item
with an effect strength of Average (+1).
I'm curious if we're using an outdated rule book now. I brought this up to my GM and we're looking into it. Mine says "OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a"

If you've only spent 4 items, you've got an open Slot, though.

Oh, Spirit's definitely your go-to element here. And, if you have Kermmlerian Necromancy, Power's the specialty you want, since your Necromancy control bonus can be used on appropriately death-y Evocations. So, that being the case, you've got a good setup. Though bear in mind that free slot.

Well, as a permanent item isn't going to be nearly as potentially powerful. Or cool. Indeed, you'd be better off just getting some kevlar and using the slots elsewhere. One reason the permanent item rules were removed from the current version of the game.

Okay thanks for the tips, my GM said I should knock the armor down to 2. So I'll do that. I also have to figure out what my other items should be in that case, since I have a lot of free slots now any suggestions on where to put them towards? Also for spirit evocations using necromancy control, what sort of justification do I need for that? Or does it just always work that way?

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