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Messages - gojj

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DFRPG / Re: Picking up and losing powers mid-session
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:20:43 PM »
Edit: Huh, odd. gojj and Arcane posted at the same time, as did me and Jack. Interesting.
*Cue Twilight Zone Music* You are traveling through another dimension...

DFRPG / Re: Picking up and losing powers mid-session
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:32:55 AM »
While I don't have much experience in  this, I imagine the simplest thing to do would be to give him Fate points equal to the refresh he is dropping.

DFRPG / Re: Autumn Hunter
« on: September 26, 2013, 04:23:31 PM »
As a quick side note I think that Wildness should be included in Autumn's magic, it is shared by both Summer and Winter and I think it is logical to assume that Spring and Autumn have it too.

I'm just going to fire some Rote ideas off, some are probably better than others:

Vine Trap : Useful for pinning down creatures for offensive or defensive purposes.
Accelerated Decay: As you can guess, this accelerates the rate at which things naturally decay. This is really only limited by your imagination and your GM's leniency
Frost Skin: Pulls moisture out of the surrounding air and creates a thin sheet of frozen armor on top of your skin/clothes.
Horn of Autumn: Instills your hunting horn with the power of Autumn, striking fear into those that hear it.
Sudden Stupor: Inflicts your target with sudden drowsiness.
Victory is Near: Your ally feels a sudden surge of renewed vigor.

I tried to hit all of your Abseelie categories, hopefully these at least get the idea train rolling.

You can also hit all of the Thaumaturgical types, so that should not be an issue.

DFRPG / New Stealth Power
« on: August 17, 2012, 03:52:10 AM »
I was going to create a character that revolved around a Stealth power. Basically it allows the user to become a pool of shadow, allowing him or her to pass through, over, under, or around any physical object without any difficulty. It gains all the perks of Cloak of Shadows as well. I looked through the Custom Powers List and didn't see anything like this, but if it's already been discussed I couldn't find it. My rough draft looks something like this:

Shadow Form -2
See in the Dark Perception rolls are not penalized by darkness.
Melt into the Shadows When in a reasonably sized shadow you gain a +2 to Hiding.
Shadow Form You become a shadow, granting you a +2 to Skulking when in a reasonably sized shadow. Any difficulties due to passing through physical barriers (door, window, fence) are reduced to 0. Others can opt to use Lore instead of Alertness or Investigation when attempting to locate you. You cannot manipulate physical objects in anyway while in Shadow Form
Quite as a Shadow You cannot be heard and cannot make any noise.

I was thinking about adding some kind of armor against physical attacks (guns, knives, and fists), but I am stuck between what makes sense and what is balanced. I also decided against altering your senses while in Shadow Form for better of for worse, just to keep it simple. Others can certainly modify this or add optional powerups but I'm trying to keep this a two refresh power so that Minor Talents can take this if they want.

The mechanics of actually changing into Shadow Form would be identical to changing into a Wereform.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 02, 2011, 04:32:32 PM »
I think that's a great idea, it's a much better prerequisite than my stunt. I also think it compliments the other detective Investigation stunts very well.

DFRPG / Re: Noob Questions
« on: September 12, 2011, 08:09:46 PM »
Thank you.

DFRPG / Re: Noob Questions
« on: September 12, 2011, 08:06:43 PM »
I'd like to tack on a question I've been wondering, but have been hesitant to make a thread asking it: What does RAW stand for? I know it relates to the rules, but that's about it. Rules and Ways? Really Angry Wizard?

DFRPG / Re: Help me design some rotes!
« on: September 12, 2011, 08:00:54 PM »
Alright, lemme take a look.

You have:

4 elements (1/2 a refinement)
2 evocation specializations (1/2 a refinement)
1 thaumaturgy specialization (free)
3 slots worth of foci (1 focus slot left)
1 houseruled item (uncertain cost)

So you have one focus slot and one refinement left. Subtract the cost of the Warden Cloak and see what you have left.

Ah yes, I missed the free specialization from taking a new element, you are correct.

DFRPG / Re: Help me design some rotes!
« on: September 12, 2011, 06:43:07 PM »
Stunts and Powers:
    -3 Evocation
    -3 Thaumaturgy
    -2 Refinement
    -1 The Sight
    +0 Soulgaze
    +0 Wizard's Constitution
       Evocation (Fire, Air, Spirit, Earth)
          Power (Fire +1, Earth +1)
          Control (Divination +1)
    Focus Items
          Offensive Control (Fire +1, Air +1, Spirit +1)
    Other Items
       Warden Cloak (Intimidation +1, Presence +1)

I'm not sure I understand the math here.

Evocation grants one Evocation specialization, Thaurmaturgy grants one Thaurmaturgy specialization, you have four focus items from Evocation and Thaumaturgy, and you took two refinements.

You used a refinement to add earth to your Evocation repertoire, used your Thaurmaturgy specialization to add one to your Divination control, used a refinement to add two specializations to evocation, three focus item slots for your wand, and I assume you used your last focus item slot for your Warden Cloak, I understand those, leaving you with your one evocation specialization.

Unless I'm missing something you have an evocation specialization that you are not using.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation vs Channeling and Thaumaturgy vs Ritual
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:29:44 PM »
Evocation compared to channeling:

1) One free specialization - which essentially is half a refinement.
2) Channeling can never take specialization through refinement.
3) Evocation further reduces the cost of all types of sponsored magic by 1.
4) Chanelling is only meant for those with unrefined or limited magical gifts - minor talents. If you are something more, you should have Evocation.

#1 means that the actual cost increase is negligible between Evocation and Channeling. #2 and #3 are significant bonuses. #4 means that the mechanical comparison makes no sense. If you are a powerful spellcaster, you should have Evocation. Only minor talents have channelling, thus making the difference mostly a moot point.

Good points, I just wanted to add something to #2. Point for point specialization bonuses are worth a bit more than focus item slots because with focus items you need to specify not only the element and either power or control, but also whether it is for offensive or defensive magic. So to mimic the effect of a +1 fire power specialization, you would need to purchase two focus items, +1 fire offensive power and +1 fire defensive power. However this advantage slowly dwindles as you add more and more refinements because specializations need to follow a ladder while focus items do not.

DFRPG / Re: A few questions regarding Stunts
« on: September 10, 2011, 10:23:51 PM »
Thank you all for your help. And just to clarify, when I said I wanted to add a trapping for the ninja, I meant that when I made him (awhile ago) I had wanted to add that stunt, not that I am wanting to add it now. I know it does not follow the rules of stunts, I was just unsure how adding entirely new trappings (not transplanting trappings from one skill to another) worked and was using that as an example.

DFRPG / Re: A few questions regarding Stunts
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:41:21 PM »
1. Usually a stunt can move 1 trapping from 1 skill to another skill.

However the book states that an entirely new trapping can be added (YS 147), and I am wondering that if a new trapping is added how much can it impede on existing trappings? The example from the book suggests adding an Herbalist trapping to Survival, allowing the character to make declarations concerning plants and use them for minor first aid. The latter part slightly encroaches on Scholarship's Medical Attention trapping.

2. If you think a stunt should give a bonus in one situation while giving a penalty in another, You are probably looking for an aspect, not a stunt. You will get a lot of compels on a "blind" aspect, and you can spent them on the same aspect in different situations with the argument that your other senses are heightened.

How about this:
Blind master: You gain +3 instead of +2 for invoking aspects in physical combat that are related to your senses other than sight.

My apologies for giving a bad example as your solution is an easy fix but does not answer my question. If you do add a penalty to a stunt, can it give more than two shifts of effect? I know that the more specific the application the more shifts a stunt grants, but I'm talking about fairly broad circumstances where a stunt would normally give a +2. Again, I'm looking at the Listening stunt (YS 153) as reference.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:29:52 PM »
Ah, I see. At first I thought you were suggesting something like the stunt in your first link. Hm, interesting. I would then agree with you that this can be done while retaining the two refresh bonus, provided that the items are difficult enough to require. Now "difficult enough" could be another thread altogether and I am nowhere near qualified enough to be throwing around concrete numbers, but if the players and their GM all agree on a scale and all think it is fair then I see no problem with it. And as was suggested earlier the supplier might call upon the player for some favors in return for all the magical goodies he/she has provided.

I thought you were suggesting that if a player rolled well and threw in a couple fate points and they got something like a ring with a weapon: 8 blast that can be used three times each game, they would have that at the start of each and every game thereafter.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:11:25 PM »
But the stunt I recommend does not actually give permanent access to anything. It just lets you borrow from NPCs on a case-by-case basis.

PS: I actually agree with you about that. What I disagree with you about is whether a mortal stunt can boost things that have to do with supernatural powers. Stuff like +2 Craftsmanship while The Sight is open.

So you are not suggesting a stunt that lets the player (assuming they made whatever difficulty role the GM sets) have an enchanted item that recharges with each new session like a normal enchanted item, but instead allows the character to borrow the item for a set amount of time, most likely included in the difficulty role, and once that time has expired, or the enchanted item is used up, the player must then make a new role for a new item. And they can carry as many items at once as the stunt allows. Is that all correct?

DFRPG / A few questions regarding Stunts
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:04:23 PM »
1. If you add a new trapping to a skill, how much (if at all) can it encroach on the territory of trappings of other skills?

Example: One of the first characters I made was a ninja and at first I wanted to add a trapping to Burglary called Ninjitsu; it would essentially be my go-to-trapping for all of my ninja-y stuff I wanted to do. But I decided against it because I thought it would encroach too much on Stealth (sneaking around), Weapons (attacking from shadows), Deceit (making disguises), and Craftsmanship (making small incendiary devices).

2. Is the Listening stunt a rule or more of an exception to the rule? It is the only stunt in the book that gives more than a two shift bonus at the expense of lowering another skill temporarily.

Example: Say I wanted to make the stereotypical blind martial arts master. I want to give him a stunt representing the fact that his other senses are heightened due to his lack of sight, something like: Heightened Senses: The lack of sight has made your other senses much sharper. +3 to Alertness rolls (Avoiding Surprise and Passive Awareness) when sight is not necessary, if sight is necessary then Alertness is automatically Terrible. Finer points aside is it possible to increase the shifts a stunt gives if a probable penalty is added?

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